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  1. C

    Serious question: Why did Pete pull Russ in the 4th?

    Because Uncle Pete is the greatest of Uncle of all time. He wins without even trying. He also realized that the armless child that is Chip was on the other sideline
  2. C

    Devin Hester to Seahawks

    “I wish him nothing but pain in his silly travels especially if they wind up in my octagon. Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words - imagine what I would have done with my fire breathing fists.”
  3. C

    So much anger towards the nfl after getting screwed in NO

    I'm exposing people to magic here. Do not steal my thunder, guy
  4. C

    So much anger towards the nfl after getting screwed in NO

    I'm exposing people to magic here. Do not steal my thunder, guy
  5. C

    So much anger towards the nfl after getting screwed in NO

    I was going to dress up as bob kraft with roger goodell attached to my crotch but since you're giving me lip I'd rather go as your corpse after I've had my way with you ;)
  6. C

    So much anger towards the nfl after getting screwed in NO

    I cant even comprehend how pissed this team must be that they lost to the refs that day. Seeing the demise of the nfl is gonna be hilarious after what every seahawks fan has been through, nothing is worse than getting jobbed out of a championship but this years screwjob might be even worse...
  7. C

    Pete: G.Tate '14 Offer "didn’t get communicated very well"

    I have so many ill feelings towards that sociopath. I don't understand how somebody can do the things he did to his best friend and think someone wont take his head off. His arrogance is insane. Russ is respected and I wouldn't doubt Kam going out of his way to break his neck. Nobody likes...
  8. C

    Chances that brees lights the falcons up?

    I'm sure it'll be a close game. I'm gonna hate the saints even more if they lose this one though. Bountygate and being favored by the refs over us makes them a very hateable team. A mix of stealers and patriots for sure. One thing I'm happy about is that Brees will just go down as a great QB...
  9. C

    Take the win but that fake punt was horrible play calling

    In hindsight it was terrible but you gotta stick it to the rams, running up the score on Greg Williams is always a good time. I wouldn't want to run up the score against other teams but nothing is funner than blowing out the rams. It's too bad jeff fisher wasn't coaching in this game. They are...
  10. C


    People running onto the field naked could be a reason for not broadcasting it. It would be great to see even if they just blurred it out to put on tv. Seeing 4 or 5 streakers once when I was at a cfl game in Calgary was hilarious. Everybody was cheering by the last few.
  11. C

    Name your bold prediction for Sunday @ the Packers

    That runner with a girls name will fall down a lot
  12. C

    Can this team still win SB51 without Earl Thomas?

    I think that its a bit different than having Earl play without Kam because McCray is a very good backup, I dont feel the same way about Terrell. I feel like the hawks still have a very good chance to win it all but when we play teams like the falcons and other elite passing teams in the playoffs...
  13. C

    Two more years of mediocrity for the Rams

    This move is something the mariners or browns would do, what a joke
  14. C

    NFL does it again

    I know the nfl will try their hardest to make Dallas the super bowl champs but even then I don't trust their defense at all. 18th ranked defenses dont win championships. They have to be the most vulnerable 1 loss team I've seen. Having a rookie qb doesn't help either even though he has been very...
  15. C

    WOW.. what a trade M's and Diamond Backs

    Walker was great for the first few months so if that turns out to be what he is consistently capable of this could come back to haunt us big time. I'm not sure if he was an issue in the clubhouse but that would be my guess. You dont trade away prospects like Walker unless you're making a run at...
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    Budda Baker on the Seahawks

    He plays a lot like Thomas, similar speed and range. He looks like a high draft pick as well. I hope he stays all four years but I think him and Jones will be first round picks if they come out this year. I'd love to draft Kevin King later on, since we haven't drafted a cb high since Pete got...
  17. C

    Christine Michael released, claimed by Packers

    So much potential wasted. He could have been great if he had something between the ears. There's got to be something wrong with him mentally because he could hsve been a top 5 back if he had even a slightly less than average IQ. That's not the case so I guess its time for the cfl or arena...
  18. C

    In which Carpenter's wife threatens Sherman with castration

    What a bigot, she does not sound like a nice person at all. That apology wasn't sincere.
  19. C

    Realistically, what is it going to take to beat the patriots

    We need to practice not using any radio communication between the coordinators and the captains. I still can't believe the pats have been getting away with interfering with opposing teams signals for years.