Positives so far in 2 weeks

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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John63":1i95r9f4 said:
Well I am sorry for you that you are unable to connect dots. OR are that ridiculous to think for one minute that cumulative hits of any player does not have an impact. There are NFL players who have died from it. I have shown were hits were down and impact NFl QBs, Wilson is an NFL Qb enough said. I am guessing though for you if I posted facts showing getting hit by a car is not good you would say show me where it is not good for Wilson too. Right.

All football players, including QBs, take hits. Some suffer from CTE. Some even die.

On the other hand, many do not. Russ has taken hits. He may suffer from CTE now or later. He may not.

The only dots to connect are if Russ has taken and/or will take the hits that will cause him brain damage or not. Since his current play doesn't indicate any decrease in awareness yet, and he has every willingness to continue playing behind this O-line--by choice, no less, even when/if his life depends on it--then I trust Russell Wilson's opinion over yours. He seems very willing to take that risk.

As I've said, I'd bet Pete would love our O-line to be the best it can be. He'd probably love to see zero sacks. But Football is a game of compromises, player availability, team-fit, etc., and our FO has put their money where their priorities are to help the Seahawks win the most games possible. The first was to pay RW. Good move, obviously. Then they've placed players around him to help the team succeed. They're helping Russ do that.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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John63":2ogys5ng said:
Ad Hawk":2ogys5ng said:
John63":2ogys5ng said:
Ad Hawk":2ogys5ng said:
You've been hit a lot? They've added up over time, you think?

That could explain a lot about you.

But proves nothing about Russell Wilson.

Ahh yet I showed links and FACTS to support me and you show nothing. Thanks foro playing but MY pint stands and backe dby facts.

Prove it has affected Russell Wilson. That's what I asked you to do, so your facts are, again, irrelevant to the point.

I have go back to almost any year and you will see and drop off around game 10-12 for a few. By the way you obviously have decided common sense is not your strong point haven't you. I just showed Facts where it happens to every QB and you choose to ignore it and try some juvenile no [rove it happens to Wilson in the 4th qtr do triple over time in the last tenth of a second crap. Nice try your still wrong.

Thats two personal attacks just in this thread. If you can't make a point without juvenile condescension then hit up reddit.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
Positives you said?

1. Our run defense
2. Our pass offense
3. Almost mistake free special team plays.

Russ - MVP
DK - a super star in the making.
Lockett - his usual self.
Jamal - lots of wow but secondary so so.

Social mention:
Collier - if he keep improving, by late season he will be more than serviceable.
Poccic - no news is good news.
Lewis - wait til game slows down for him.

Sent from my IN2017 using Tapatalk

Ad Hawk

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Sep 6, 2011
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I would add our new rookie RG Damien Lewis who has serious potential to become very good. He's a rook now, of course, but has handled himself well considering there was no preseason and a limited off-season.


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Jan 8, 2013
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It's early, and mindblowing to say this, but if we are still doing this by week 4 you almost would have to compare this offense to the Greatest Show on Turf.

Because of all the long passes.

That is crazy to think we would ever see on a Carroll team.

2 games isn't enough time to say that yet, but wow.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Maelstrom787":3jqnb47s said:
John63":3jqnb47s said:
Maelstrom787":3jqnb47s said:
John63":3jqnb47s said:
ahh they did an analysis that is a fact nice try though. sorry dude. As to derailing no, this was about oline I talked about the oline talk to the others about it.

Yes, it is a fact that it is an analysis, but the analysis is based off of a subjective accuracy rating, which makes it an opinion.

If I put together a spreadsheet of "throws I think are good," it isn't automatically fact because it's posted on PFF. This cannot be real lol

posted multiple links and multiple sources of FACTS. so sorry my point is FACT and Proven.

Hmm, no, that's not how subjective analysis works, but okay.

Again, can we proceed with the intention of the thread? That okay with you?

my links showed Facts to support my point

but let's proceed


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Ad Hawk":2kuoqn98 said:
John63":2kuoqn98 said:
Well I am sorry for you that you are unable to connect dots. OR are that ridiculous to think for one minute that cumulative hits of any player does not have an impact. There are NFL players who have died from it. I have shown were hits were down and impact NFl QBs, Wilson is an NFL Qb enough said. I am guessing though for you if I posted facts showing getting hit by a car is not good you would say show me where it is not good for Wilson too. Right.

All football players, including QBs, take hits. Some suffer from CTE. Some even die.

On the other hand, many do not. Russ has taken hits. He may suffer from CTE now or later. He may not.

The only dots to connect are if Russ has taken and/or will take the hits that will cause him brain damage or not. Since his current play doesn't indicate any decrease in awareness yet, and he has every willingness to continue playing behind this O-line--by choice, no less, even when/if his life depends on it--then I trust Russell Wilson's opinion over yours. He seems very willing to take that risk.

As I've said, I'd bet Pete would love our O-line to be the best it can be. He'd probably love to see zero sacks. But Football is a game of compromises, player availability, team-fit, etc., and our FO has put their money where their priorities are to help the Seahawks win the most games possible. The first was to pay RW. Good move, obviously. Then they've placed players around him to help the team succeed. They're helping Russ do that.

