Recent content by 300ZXNA

  1. 3

    Team you hate the most.

    "Speaking of Hawk fans that are full of themselves......." Uh, considering how many times I've heard "Team of the decade!" (even though it was the 4th decade back), or "5 rings!", sounds like sour grapes to me. You guys went to the SB and sucked against the weakest SB opponent in years. We...
  2. 3

    Seattle people used to root for the Niners.

    I think next year will be a huge year for them, especially if we win the SB. While I don't think that they will collapse, guys like Justin Smith are getting older, and they will start to have cap issues when their young studs hit their second contract (which we too will be facing). Not only...
  3. 3

    Thread for the Hawk fans no longer with us....

    A family I used to attend Church with lost their son, who was a huge Hawks fan, to a work accident in August right before the season began. It had been some time since I had seen them, but it just kills me because his entire family is pretty much the highest quality people you will ever meet...
  4. 3

    Seattle people used to root for the Niners.

    I think the entitlement comes because fans of that era probably felt like winning came easy. They won 5 SB in 13 years. So when they became good again, I think they thought it would be like old times. The fact that they are starting to resemble the early 2000's Eagles is an uneasy truth they...
  5. 3

    Thomas duo will be shut down, only two to worry about

    May Welker please, PLEASE, try to pick Kam on a rub route. That would be absolute gold to watch...
  6. 3

    New Orleans Saints article accuses Hawks of Bounty

    Why hate them? We have bested them pretty soundly thus far in our meetings? I think it is hilarious. When teams are beat, their fans are forced to realize that either 1) the other team was better, or 2) they somehow got cheated, even if it doesn't make any sense. At all. 90% of fans cant...
  7. 3

    Fans threw food on Bowmen

    Just wanted to add that based on the spread of the kernels, that looks like a throw, not a dump; i.e. it was intentional. Classless indeed, but rather insane how places like Niners Nation are using it as proof that all Seahawks fans are douchebags...
  8. 3

    Who was it that Kam crushed last night and is there a .gif?

    When they extended Kam last year, I thought it was an overpay for a non-essential LOB member. He responded with his best season yet. Well done...
  9. 3

    Crabtree still talking trash.

    Man, my FB feed is blowing up with Niner fan friends who are 1) ripping on Sherman's lack of class 2) angrily blaming the refs for screwing them and that the better team lost. Hey, you know what is generally also considered a part of being classy? NOT BLAMING THE REFS and simply admitting the...
  10. 3

    really impressed with Kaep

    I too was pretty impressed. Essentially every play results in an explosive play. Problem is that he seems to randomize which team benefits each time.
  11. 3

    Good game guys!

    Here's to hoping we can meet again in the NFC CG next year. In Seattle of course. :) Regardless, we are the two best teams in the league any way you want to slice it . . .
  12. 3

    Richard Sherman

    My take? I would absolutely love to have Crabtree on this team. Him instead of Curry sure would have been nice. The big bodied, sure handed target we really need. That said, I greatly prefer that we have Sherman.
  13. 3

    Navarro Bowman

    Can definitely relate after watching Clemons go down against Wash last year. Really crappy way for a season to end. Hope he is back butting heads with Lynch at full speed next year . . .
  14. 3

    Kaepernick Is Not A Thug... Far From It

    Oh, and if I remember correctly, it was the DE that was doing the dropback....
  15. 3

    Kaepernick Is Not A Thug... Far From It

    It is still kind of odd for me reading Doug's stuff in SI (I follow him on Twitter, which I highly recommend), considering that he was just 'one of the guys' around here for several years before he actually made it into a career. We were quite spoiled to have him all to ourselves back then....