Recent content by LITP

  1. L

    Russell Wilson LEGIT MVP Candidate

    Big fan of RW - if I had to hand pick a replacement for Brady it would be him. Mobility, guts and throws a mean spiral - seems like an understated leader - despite being QB for a consistently bad offence, behind a mostly awful O-line.
  2. L

    One-sided referees calling non-existent penalties...

    As a Patriots fan (boo hiss!) i've noticed the Seahawks getting hosed on a regular basis in terms of officiating. As one of the more physical teams in the league, I think their card is marked (unfairly) by refs before the game even starts - one of the main problems being some of the stuff they...
  3. L

    Patriots fan in peace.

    Thanks for the kind replies. I'll definitely make this my Hawks forum of choice going forward; as Champions of the last two SuperBowls i'm sure we'll have plenty to discuss! :thirishdrinkers: The draft will be interesting - both teams will, of course, be picking at the back end of every...
  4. L

    Patriots fan in peace.

    Thought i'd give it a day or two for things to calm a little after the big game. I hope this post will be taken in the spirit it was intended - from a fan who knows what its like to lose a Superbowl (or 2!) in heartbreaking fashion. 1. I thought the Seahawks played a hell of a game - people...
  5. L

    Marshawn might still get fined...

    Obviously not a Seahawks fan but i've had BeastModes back on this all season - it really is something of a joke. The whole media thing is something of sham - its not even about the fan experience anymore - just a bunch of clueless clowns looking for some out of context quote that they can run...
  6. L

    Do the Pats receivers scare you?

    Hey all, Patriots fan just joined up on the advice of 'BlackSantasBicycle' who posted over at You'll be relieved to hear that I shan't be addressing any of the defegate nonsense but i'm more than happy to air my ignorance on a number of football related topics! Patriots WR...