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  1. N

    2nd Half

    It's called "soft cover 3 and 4 all second half and keep the clock running" Carolina wasn't doing that in the first half.
  2. N

    Wilson was the best player on the field.

    No he wasn't. Not even close. Panthers D played soft the whole second half and were content to keep the clock running. I hate that philosophy, but conservative NFL coaches almost always follow it when up big. When they played straight up and brought pressure they dominated Wilson and that...
  3. N

    Don't like Cam's dancing?

    The guy in your avatar isn't a douche on the field? The irony of any Seahawks fans complaining about the behavior of other players on the field is downright hilarious.
  4. N

    PFF: Highest Forced Missed Tackle %...

    Bwaaaaaahahahahahahaha!! You got owned brah. I despise the 9ers but come on man, "slow, lumbering"?? Get real. Nothing I saw from Hyde last night looked slow or lumbering. He looked pretty quick and plenty fast to me. Marv, it won't even be worth arguing with someone who lets their...
  5. N

    STlL RED ALICE is banned from all STL RAMS SITES

    Yes, you are trashing STL and it's fans. Oh, I'm reading your posts..... Actually just today on the STLTODAY forum you wrote: "When you keep the Rams in your midwest horrible city: I EXCPECT to arrive there and see MY team loved and appreciated and with this odd thing called: FANS" How is...
  6. N

    STlL RED ALICE is banned from all STL RAMS SITES

    And the Raiders have said they are open to moving to the NFC. So if the Carson Stadium happens, this could be what happens. People have floated the Hawks moving back but that makes no sense to me. They need to stay in the NFC West. As much as it pains me to say, they do OWN it right now.
  7. N

    STlL RED ALICE is banned from all STL RAMS SITES

    I'm not googling or following her at all. I lurk on this board but rarely if ever post. I did do a bit of trolling here right after the SB, only as a response to some massive trolling by hawk fans all over the web the last few years. RamsTalk on STLToday's forums is a very obscure forum that...
  8. N

    STlL RED ALICE is banned from all STL RAMS SITES

    Not the STLToday RamsTalk site. Once you are banned you are banned. Only reason I even thought about posting here about this is due to HER logging in and joining the Troll fest going on over there yesterday and today. I knew that I knew that name from somewhere and looked on here and saw this...
  9. N

    STlL RED ALICE is banned from all STL RAMS SITES

    Just so you guys know, RedAlice is lying. He isn't BANNED ON ALL STL SITES!!!! Here is RedAlice Trolling the STLTODAY RamsTalk forum (a forum that has been literally flooded with LA trolls since late DEC) today. So why the complaining about being banned on here when it's not true? I don't get...
  10. N

    St. Louis Rams Owner Ready To Move To LA

    Put me in the camp of thinking it's a leverage move. I know I know, I'm "delusional" but I just think Stan is trying to get the best deal in STL he can.
  11. N

    Which team has the worst trolls?

    Agreed. I think it's a mixture of a few things A) All successful teams are going to have their vocal and delusional fans/trolls. It's the internet and trolling on anonymous boards is going to happen. B) Bandwagon Trolls - Every successful team has a bunch of new bandwagon fans. This isn't...
  12. N

    So what's this all about then? (Browner in Sherman's face)

    Exactly. Sherm loves to yap more then any player I have ever seen play the game....EVER. So people should hardly be surprised when people give it right back to him. People always say he's a player you love when he's on your team and hate when he's not. Well, fans love when he yaps and runs...
  13. N

    Read Option - can it be sustained?

    Has less to do with how well RW is "built" (he's not running through people and is avoiding contact any way he can) and way more to do with the new emphasis on protecting QB's. Option Football and the RO has made a big comeback at the highest levels of NCAA and now even in the NFL because QB's...
  14. N

    I know we don't really care about power rankings...

    Wilson is not a "glorified game manager" and anyone saying that doesn't watch him play. However, and I know I'm going to be called a hater or troll for this, but he isn't on Lucks level when you compare them as passers. Luck is more of a prototype QB who, more often then not, plays from the...
  15. N

    hasselbeck : bring him back, before it's too late !!!!

    Gotta be a troll post. Wilson as a HB?? Get real. QB's that can run (scramble) can't just be placed at RB. I like how people think guys like Vick (back in the day) or the new crop of scramblers like Wilson, Kap, RG3 or even Tebow could move to RB simply because they are effective runners...
  16. N

    Kaepernick Cocky

    Are you serious with this? I'll name the 3 cockiest players on the team Sherman Kam E. Thomas There is NOTHING wrong with being cocky. Hawk fans LOVE Shermans cockiness and LOVE the hate he gets for it. 9er fans LOVE Kaps cockiness and LOVE the hate he gets for it. I'm not bashing...
  17. N

    The What's Wrong With Russell Wilson Thread

    Love that AV bro. A lot of "Baghdad Bob's" around here. And I'm not saying there IS anything wrong. But this thread is to discuss if there is or not. The "Baghdad Bobs" poke their heads in and wonder why in the hell anyone would ever want to approach having anything resembling a discussion...
  18. N

    The What's Wrong With Russell Wilson Thread

    He's obviously NOT interested in discussing those things. That's OK. But why knock the people that do?
  19. N

    Kaepernick Cocky

    Um. You hate Kap cause he's cocky? No, you hate Kap cause he's the Whiners QB. The Seahawks have plenty of Cocky players on their team. I bet you LOVE their cockiness. Nothing wrong with hating Kap. But let's not pretend that there is some kind of benevolent moral high ground stance against...