Got a spare $32K for some fellow 12s?


Well-known member
Jun 7, 2009
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Anchorage, AK
That is a really cool story, and I only wish them the best of luck in their endeavors, but $32,000 is quite a sum for tickets anywhere in the stadium.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Not to pee in the Cheerios but I am going to.

Thousands of dollars to adopt because they are paying an agency?

What about the thousands of foster kids that desperately need a home? I KNOW it doesn't cost tens of thousands to adopt them and it makes a huge difference.

That isn't a story about great fans, it is a story about misplaced priorities.

Recently, some friends of ours adopted two kids (8 and 10) that were in foster care. She was storing some furniture for her mother and decided that she could no longer store them because she wanted to have rooms for both kids. When she told her mom (who moved to Italy and couldn't take the furniture) her mom just told her to give it to the little girl.

Of course, when they told the little girl (10 year old) the little girl couldn't believe it because she couldn't believe that someone would just give her something like that. Why? Because the little girl had never had a chest of drawers before. Or her own bed. And there are plenty of kids like her that don't have anything, desperately need a real family and you have people paying 20K+ for a domestic adoption?

Ok whatever.

That is to say nothing about the countless teenagers who need a real home at a time you most need stability and guidance but cannot get adopted because they are too old. But let's do an article about a couple that wants to ask OTHER PEOPLE to pay their tens of thousands in adoption costs and then make it look like they are doing a good deed.


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Mar 12, 2012
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TwistedHusky":2048cq1n said:
Not to pee in the Cheerios but I am going to.

Thousands of dollars to adopt because they are paying an agency?

What about the thousands of foster kids that desperately need a home? I KNOW it doesn't cost tens of thousands to adopt them and it makes a huge difference.

That isn't a story about great fans, it is a story about misplaced priorities.

Recently, some friends of ours adopted two kids (8 and 10) that were in foster care. She was storing some furniture for her mother and decided that she could no longer store them because she wanted to have rooms for both kids. When she told her mom (who moved to Italy and couldn't take the furniture) her mom just told her to give it to the little girl.

Of course, when they told the little girl (10 year old) the little girl couldn't believe it because she couldn't believe that someone would just give her something like that. Why? Because the little girl had never had a chest of drawers before. Or her own bed. And there are plenty of kids like her that don't have anything, desperately need a real family and you have people paying 20K+ for a domestic adoption?

Ok whatever.

That is to say nothing about the countless teenagers who need a real home at a time you most need stability and guidance but cannot get adopted because they are too old. But let's do an article about a couple that wants to ask OTHER PEOPLE to pay their tens of thousands in adoption costs and then make it look like they are doing a good deed.

The article doesn't say which agency or why it is so expensive, and that is unfortunate. I agree it seems pretty ridiculous when you could adopt a foster kid for far less money. My guess it is a faith-based organization aligned with this couple's beliefs, and the agency has a lot of overhead it needs to cover and that is why it costs so much money.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
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I feel the same way as Twisted. Of course I don't know a lot about adoption but that's the impression I get too.

I feel the same way about dogs somebody goes out and spends hundreds/thousands of dollars to get a pure-bread when there are tons of dogs (or whatever animal) to adopt at the humane society.


Active member
Nov 18, 2013
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For starters, a 30k adoption fee is a drop in the bucket to how much it will cost so to raise the child. Are there many routes people can choose to go? Sure. But ultimately, they all need homes. Said baby will now get a home/family that will love and care for her.

Misplaced priorities? Child please.


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Mar 12, 2012
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It could also be a total con-job. Maybe they will adopt the girl they couldn't conceive on the fist couple of tries, and then make some small donation to the Church or agency or whatever, and pocket the rest. The more I think about this, the more messed up it sounds. I really hope no one gets taken for a ride by these likely scammers.


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May 10, 2010
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The other thing to remember is the foster child route can lead to broken hearts. It takes a very special individual to be a foster parent. You agree to take a kid in and at any momment the kid may be moved back to their biological parents or some other situation. Adoption through foster is not a guranteed thing and you could get attached only to be severely let down. I don't know the whole back story behind this couple but the route they are taking gurantees that the child is theirs to raise forever. And like akscoundrel said they all need homes so who are we to judge what route people take. Now if you want to question how they are trying to get the money that is another story. Not saying they do but for all we know they spend their weekly checks on going out to eat and taking trips all the time. That is where the priority talk comes in.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Misplaced priorities.

Is your primary reason to adopt because you want a kid or because you want to help a child have a loving family? They aren't mutually exclusive but when you start dictating that it needs to be a little girl (I wonder if they specified hair and eye color too?), then it is probably because you want the experience of having a little girl and not necessarily because of some altruistic leanings.

You want what you want, there is nothing wrong with paying for it as long as it is legal but trying to position it as some kind of an act of charity is BS.

This shouldn't even be in the Seahawk topics unless we were making a point that even though we have a great fan base, at least some of our fans can be foolish or self-centered?

They are asking other people to pay for something they want, it has nothing to do with what the other child needs because there are needy children already that don't cost 32K. This looks like an article about people who want something but want other people to pay for it.


Oct 3, 2010
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On a spreadsheet
I see a higher than average priced crib in a better than average room and people with season tickets asking other people to bank roll (to the tune of 291 times face value of the tickets) an adoption they know they have wanted for at least 4 or 5 years (judging by the looks of the kids in the picture.) Sorry if I don't see the feel good in that story. If they really wanted it that bad, they would have sacrificed for it. Giving up a single game isn't sacrificing.


