People mad at DeBoer


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Sep 25, 2014
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Taking the Bammer job: Okay, it's a step up

Stringing along the players, coaches, fans, UW admin. and alumi like he did, and refusing renegotiate: Not how I was raised and slimey

Do I lose sleep over it, or care all that much five or six weeks later? Not really, CFB is a mess anyway...little loyalty


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Sep 16, 2022
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I understand people who try to maximize their income, because that is important to most people. I'm more sympathetic in the case of athletes because they have a limited window in which they can make their money.

But I also believe that not everyone is about maximizing their income. I know of many instances where people I know turned down higher paying jobs for a variety of reasons. Chris Petersen, who also took the Huskies to the college football playoffs, resigned at age 54, walking away from $4 or 5 million per year. He did that because he had integrity and because it wasn't all about the benjamins for him.

DeBoer had many reasons to stay in Seattle--he was building something great here, and what could be a bigger challenge than to succeed in a place that isn't a football power like Alabama or Ohio State? His daughter also plays softball at the UW. Isn't that by itself a reason to stay for the next few years? I know it would be for me. Also, moving to Alabama is great for him, but it also means uprooting the lives of your assistant coaches for whom being an assistant coach at Alabama is not the upgrade that it is for DeBoer.

(On a related note, it looks like another coach has decided to bail on DeBoer after initially following him there:

I understand how the coaching carousel works, and how you parlay your success at a lesser school for a shot at a bigger job. But sometimes it's better to stay put because you're already in a good place, and that jump to the next place might turned out to be the best thing for you.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I go by a lot of the comments from actual players. He fed them a line of BS. He interviewed for the Bama job BEFORE the Championship game. I don't care who you are coaching, that is slimy af. Makes it to the National Championship with, for the most part, someone ELSE'S recruits. And it's still not good enough for him.

I'll say it again, F him. Sincerely. That's my opinion, and I have a right to it. Don't give a flying F what someone else thinks about how I feel about what DeWHORE left behind and what he did to those players. I've been bleeding Purple and Gold my entire life. Go Dawgs. Go Fisch

People have a right to be mad. People have a right to support what he did.


Nov 29, 2015
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I understand people who try to maximize their income, because that is important to most people. I'm more sympathetic in the case of athletes because they have a limited window in which they can make their money.

But I also believe that not everyone is about maximizing their income. I know of many instances where people I know turned down higher paying jobs for a variety of reasons. Chris Petersen, who also took the Huskies to the college football playoffs, resigned at age 54, walking away from $4 or 5 million per year. He did that because he had integrity and because it wasn't all about the benjamins for him.

DeBoer had many reasons to stay in Seattle--he was building something great here, and what could be a bigger challenge than to succeed in a place that isn't a football power like Alabama or Ohio State? His daughter also plays softball at the UW. Isn't that by itself a reason to stay for the next few years? I know it would be for me. Also, moving to Alabama is great for him, but it also means uprooting the lives of your assistant coaches for whom being an assistant coach at Alabama is not the upgrade that it is for DeBoer.

(On a related note, it looks like another coach has decided to bail on DeBoer after initially following him there:

I understand how the coaching carousel works, and how you parlay your success at a lesser school for a shot at a bigger job. But sometimes it's better to stay put because you're already in a good place, and that jump to the next place might turned out to be the best thing for you.

Guess people will see what he's really like when all said and done and most is UW staff is elsewhere


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Mar 22, 2012
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The Bama job is only a "step up" because Nick Saban stayed with them and built them into a monster. With enough repeated success, the right coach could build UW into their own monster.

It pains me to say it, but Dan Lanning has the right idea in Oregon. He could have split this year, too. But he's committed to giving his all to the Ducks.

Fresno Hawk

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Oct 8, 2021
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He basically did what just about every college coach does until he lands one of the top jobs. If he works out in Alabama than I could see him staying there for a while.


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Feb 16, 2013
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Just because everyone is doing it doesn't make it right, moral, or justified. It just makes you cattle.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I think it's funny that someone gets bent of out of shape if something is mad at Deboer. Who gives a sh**? Feel how you want.
Being pissed at him is justified. Just like understanding why he took the just is justified to others. He's a slime like MANY in College these days. He hid a hell of a job while he was here, I appreciate that. Even if it was mostly from someone ELSE'S recruits.

