Seahawks you've met?


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Oct 16, 2009
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Dave Krieg when working in cell phone sales.

He was super cool and told stories about his time in football and moving all around the country during his career.

One story of note was his time with the Cardinals. He was saying the line was so bad he told the fullback Larry Centers that he was going to check down a lot just to avoid getting hit. Larry Centers as a fullback in 1995 had 101 receptions.

Seattle Person

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May 3, 2021
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I've seen several sports people throughout downtown. Not really met many players but have seen them around. I went to middle school with Alameda Ta'amu, Senio Kelemete, Jonathan Amosa, and Mychal Ladd. Ta'mau, Amosa, and I had band together for a few years. We were all knuckleheads and used to play paper football when we had subs or had extra time in class.

I had homeroom with Mychal Ladd and used to play basketball with him. He played with Paul George at Fresno State. I've met a few basketball guys and there have been mostly cool. People I know that have met Tyler Lockett and KJ Wright say they are really nice.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
I shook hands with Walter Jones a few years back when we played in London. It was in a crowded bar and as he was making his way towards the bathroom, I stood squarely in front of him and extended my hand, giving him two choices: Shake hands or run over me.

Walt is one of two HOF'ers I've shook hands with, the other being Bob Feller.


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Oct 23, 2016
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Hua Hin, Thailand
‘95-97 I worked for a security company that had a contract with Iguana Cantina on Pier 70. At the beginning of the shift I worked the door, patting down everyone going in. That’s where I met Chris Warren, James McKnight, Eugene Robinson, and Slick Watts (I know, not a Seahawk, but my very first sports idol, so it was a huge deal). Only Watts and Robinson were chatty every second of everywhere they were; engaging everybody with witty banter and big smiles. Really cool dudes. The other guys were all about just getting into the club! Hahaha.


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.
I met several Sonics in my younger days, Slick yes he was a great guy, but I also played Basketball, Some of the Sonics would go to the Paine Field Gym occasionally to work out off season, Tolson, Derline, a few others and play in some of the pick up half court games. It was cool, Derline was a 3 point guy before the 3 point shot, long range bomber, he was tall also for a Guard even back then about 6'3".

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He was really good, comparable to Pete Marovich if he would not have had a Knee injury his second year in the league.


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Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
Marcus Tru's kids went to the same school as my daughter. Great family.

Saw Byron Maxwell at the Landing as I was leaving Danner. I think I startled him..I just told him how much I appreciated his heart & hustle and good luck on his bext contract. Dapped him up and went over to 5 Guys.

Marcus cat! :lol:

Eugene Robinson was cool peoples.

There's more but my render is finished so back to work.

Hockey Guy

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Aug 26, 2017
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I high fived Steve Largent in the Wamu center before a game. He was on his way to be introduced during the celebration of the 1st Seahawks playoff team.

I saw a whole bunch of players from that team but that was my only brief contact.


Apr 30, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
Earl Thomas at airport in Hawaii. Shook his hand and he said he's just chillin' with his brothers and doesn't want to be bothered.


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Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Chris Warren at a Bullets/ Sonics game In DC many years ago. It was after the game, I was hanging out waiting for the players to hopefully come back out to sign autographs. All of a sudden, I see Chris trying to walk down to the court and the usher stops him and says that fans aren't allowed down without court passes. So I go up to the usher and borderline yell... 'do you know who this is??? ( he didn't know) , ... 'this is NFL pro bowl, Seattle seahawks running back Chris Warren here to see his friends on the Sonics'. Chris looked at me like - wtf... who are you??. But the usher apologized asked for his ID, Chris obliged and he was allowed down. But before that, we talked for a minute and he explained that he'd never been recognized in public before. He asked how it was I was a fan, expressed his gratitude and then I took a picture with him that unfortunately was at the end of the film roll so didn't develop properly. It was a pretty cool experience.

Also met Sam Adams when he was with the Ravens. Went to an autograph signing session. He asked me who I wanted the hat signed to and I just said 'my dad'.. he sat there for a second just looking at me and then chuckled and said 'I need your dad's name, buddy.' Was pretty funny.


