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  1. T

    Where does this put Carroll in the coaching ranks?

    This guys suggest in the category of legendary, but its a little offbeat in the humor. I laughed. :th2thumbs:
  2. T

    Hats off the the Legion of Boom!!

    Found this and thought it pretty accurate. The Seahawks deserve the credit. Period.
  3. T

    Sherman with final pick to end game.

    This guy is predicting it.
  4. T

    Beadles return to ESPN.

    Pretty funny and a bit raunchy take on her return.
  5. T

    Funny read on Sherman

    It's from right after the NFC championship, but I still laughed today.
  6. T

    Does Peyton go after Sherman?

    Do you think he avoids Sherman or goes after him? I say he goes after him, weather permitting. If its too bad outside, I see a more conservative approach. Either way, I would like to see Sherman make a big play at some point just to see his reaction.