I hope he fails miserably. Period.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2023
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I think it's funny that someone gets bent of out of shape if something is mad at Deboer. Who gives a sh**? Feel how you want.
Being pissed at him is justified. Just like understanding why he took the just is justified to others. He's a slime like MANY in College these days. He hid a hell of a job while he was here, I appreciate that. Even if it was mostly from someone ELSE'S recruits.

I hope he fails miserably. Period.
I mean I think it's fair to say that Jedd Fisch is no different. He's a climber as well. Always looking for that next best opportunity, just like Kalen. Fisch will probably be gone in 3 years & the cycle will continue, based on his reputation. That's why I don't take issue with Kalen deciding to jump ship. Because most of the top coaches in college would do the exact same thing if given the opportunity.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2022
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I think it's funny that someone gets bent of out of shape if something is mad at Deboer. Who gives a sh**? Feel how you want.
But does this same rule apply to the people who get upset about Taylor Swift?


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Sure it does. It's funny, but sure. If someone hates her, cool. Do you.
Plus come on, she's Satan. That seems to be the new one today :ROFLMAO: 🍿


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Sep 25, 2014
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People I know in Alabama are saying he interviewed for their job before the national championship game. That's a distraction.
Admittedly, Penix had a bad/terrible game. And without Penix on, they weren't going to win.
But the question really is whether UW dodged a bullet. Do we even know if he can win at this level without Penix?

I bet if we played the season and he stayed, we would be at about .500. Which means no Bama offer.
He had to take that job, it wasn't coming for a long time otherwise.
But Im not sure that as the pipeline ran dry, Kalen would thrive here. He struggled to recruit.
He worked the portal well, but as more teams fished in that same lake his effectiveness there would likely fall.
And we would be in a new conference with all the travel/logistics challenges still not ironed out.

That any UW fans are surprised he left surprises me. He left everywhere he's ever gone before, he left Fresno State last. He isn't from here. He has no connections to the program. He's from the MidWest.
He will probably struggle at Bama though. They won't like his defense and tendency to make mistakes to let teams back in games AT ALL.
I thought he'd stay four or five years. Was that naive? Maybe.

It's way more cut throat than it was 20 years ago.

It's the way he went about it that bothers people. He turned down a decent contract and strung UW along for weeks.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Oh well, he made his choice. Time to move forward w/out the guy. College football has become very slimy overall, imo.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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There is one thing....

Some whispers that part of the UW (or key parts) didn't want to support the UW athletic program or even actively sabotaged it?
The loss of our AD today is telling. Maybe Kalen read the tea leaves, but maybe he saw this and knew that no matter how he built - there were people trying to tear things down from the inside.
I heard those rumors too but I disregarded them because it seemed like people making excuses for Kalen at the time.
But our AD doing a Nope after being the guy to bring in someone to rebuild the program? That makes no sense.
Why leave when you might have started building something and the success would fall on you?
Maybe because you cannot stand some of the people in the org you have to deal with. It does shine a new light on those rumors at the time.

The stuff I am reading today is painting Troy as the jerk here. Maybe he is, I don't know, but that isn't how it was being whispered earlier.
(To be fair, if you are not from here and you come here to see some of the crud we allow here? I wouldn't want to bring my family here either. I have several relatives who just moved to TN recently for this reason, and I recently had a director of a WA state agency share shes leaving WA for AZ in a year because of some of the crud she sees. So Troy Dannon could just be trying to get our of the PNW for completely personal reasons.)


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2014
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San Diego, CA
The best job in college football is right here in Seattle. DeBoer was set to make $10+M here too, with a fan base who loved him. Ryan Grubb knew what's up. Maybe Grubb will hire DeBoer as an assistant when he washes out in Tuscaloosa

Glasgow Seahawk

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
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The best job in college football is right here in Seattle. DeBoer was set to make $10+M here too, with a fan base who loved him. Ryan Grubb knew what's up. Maybe Grubb will hire DeBoer as an assistant when he washes out in Tuscaloosa
In a power 2 conference, not a ton of pressure really compared to the East coast or USC. Basically be competitive in the new conference and try get into a NY6 bowl over the next few years. Shore up in state recruiting with the aim of poaching California and Hawaii talent.

In basketball, just try make the big dance every couple of years.

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