Seahawks Should Sign Kaepernick Pure Future Business


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Sep 17, 2018
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Let me start by saying, history is not going to be kind to NFL teams and the blackball of Kaepernick. Whether you think he was or not, history will use that word.

Pete likes to be the old cool coach and if Seahawks signed Kaepernick, his legacy and coolness stock would go up, which in turn might be the reason a player chooses Seattle instead of wherever. Same can be said of J.S. you have to know that he has to miss being extremely popular/famous as he was during the LOB days and having commentators/analysts saying how great you are, when that goes away you miss it and want it back which he would if Kaepernick is signed and if turned out to be good...aww lawd, every or most every commentators will be talking about how smart they were to get him and on and on. And it would make the Seahawks the cool team, the team that tried to right a wrong. Once again, doesn't matter what you think unless you are currently playing in High School, College or Pro because I do not know the exact number but a very large number of players think he got screwed and those are employees and if you have a business that a lot of people is trying to help right a wrong for an injustice that you personally have stock in, that is a company you would do things for that you probably wouldn't with someone else. Im surprised some other team hasn't tried to look like the team that cares just to boost profile and profits. If you think that signing Kaepernick would be bad for business then you are crazy. I think if a team would have brought him in to be a backup and that teams number 1 QB wasnt a franchise guy, that could have been an issue because it would have affected a young or non franchise guy to have Kaepernick behind you and players releasing videos saying he should be starting and before you know it it's been warped into QB vs QB and there wasn't one QB that wanted to be looked at as Kaepernick's nemesis especially the way stuff gets conflated to make outrage a crop. You had some teams that didn't need him but you had some teams that should have taken him from a Football, money, image issue that didn't and he might have not gone with a team that he thought signed him to use as a image fluffer.

I'm saying just from a Business angle we should sign him. The upside so outweighs any negative and I can almost guarantee if we did sign him, it would be the reason at least one(I think more) player now or in the future picks us over another team, or takes a more favorable contract or stays inbounds or late in weight room or whatever. And if he still had something players would play hard for him due to their feelings about issue. Sign him.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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I respect your personal opinion on Kaep, but you obviously haven't been to too many Hawk games, or frequented sports bars on gameday.

I'd say half of football fans, that includes our fan base would be irate if we signed Kaepernick.

So good business decision? No, I think all the things you're talking about are exactly the reason he hasn't been signed in six years. His talent doesn't outweigh the media and fan firestorm that comes along with a polarizing player like Kaepernick.


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Mar 3, 2007
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If he can play sign him. Idc about the politics of it, if he can help the team get him in


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Sep 17, 2018
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I'm in VA but have been to Seattle to see a couple games. I'm talking about the entire country fanbase. I don't know what the sports bars in Seattle look like and don't know if it's the 49ers thing or because he took a knee during anthem. Winning or being good helps with both. I assumed Seattle would have had less of an issue with the knelling than my hometown in SW Va. I could be wrong but I also know the number of people that told me they would never watch a NFL game again or a Washington Redskins game if they change their name was multiple times on the daily, we're back at bar watching. People like to watch the people they love but love to watch the people they say they hate.


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Sep 5, 2016
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Stud:2dkl3bij said:
Vahawkphan:2dkl3bij said:
Let me start by saying, history is not going to be kind to NFL teams and the blackball of Kaepernick. Whether you think he was or not, history will use that word.

I think you mean Liberals will use that word. And he did it to himself. Imagine being shocked that he got blackballed for disrespecting half the country with an offensive display of protest. He might've just as well taken a sh-t on a dead soldiers gravestone.

No sympathy.
You mean take a **** like the “patriot” did in the Capital building…
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Jan 8, 2013
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If I can handle a guy accused by 20 people of some type of improper sexual acts - then I can handle a guy that kneels for a cause he believes in.

I don't care.

Chop someone up with an axe in the bathtub and if you can stay out of jail, and throw tons of TDs? I am fine.

My concern is he won't throw tons of TDs.

I am a former veteran, so I don't care about the rest of it. Most people that get all worked up about the flag and put yellow ribbon stickers on their car don't do a damn thing for vets anyway. It is a dumb way to say you care without doing anything for the thing you supposedly care about.

What I care about is guys that throw TDs and win playoff games.

I don't think Kap is going to be that guy.

Honestly, if none of the QBs are going to be that guy? I would rather just be terrible for a year, bank raw talent and get ready to be good again in 5ish years. So signing Kap during that time is fine as long as he doesn't help us win.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Vahawkphan":v4sgvmpk said:
I'm in VA but have been to Seattle to see a couple games. I'm talking about the entire country fanbase. I don't know what the sports bars in Seattle look like and don't know if it's the 49ers thing or because he took a knee during anthem. Winning or being good helps with both. I assumed Seattle would have had less of an issue with the knelling than my hometown in SW Va. I could be wrong but I also know the number of people that told me they would never watch a NFL game again or a Washington Redskins game if they change their name was multiple times on the daily, we're back at bar watching. People like to watch the people they love but love to watch the people they say they hate.

