Recent content by OfficialVolume12

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    Huge kudos to Joe Tafoya

    Thanks for the Love Hombre!
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    Huge kudos to Joe Tafoya

    Guys, I just wanted to say thank you for showing the support! No worries Riley, I totally understand that you need some love for being a real fan! I stepped into Volume 12 this year but it's been around since 2008. I was in the detroit super bowl and dealt with those lousy towels so I feel your...
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    Lots of Seahawkers think that we should record during the first 49ers possession.
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    I'm sad to hear that you don't have faith in the Seahawks fans to own this record. I only ask that you don't perpetuate this mentality. I never went into battle thinking I was going to lose. We will win this record an you two will stop this nonsense.
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    I have a video of Dave Kreig talking about this...can't wait to post it. Chiefs fans are gonna S**T themselves!!
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    Thanks for welcoming me in! I'm happy to answer any questions directly. I really need your help building our FB audience for we need to get to 50k likes from Seahawks fans. IM me there and I will answer you personally.
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    Thanks Aros! We will be giving the Guinness direction for this attempt. They record when we tell them to. Im trying to find out if they will be able to record the entire game and we just pick the highest decibel level or if we have to make it an actual attempt. Either way we should let everyone...
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    World Record Attempt on Sept 15th

    Hello 12s!! My name is Joe Tafoya former Seahawk. I think that we should own the World Record for loudest stadium cheer in a sports arena. We are by far the best fans in the world and should be recognized for it. I filed an application with Guinness and they accepted it. A few weeks later the...