Imagine that, Sherm with something negative to say


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Jan 8, 2013
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The problem was not Wilson.

The problem was not holding the offense accountable like the defense was held.

But expecting Wilson to carry this team was doomed to fail, and it was unnecessary. The defense was already carrying this team - we just needed the offense to carry its weight. If anything, it got worse.

There are a number of reasons for this, not sure how many were Wilson. Not many though. His consistency issues maybe, but a lot of that sounds like the scheme he was forced to produce in.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I guess the Ravens and Bears with historic defenses squandered their chances as well. Plenty of great teams have only won a single title. But making it back to back? That's pretty damn impressive.


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Mar 16, 2012
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Sherman is absolutely, 100% right. They did lose their way. They stopped competing. They infused the team with good guys rather than ruthless winners. They forgot that their brashness and defiance is what made them who they were. They started drafting for role players rather than potential studs. They brought in soft veterans. Pete needed to be an asshole to Sherman a long time ago.
I think it's pretty funny, albeit totally predictable, that people are turning on possibly the most beloved and most Seahawky Seahawk of the era.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
He lost his way as well. He's a PART of it. He's not above criticism, even if you think he is. But yeah, let's just dwell on the guys who are gone instead of concentrating on the guys who are here. Of course, he won't let us forget him regardless :lol:
I will always appreciate what he did on the field, he was a game changer. Doesn't mean he's above criticism and wasn't a part of the problem.


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Sep 7, 2010
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Sherm is really struggling with how to cope with his being cut. It’s odd to hear a player talk this much about their previous team while still an active player in the NFL. I think it is unprofessional, and classless. You do not comment on other teams operations, or other players contracts etc. like this. Just keep it positive about what you are doing on your own team. Stay focused on your own stuff. Take the high road. Sherm way down in the mud since his release.

This is kind of like the McAdoo comments on the giants, but he is not a coach anymore. . . Or Avril on Ifedi. You just don’t get into this while active.


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Nov 5, 2011
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Coug_Hawk08":3eux8o4p said:
Sherm is really struggling with how to cope with his being cut. It’s odd to hear a player talk this much about their previous team while still an active player in the NFL. I think it is unprofessional, and classless. You do not comment on other teams operations, or other players contracts etc. like this. Just keep it positive about what you are doing on your own team. Stay focused on your own stuff. Take the high road. Sherm way down in the mud since his release.

This is kind of like the McAdoo comments on the giants, but he is not a coach anymore. . . Or Avril on Ifedi. You just don’t get into this while active.

He will get it tho. What goes around comes around in a much more difficult way. He may burn RW, but RW will burn him too.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Baldwin could beat any corner in the league. Just ask Patrick Peterson and Josh Norman if Doug can get open.


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Mar 22, 2010
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Spokane, WA
Things went downhill once the core got paid. They all lost a bit of their fire.


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Jun 18, 2018
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Coug_Hawk08":dg3x8vua said:
Sherm is really struggling with how to cope with his being cut. It’s odd to hear a player talk this much about their previous team while still an active player in the NFL. I think it is unprofessional, and classless. You do not comment on other teams operations, or other players contracts etc. like this. Just keep it positive about what you are doing on your own team. Stay focused on your own stuff. Take the high road. Sherm way down in the mud since his release.

This is kind of like the McAdoo comments on the giants, but he is not a coach anymore. . . Or Avril on Ifedi. You just don’t get into this while active.



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May 1, 2009
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Tical21":2oh3wgrj said:
Sherman is absolutely, 100% right. They did lose their way. They stopped competing. They infused the team with good guys rather than ruthless winners. They forgot that their brashness and defiance is what made them who they were. They started drafting for role players rather than potential studs. They brought in soft veterans.

And none of it resulted in a non-winning season until they signed a bad kicker and lost a promising starting RB to injury.

People here are so desperate to pin our struggles to a single correctable philosophy because it makes them feel better about our chances to rebuild. Unfortunately, the result is a lot of mis-pinnings. Truth is, a lot of NFL teams lose out on the Super Bowl due to factors outside their control (injury, lucky bounces) and respectable gambles that went south. It's not easily fixed.

Folks falling back on the "stopped competing" crap are wrong. Sherman is wrong. The team did not suffer through three losing seasons after The Play because of Bevell and a pack of big contracts. We were winning and firmly in contention the entire time, until 2017 when injury and a bad kicker killed us. There was no major glaring problem to fix until that happened.

That's falsifiable and quantifiable. Sherm's comments aren't. Let's see if he can go on backing his words up without his youth and health, or Earl and Kam.


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Apr 28, 2017
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SoulfishHawk":2di1rvxt said:
Baldwin could beat any corner in the league. Just ask Patrick Peterson and Josh Norman if Doug can get open.
I believe Baldwin V Sherman match up is going to be worth the price of admission alone, Neither will be happy about losing to the other, expect fireworks.


Sep 6, 2014
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I wonder if "losing their way" meant re-signing Marshawn, Bennett, and Kam?