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Aug 16, 2009
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Zorn tossed me a ball before a game vs the Jets in NY (Jerry Rice year)
Kreig briefly
Had a former client of mine who was a coach on the team (sorry won't name him) and had dinner with him and some position coaches the night before a Giants game in NY in 2002. The next day after the game we were hanging out in the players family/friends area and I was talking with Mack Strong and his mom (both super nice). Mack was really hurting as he said he was hit in the ribs. Also got to talk a little while with Hasselbeck and we talked actual plays. I asked when the D shows cover 2 why not send more receivers out? He said he agrees bit Holmy doesn't trust him yet, lol. He was hurt when I saw him (had a soft cast on hand). I also asked him how his brother was and he said ask him yourself and called him over.


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Nov 16, 2009
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North Pole, Alaska
Pete Metzelaars in the Post Office on Mercer Island. I chirped “Seahawks” and he gave me a thumbs up. This was in 83-84 I believe.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


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Jul 10, 2013
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Baldwin - Multiple times, all good. Except for the one time at training camp where I was trying to help my 9 month pregnant friend get an autograph and i said "can you sign this for my friend, she's pregnant" he stopped and said "why should that matter". He wasn't wrong, but the girl was being squished by a mob and was like a week from popping out her kid
Kearse - Multiple times, all good
Wagner = Multiple times, all good
Marshawn = Multiple times, good for who he is, but sad as a fan he didn't want to be bothered, which i respect but sad.
Russell Wilson = One time, was good.
Malcolm Smith= One time, was good
Richard Sherman = Several times, all good
Sidney Rice = One time, was good
Percy Harvin = One time, good
DK Metcalf = One time, good
Bennett = One time good
Avril = One time good
Trufant = Several times, good
Chancellor = Several times, good
Earl Thomas = Once, good

I used to go to events, I also work near the Renton Landing so that has its share of Seahawks. I also live in Bellevue, which again a lot hang in this area, a group used to play basketball at my nearby LA Fitness all the time so it was common you'd walk in when someone was walking in or out. Yeah I don't think I've truly had a BAD experience with a Seahawks player, but then again I tried my best in general to keep any meetings short and pleasant.


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Apr 11, 2010
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It was Springtime back in '1993' while working as a Millwright installing Multi-Opening Presses @ Boeing 777 Bldg. in Everett.
I was pushing tall gang boxes together as this HUGE black guy was trying to make his way between them before they came together..I managed to close the gap on his lunchbox before he could pull it back.
I think he said his name was Mike?....He was working there as a Laborer, heck of a nice guy, who sat and had lunch with me & told me that he played for the Seahawks.
I never thought of myself as a small guy at that time, was just over 6', 247 pounds, but I felt like a dwarf standing next to that behemoth
Being my usual entertainer self, I joked a lot, & he laughed a lot....Great memories & a great day. :irishdrinkers:


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Jan 19, 2011
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Jon Ryan after a game. Ok I'm cheating. It was after a CFL game with the Roughriders in 2019


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Some cool experiences listed so far. Here's some of mine...

John Randle (hilarious, wish he would have been a Seahawk from the start)..

Jon Kitna (hell of a nice guy, signed for every waiting fan in the rain after a game when most players went straight to their cars)

Brian Blades (an ill-advertised autograph signing were I was the only fan who showed or seemed to even know about it. We chatted for a good solid half hour or more. Cool guy.)

Played basketball with Bobby Engram, Darrell Jackson and Koren Robinson. The dichotomy between "shlub average dude" and "professional athlete" was never more apparent.

Drank a pitcher of beer in Cheney with punter Jeff Feagles. Easily one of my favorite Seahawk player memories. Dude was insanely hilarious and a blast to listen to. He was the savvy veteran and the only player on the team who wasn't intimidated by Holmgren nor his training camp curfew, lol.

Michael Sinclair at the Kirkland DMV coming off his NFL-leading 16 sack season. Just said "Big fan" and he nodded in appreciation. He had his kids with him so I didn't want to bother him.

Hasselbeck at the new stadium for a select group of fans to check it out privately. He walked up to me and we chatted just the two of us alone in the lower stands for a solid 5 or 10 minutes. Another one of my favorite memories.

Holmgren, Dave Brown and a host of others I know I am forgetting at the moment.

Various others at Cheney training camp in the late 90's early 00's...