So I can agree with mos tof that. My point is let sot try to say oru oline is good at pass blcoking,.....yet they are not.....yet.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Ad Hawk":1t20w2wj said:
I would add our new rookie RG Damien Lewis who has serious potential to become very good. He's a rook now, of course, but has handled himself well considering there was no preseason and a limited off-season.

I agree someone else posted his grades Excellent run blocker, not great pass, but he was nicked on pressure not sacks and that means there is promise.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Not sure how anyone can say I we've only faced poor defenses.

2019 the New England Patriots had the #1 scoring defense, and Stephon Gilmore was the NFL DPOY.

2019 they only allowed 4 TDs by receivers. Sunday, they allowed 4 TDs to receivers.

In 20 years, Bill Bellicheck has allowed 5 passing TDs only twice. One was Sunday night.

I think somebody's been imbibing spirits. :irishdrinkers:

I think I'll stick with my positive outlook on the OLine.

Oh, and I believe the DLine will improve too because of play by LJ Collier and Alton Robinson.

Hope that's not too much positivity for some. :179419:


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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John63":1alckyam said:
Maelstrom787":1alckyam said:
John63":1alckyam said:
Maelstrom787":1alckyam said:
Yes, it is a fact that it is an analysis, but the analysis is based off of a subjective accuracy rating, which makes it an opinion.

If I put together a spreadsheet of "throws I think are good," it isn't automatically fact because it's posted on PFF. This cannot be real lol

posted multiple links and multiple sources of FACTS. so sorry my point is FACT and Proven.

Hmm, no, that's not how subjective analysis works, but okay.

Again, can we proceed with the intention of the thread? That okay with you?

my links showed Facts to support my point

but let's proceed

Your links were:

1. The same exact link posted twice
2. Literally not objective analysis. It was based off of PFF's subjective accuracy ratings, making it a subjective article and therefore based on opinion rather than fact. Not only that, it was speaking about averages, not our specific quarterback.

At this point, you're not just wrong, but you're lying. Plus, you're lying to support an off-topic derailment of a thread. Just stop.

The offensive line has played positively enough to allow the offense to look like world-beaters and free Russell up to be Russell. That is a positive no matter how many of the same PFF link you paste into your comment.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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Maelstrom787":30ejk985 said:
John63":30ejk985 said:
Maelstrom787":30ejk985 said:
John63":30ejk985 said:
posted multiple links and multiple sources of FACTS. so sorry my point is FACT and Proven.

Hmm, no, that's not how subjective analysis works, but okay.

Again, can we proceed with the intention of the thread? That okay with you?

my links showed Facts to support my point

but let's proceed

Your links were:

1. The same exact link posted twice
2. Literally not objective analysis. It was based off of PFF's subjective accuracy ratings, making it a subjective article and therefore based on opinion rather than fact. Not only that, it was speaking about averages, not our specific quarterback.

At this point, you're not just wrong, but you're lying. Plus, you're lying to support an off-topic derailment of a thread. Just stop.

The offensive line has played positively enough to allow the offense to look like world-beaters and free Russell up to be Russell. That is a positive no matter how many of the same PFF link you paste into your comment.

Sorry dude not lying, showed facts you showed nothing so in the end your wrong and gone.


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
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John63":2ji4w8cu said:
Maelstrom787":2ji4w8cu said:
John63":2ji4w8cu said:
Maelstrom787":2ji4w8cu said:
Hmm, no, that's not how subjective analysis works, but okay.

Again, can we proceed with the intention of the thread? That okay with you?

my links showed Facts to support my point

but let's proceed

Your links were:

1. The same exact link posted twice
2. Literally not objective analysis. It was based off of PFF's subjective accuracy ratings, making it a subjective article and therefore based on opinion rather than fact. Not only that, it was speaking about averages, not our specific quarterback.

At this point, you're not just wrong, but you're lying. Plus, you're lying to support an off-topic derailment of a thread. Just stop.

The offensive line has played positively enough to allow the offense to look like world-beaters and free Russell up to be Russell. That is a positive no matter how many of the same PFF link you paste into your comment.

Sorry dude not lying, showed facts you showed nothing so in the end your wrong and gone.

Yeah, no. Neither wrong nor gone. Those aren't facts, they're subjective analysis that supports your viewpoint. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop lying.

Anyway, now that we're getting back on topic, as for a positive: Let's talk about how much better LJ Collier is looking. Excellent stop on the final play and he really isn't looking at all like a bust for a late first-rounder. I think he's going to continue growing into a productive starter. Not a big sacks guy, but he can set an edge like we saw in college when he's not hobbled like in 2019. Really eases the blow of Rasheem not being ready to go.

I'm a bit worried about depth for pass rushing, but Jamal Adams is getting home on blitzes, too. That guy can really do it all. If anything is going to stop this team, it's defensive talent and depth... but wow, the offense is looking incredible so far. Line is providing Russell enough time to be nearly perfect, even with a whole new right side and not even a full offseason of prep. Optimistic about their continued improvement.

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