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  1. C

    Stafford to the ir

    The Rams are going full "Tank" mode for a QB in this draft. I just hope that Denver can out tank them.
  2. C

    The Carson injury was dirty

    I came here to see if anyone else saw the same thing. Same dude with the late hit / helmet to helmet hit on Russell also. Like I needed even more reason to hate that whole organization starting from the top.
  3. C

    John Schneider is hurting our team.

    I think this post subject is crazy talk the Seahawks have never been so good until P&j came to town and I have been paying attention since 1983.
  4. C

    Pete Carroll Post Game Presser youtube other vids

    Fant with the pancake and Rawls with the Seahawks syrup cut back for the first touchdown was a nice play. It's awesome watching this team grow. Go Hawks!
  5. C

    The full length sound fx Super Bowl version

    I use Firefox also so i will look for that add on. Thank you for the help dbmack.
  6. C

    The full length sound fx Super Bowl version

    Can someone help me with how to download this I'm have trouble trying figure it out...Please.
  7. C

    For those that read other teams forums...

    Damn, I got to halftime and i think they deleted to page.
  8. C

    Kind of odd

    The first time was all i needed to see. That game is dead to me thanks to this game.
  9. C

    Anyone enjoy these beverages at the parade today?

    I drink Bud myself and don't care what anybody thinks, its just good to me. But i might have to switch to Bud lite as long as it has the Seahawks and Superb Owl champions on it. The first one i find will be saved for room decoration, possibly the whole 24 pack if i find it.
  10. C

    Well Shoot...

    That was hilarious. The slow motion close up is priceless, I really need to learn how to make those Gif's. His eyes were screaming WTF! hahaha
  11. C

    I think I'll watch the Super Bowl again.

    DVR and I've already watched the game 4 times and Im about to watch it again.
  12. C

    'Bout That Action, Boss (REMIXXXXX!)

    Thank you, and i even looked for the Facebook symbol.
  13. C

    'Bout That Action, Boss (REMIXXXXX!)

    I want to share this on facebook, is that possible? I like this.
  14. C

    this far into the week how is your confidence level

    As soon as the Niners won last week my first thought was oh no we are in trouble. But as game time nears, I'm feeling more and more like we are going to witness something special. I have been a Hawks fan since before Curt Warner was drafted and i have gotten my hopes up for a many a games, just...
  15. C

    Old timers......

    Other than being a ticket holder part this could have been my post. That game was awesome and i would be going to the Rams game but i cant afford six tickets and they are available, I know because i just checked. Its just that my kids would disown me if i went without them. We will be watching...
  16. C

    Make the Caption: Pete Carroll

    " Pete " Well I'll be damned, Lady Liberty really is rocking Seahawk gear and i thought it was just a photo shopped picture I saw on .net. Im getting a great vibe about this place. I bet this is how the "Stealers" must have felt during Super Bowl XL when Detroit decided to pass out terrible...
  17. C

    How I KNOW we wont lose at home in playoffs

    Would we be the visiting team when we reach the Superbowl and if we are we better not wear the white on white. Now if we do wear that combo and win, well then it would all of a sudden become my favorite.
  18. C

    Statue of liberty drapped in 12th man

    this is so bad ass and i have already sent it to all the haters that i know.
  19. C

    Looking ahead to week 16

    Thanks for the help. I just looked on the official site and it looks like there are still about 2000 tickets left...Oh yeah!