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  1. K

    People Outside Seattle Just Do Not Understand Russell Wilson

    I'm hoping the "not black enough" thing stemmed from Harvin. If it didn't than I am really let down by our locker room. I can't even believe he gets shit for being the hardest worker on our team and being close with the front office. But I will continue to believe that left with Harvin...
  2. K

    How fast is Lockette?

    and yes Jeremy Lane is third fastest behind Paul and Rocket. I can't exactly remember their 100m times but I think Paul Richardson's was 10.3-4 and Lane's was 10.5-6.
  3. K

    How fast is Lockette?

    Really fast. I found on Wikipedia that only 94 track sprinters have broken the 10 second barrier on a 100m dash. so 9.99 and under. Lockette has officially been clocked in at 10.00. So he is devastatingly fast. Percy Harvin couldn't even touch him endzone to endzone.
  4. K

    I dont understand Bevell...

    I totally agree, I'm still stuck up on Bevell not giving lynch the ball on 4th down or even just giving him all 4 tries at it instead of 2. I really think there should be a campaign for Bevell's head. The one good thing if we don't make the playoffs is that some team MAY be stupid enough to hire...
  5. K

    I'm so tired of bevell....

    Everyone said we would lose this game, or a least most the people I spoke to. We should of won this game or at least had a good shot at it. If I could take the chances of the seahawks to have marshawn lynch 3 yards away from the endzone with 2 shots to get it, I would take that for every game of...
  6. K

    My thoughts, and come on 12s.....

    I don't post much but I really believe it is necessary now. I feel that since we have become champions, so many people think we are going to blow every team out. Dallas is one of the hottest teams right now, we can't win them all. And now I'm seeing posts saying we won't make the playoffs or...
  7. K

    Michael Bennett reportedly wants around $10 million a year

    Everyone is overthinking this. It doesnt matter what he wants, it matters what other teams offer compared to our offer. And if it is even close he will stay. As i have heard many analyst state, bennett is more valuable to the seahawks than he is to another team. He may say this isnt Costco but...
  8. K

    Does this victory make Russell our greatest QB ever?

    I honestly do beleve that russ winning the big one along with him puttin down the most wins in 2 years, passer rating record for first 2 years, pepsi max rookie of the year, sports illustrated rookie of the year, and breaking seahawks qb records make him the best seahawks qb ever HANDS DOWN. In...
  9. K

    Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread SBXLVIII EDITION!

    I knew we would put down atleast 40! I will admit i atleast though denver was good enough to score some garbage points in the end. Guess i thought too much of the horsemen, manning did alright.. He threw a record amount of completions, he andhis wr's couldnt get it done when it mattered though
  10. K

    Home Field Advantage Continues?

    Idk about being closer friends, but i guess you could say that since our ideals are more similarly aligned being that we are both blue states(but so is colorado i think) and coast living people. We definitely are more alike than colorado and NY. I see colorado and utah getting along.. I guess...
  11. K

    should hawks keep B. Mebane/McDaniel in on Nickel?

    I agree, IF we are successful at disrupting the pocket inside, if we cant Peyton will step up at the perfect moment and they brush right by him. I myself would like to see avril as much as possihle because if he gets an oppurtunity for a sack he will probably strip the ball. Bennet could make...
  12. K

    I've been waiting for 37 years....

    :49ersmall: It will happen, we will win. Our team will take it. Enough with its Peytons destiny, for his legacy. One player doesnt deserve two rings before a team, city, a community that was recently screwed out of one deserves one. Most players dont even get the chance to play in one, let...
  13. K

    I've been waiting for 37 years....

    This is the 12th Man's time! :49ersmall:
  14. K


    :2: I believe it was "shehawks" that the 49ers 2nd or 3rd string rb said on twitter that Kj Wright responded to with an insult and saying he would show the boys his tweet. I hope they and the media keep giving our guys bulletin board material. Who knows if baldwin recieves for over 100 and has...
  15. K

    How often does the team with the "storyline" lose the SB?

    :49ersmall: Im not buying into the storyline. There is NO way ONE player deserves to win TWO championships before a city, our city, our team deserves their first.. Especially after the homer job of the '05 SB. They can't do what they did last time, beause then we had a much smaller fanbase and...
  16. K

    Seahawks first round pick.

    Allen Robinson. as stated in my signature below. Mock drafts have us taking him if we win the SB. I Think a 6'3 guy tha almost hits 40 in.'s on his vertical and runs in the 4.4 mid range is what we need to be dynamic and dominant in the passing game. I saw him a little here ane there and...
  17. K

    Aros' Fearless Prediction Thread SBXLVIII EDITION!

    Remember how we were playing at the end up 2012, putting up historical point totals, 2 50's back to back. Now we got Havin, with him we click on all cylinders; its close through a quarter and a half and we pull on em' right before halftime with a late 1st half score. And we dont stop for the...
  18. K

    There should be a BEAST MODE mini comic book series!

    Does anybody else think Skittles should partner up with Marvel or DC comics and create a comic book mini series of BEAST MODE!! I think it could be pretty cool, with his superstrength stiff arm. They have that cartoon on the NFL Network for kids about football and heros saving the world. Only...
  19. K

    I love Beastmode's Attitude

    I actually agree with you. Fans care about losing more than the players. if you dont agree, fans are the ones stabbing opposing fans after games(49ers fans known for that). You wont see players do thar shit. I dont think either team is scared, but they do want to win more than any of us fans...
  20. K

    I love Beastmode's Attitude

    There is one way to stop marshawn. Put 8 in the box, leave 3 db's to handle our pedestrians. We all saw when the rams gave the schematic to the rest of the league, you hear anylist say all of the time, this is a copy cat league. When the rams did that, i got a little worried that teams may of...