You're confusing the general public with Seahawk fans, and football fans in general.

Football fans come from all walks of life, but the majority are blue collar, with blue collar sensibilities. That's all I'm saying.

To sign a player for some future social justice pat on the back is a head scratcher for me.

Who cares. If the dude can play, sign him. If he can't, don't. That's it.


Aug 10, 2018
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If he wants a try-out and then impresses at the try-out then fine. The other 31 fan bases will laugh at any team that signs Kaepernick. If/when he fails to make the active roster the media will slam that team as being racist. The onus is more on Kaepernick to show he's serious by actually playing in a lesser league, or at least working out with them for dual publicity. He was, and continues to be, SJW click-bait.


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Oct 1, 2010
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We were the only team to work out Kaep once and it seemed like he was more interested in the publicity than in an actual job. He then went on to include us in his lawsuit. It's not healthy to carry grudges in business, but at the same time it would be dumb for us to repeat a previous mistake.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Let me start by saying, history is not going to be kind to NFL teams and the blackball of Kaepernick. Whether you think he was or not, history will use that word.
Oh FFS. Idiots might use that word. Or SJWs. The real reason Colin Kaepernick doesn't have a job is Colin Kaepernick. Lest you've forgotten, and you apparently have, Kaepernick had a job as an NFL QB up until he voided his own damned contract. Since then, the "NFL" has given him several opportunities he didn't deserve, but he decided he could have more money and fame by being a professional victim.

There are probably many ways to destroy an NFL locker room. Bringing in Kaepernick would probably be one of the quickest and most effective.



Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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Oh FFS. Idiots might use that word. Or SJWs. The real reason Colin Kaepernick doesn't have a job is Colin Kaepernick. Lest you've forgotten, and you apparently have, Kaepernick had a job as an NFL QB up until he voided his own damned contract. Since then, the "NFL" has given him several opportunities he didn't deserve, but he decided he could have more money and fame by being a professional victim.

There are probably many ways to destroy an NFL locker room. Bringing in Kaepernick would probably be one of the quickest and most effective.
Why in the world do you think he would destroy the locker room? Do you think the locker room isn't... uh... supportive?

If Kaep has it still, why wouldn't we try him out? Let's not act like Drew Lock is or will ever be as good as Kaep was.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Why in the world do you think he would destroy the locker room? Do you think the locker room isn't... uh... supportive?

If Kaep has it still, why wouldn't we try him out? Let's not act like Drew Lock is or will ever be as good as Kaep was.
You seriously want someone in your locker room telling half of the guys there that they're slaves, and implies the other half is responsible for that?

No, just no. Kaepernick is old news. He's a million dollar body with a ten cent head. Let's get a QB who has actually played football within the last half-decade.

And quit talking like Drew Lock is the only other possible alternative to Kaepernick at QB. (And even if he was, I'd still rather have Lock. He, unlike Kaepernick, has played within the last half-decade.)


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
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You seriously want someone in your locker room telling half of the guys there that they're slaves, and implies the other half is responsible for that?

No, just no. Kaepernick is old news. He's a million dollar body with a ten cent head. Let's get a QB who has actually played football within the last half-decade.

And quit talking like Drew Lock is the only other possible alternative to Kaepernick at QB. (And even if he was, I'd still rather have Lock. He, unlike Kaepernick, has played within the last half-decade.)
You're letting your nonsense politics get in the way of a basic football decision.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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I smell a publicity stunt, he doesn't really want to play, most have forgotten about him and that means fewer $$$ so he has to stir the pot, to be relevant again. I hope they pass BIG time! I have been a fan since 1976....if they sign him, I am out!


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2013
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Why in the world do you think he would destroy the locker room? Do you think the locker room isn't... uh... supportive?

If Kaep has it still, why wouldn't we try him out? Let's not act like Drew Lock is or will ever be as good as Kaep was.
Colon Kap was just an average QB, who had a good year or two. His head was never into it, and could he even fit his hair inside a helmet, to say nothing of his ego?


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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He wasn’t black listed. You can kill someon or be a rapist, but if you have talent and you aren’t in prison, someone will sign you. Kaep backers, most are really soccer fans, just want to think he was really good. He wasn’t
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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2012
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In a lofty place tanglin' with Satan over history.
He wasn’t black listed. You can kill Simone or be a rapist, but if you have talent and you aren’t in prison, someone will sign you. Kaep backers, most are really soccer fans, just want to think he was really good. He wasn’t
Who is Simone? Or I guess I should've said who was Simone and who killed her and got signed to a roster?

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