Hobbled Russell Wilson...


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
Hobbled Russell Wilson still makes critics eat their words after Seahawks’ 27-17 win over Jets

Wilson had a perfect passer rating at halftime. He completed 11 straight passes during one stretch....

All this from a guy playing through a pair of leg injuries that prompted Manish Mehta of the New York Daily News to write off the Seahawks before the game even began:

“A one-legged Russell Wilson is as useful as a right-handed Jim Zorn, which basically means Pete Carroll’s offense is screwed if the Seahawks quarterback doesn’t magically heal in the next few days.”

Kudos for knowing that Zorn was left-handed. As for the rest of the critique, well, it was a bunch of recycled half-thoughts lifted from the 2013 edition of How to Troll the Seahawks Quarterback.

“He’s very good, not great,” wrote Mehta.

http://sports.mynorthwest.com/195394/ho ... over-jets/