Active member
Nov 18, 2013
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TwistedHusky":39wdtgkt said:
Misplaced priorities.

Is your primary reason to adopt because you want a kid or because you want to help a child have a loving family? They aren't mutually exclusive but when you start dictating that it needs to be a little girl (I wonder if they specified hair and eye color too?), then it is probably because you want the experience of having a little girl and not necessarily because of some altruistic leanings.

You want what you want, there is nothing wrong with paying for it as long as it is legal but trying to position it as some kind of an act of charity is BS.

This shouldn't even be in the Seahawk topics unless we were making a point that even though we have a great fan base, at least some of our fans can be foolish or self-centered?

They are asking other people to pay for something they want, it has nothing to do with what the other child needs because there are needy children already that don't cost 32K. This looks like an article about people who want something but want other people to pay for it.

At the end of the day, they(babies/kids) all need homes. Said people are stepping up to the plate and adopting a kid.

If you want to bitch at somebody, bitch at the people that charge 30k to adopt a kid.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
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Boy, this really doesn't strike me right. I could see if they were giving up their season tickets for a few YEARS that this might be interesting.


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Nov 18, 2013
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^Its not really a matter of trading 'value'. Those of us who don't have much money would like some value in the trade, but many others have a lot of money and would do it just to help out. Anybody who would buy those tickets probably already have tickets to the game/season tickets, and would just donate them or whatever


Oct 7, 2012
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As an active foster parent, my opinion lies somewhere in the middle. I am very familiar with the risks associated with the various systems (it is per county) involved in foster-to-adopt programs so can understand why someone would go through an agency (which are indeed pricey) instead. Most expensive (and 32K is on the upper side for a single child) adoption efforts are due to attempting to get children from overseas (China/Taiwan/Korea are the big ones). In my humble opinion, someone maintaining season tickets whilst petitioning for funds is going a bit far. If their priority is getting a child, no matter what mechanism, they should perhaps look at selling those tickets, and rearranging some other expenses, instead of begging for money. The fact that it has been made so public is another knock against them IMO.

-The Glove-

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Jan 20, 2011
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I agree with Twisted on this. This story just wreaks of a self-centered couple at best or a bold con-job at worst. They're not doing this to provide a loving, healthy home for a child, they're doing it because '"We have this vision for what our family's supposed to look like and we know our daughter is going to come to us through an adoption,' said Alexis." I pray nobody's heart is tugged enough by this to cough up 32 g's for these people.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
Bitter":2usfgx14 said:
I see a higher than average priced crib in a better than average room and people with season tickets asking other people to bank roll (to the tune of 291 times face value of the tickets) an adoption they know they have wanted for at least 4 or 5 years (judging by the looks of the kids in the picture.) Sorry if I don't see the feel good in that story. If they really wanted it that bad, they would have sacrificed for it. Giving up a single game isn't sacrificing.


This story makes me throw up in my mouth. It is no different from the people buying stuff on credit cards and then defaulting on it. They have season tickets and fly to every game or have them to sell them and make money off them. They couldn't save up a few bucks for years but are trying to get symphaty for their cause and get stuff handed to them hoping the media coverage does it for them.....


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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I'm sorry but this is stupid.

If you want to adopt good on you but that's your choice. Hell I'd like a brand new harley, should I start an auction? I realize it's kids we're talking about but save me the guilt when there are kids all over the world that could use a home that you will even earn tax breaks and grants and credits to adopt.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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I suppose this is a sign of the times, you see articles about young people asking for funds to help them move, or pay for vacations or whatever.

It no longer becomes about what you earned but what you feel entitled to, maybe that is how this is Seahawks relevant again. We come full circle.

We had some players that decided that it was no big deal if they took certain substances because they thought we were surely going to the SuperBowl and it didn't matter if such actions could endanger it. And we have fans apoplectic about it because this might "ruin" our rightful shot at the SuperBowl, as if we had already gotten the Golden Ticket punched and ready to go.

Some people just assume they are entitled to things, instead of seeing they have to be earned. Our fans need to see that based on some of the recent invective, and our players hopefully realize that now. We aren't guaranteed anything, we still need both work and luck.

And extending back on the topic of wanting vs earning, here is another example of a couple wanting something and asking others instead of earning it. They won't even give up their season tickets? Just one ticket? Oh boy.

I concede it was a strike of mild genius to try to turn Ebay into a sort of Kickstarter for Kids (Kidstarter??). Just not sure if when you combine begging for luxuries and parenthood as a status symbol it doesn't lead to bad things in the future. The freaking first rule of parenthood is "It is no longer just about you". People who do this kind of thing just don't get it and the last thing they need then is more kids.


New member
Aug 20, 2012
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Sorry, but this is bogus. That family is just trying to get people to pay for something they want. I've seen the NFL ticket exchange commercial, with the 'hawk fan giving up his season tickets for the greater good. Maybe the family could take notes. From the looks of that picture, they seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Maybe they should manage their income better, instead of asking for handouts.

There are WANTS, and there are NEEDS. This family obviously doesn't understand the difference between the two. If I had 32 large, I would more than willing give it to someone that NEEDS it.