I don't get what he's trying to prove here. We tried keeping everyone, and people's performances slipped. Not the teams fault here. The fact of the matter is, they can't get over the fact we threw the ball instead of running it. So maybe it's just best we move on from those guys.

Also, I'm not sure if this relates to what Sherm said but I need to express it: Players love to always go on and on about how "it's a business," meanwhile when the team tries to play the "business" card, the players go up in arms and have something to say about it. It's a two way street here, can't always get what you want.


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Nov 5, 2011
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GLio14":2m6r2vjy said:
I wonder if "losing their way" meant re-signing Marshawn, Bennett, and Kam?

I don't get what he's trying to prove here. We tried keeping everyone, and people's performances slipped. Not the teams fault here. The fact of the matter is, they can't get over the fact we threw the ball instead of running it. So maybe it's just best we move on from those guys.

Also, I'm not sure if this relates to what Sherm said but I need to express it: Players love to always go on and on about how "it's a business," meanwhile when the team tries to play the "business" card, the players go up in arms and have something to say about it. It's a two way street here, can't always get what you want.

To clarify the business angle...."It is a business until it is about me...then it is time for me to get paid."

Chalking it up to when it is about others, it is not that important. When it is about me, I am entitled to be paid more than what I am going to produce for the next 10 years.


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Feb 11, 2010
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TwistedHusky":1knyd48q said:
The defense produced, consistently.

The offense did not.

Whether the defense made mistakes occasionally or lost a game occasionally is immaterial. No system is perfect and no person or group is either.

But giving the keys to the team to the group that wasn't producing? That was bound to cause resentment and it did.

The biggest mistake this team made was not realizing what they had and not cherishing it more.

The 2nd biggest mistake was not holding the offense accountable like it did the defense.

The rest were all idiotic personnel moves. (Tate, Harvin, Unger, Graham, etc)

Either way, Sherman produced, kept this team in games and the LOB was literally the reason we made the SBs. He earned the right to say what he said.

"Keys to the team...?" What are you talking about. You realize the defense ate of the majority of the salary cap, they were paid, and then they stopped producing. If the majority of the salary cap is on one side of the ball you expect them to be lights out. They weren't.


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May 1, 2009
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GLio14":377477x0 said:
We tried keeping everyone, and people's performances slipped.

They didn't even slip that much. It's just widely assumed they must have slipped because our trajectory from '13 was slowly downward. Massive holes in such generalizations, unsupported by the stats. The root of the problem is folks not understanding why we won 48.


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Mar 3, 2007
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KitsapGuy":3va737i5 said:

Ain't that the truth.

Sherman's passion for the provocative habitually muscles its way into the conversation again and again. Now with the 49ers, Richard has added to his audience and expanded his play list. It's just more of Sherman being Sherman. With a bigger audience with which to play with, he would benefit with more in the way of new material. As I recall, repetition of the old Crabtree episodes got really old after awhile. But rest assured, there will be more episodes for those who, never the less, thirst after more of the same.


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
MontanaHawk05":6e9ejsh5 said:
GLio14":6e9ejsh5 said:
We tried keeping everyone, and people's performances slipped.

They didn't even slip that much. It's just widely assumed they must have slipped because our trajectory from '13 was slowly downward. Massive holes in such generalizations, unsupported by the stats. The root of the problem is folks not understanding why we won 48.

Sherm and TO had something in common.

Most football observation or commentaries from TO were quite accurate and even insightful. The problem with TO’s statement were why and how, ie objective of making such statement and how he did it. In the end, TO might be factually correct but those statements served no propose.

Sherm is the same way, why is he making such statement? How would that help the Hawks? Or 9ers? Or his ex-teammates, or himself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Oct 11, 2016
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Portland, OR
Richard Sherman":3gw76lmp said:
Yet Sherman can’t help but wonder what might have been in Seattle. The Seahawks won a single Super Bowl, after the 2013 season, and spent the next four years falling short in the playoffs against teams that couldn’t claim Seattle’s wealth of defensive talent. Now the band is broken up, with Michael Bennett, Kam Chancellor and Sherman out of the fold, and Earl Thomas in a contract dispute that could lead to a trade out of Seattle.

“It’s just unfortunate. It’s really unfortunate,” Sherman says. “I think it’ll all come out when they do the 30 for 30. Mistakes and poor judgment on things ruined what could have been a really special deal. You don’t have much left right now. And to say you’re not going to pay Earl Thomas is just ... There’s no decline in play there. He’s played the game the right way. Who do you have to pay? You have the two best linebackers in the game. You have the quarterback. You have a great wide receiver in Doug [Baldwin]. And you’re paying Duane Brown.

“They’ve lost their way. It’s as simple as that. They’ve just lost their way. When you make too many mistakes over a long period of time, you kind of dig yourself a hole. And then when you backtrack, you gotta make a bunch of rash decisions to try and fill the hole and hope that it holds up.

“I’m not even going to worry about it now. I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”

That's the full quote. Sounds more like a whistful reflection with his own honest opinion than him slandering the Hawks as I see it.