Every Bad Call in the Green Bay Vs Seattle game


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Apr 21, 2011
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The whole "Jennings has the ball to his body" thing always bothers me. There's no where in the rule book that says a player can have more possession than another during any sort of simultaneous catch. If someone wants to argue that Tate doesn't have any bit of possession, fine, but it's just such an odd point to keep hammering home for something that isn't relevant. Either possession is simultaneous or it's not. Not to rehash that, but I haven't watched anything beyond just the catch since MNF. Whatever anyone thinks about that play, the commentators are making a somewhat misleading point that really sets the tone for public perception.


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Oct 16, 2010
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Central Washington
Simultanious possession with the offensive player (Tate's) feet touching first, touchdown. Plain and simple. The east coast media fomented a bias and what employee wishes to travel against that grain? None. But really, who gives a shit?

We all we got, We all we need.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Gruden didn't help. He was off all game. Methinks he still has a bit o' Packer love in him and was already setting the tone for "official union" NFL referee butt-kissing early in the season preparing for his triumphant return next year. He knows he's going to need a break or two, as he left on some bad terms with a few officials when he took his broadcasting job.

One thing about Collinsworth, is that I notice he isn't always right, but he doesn't seem to be kissing ref butt too hard. He did call them out on the Kam hit on VD last week, because he's not setting the stage for a coaching or GM position, but is still trying not to be too hard because they are there to make the league look good. I think he has found a happy medium. Gruden couldn't find a medium ground in that game. He can't handle close games either, because then he doesn't know what team to saddle up and ride all day either. Smart guy.... but gets a little too over the top when calling a game. Look at the video at the 5:17 or so mark and the call on Chancellor. Absolutely pathetic. Why that wasn't talked about for the next 6 weeks by the national media I'm not sure. I think all NFL refs should be REQUIRED to watch Chancellor play safety and see that this is how a safety plays within the rules and still gets bad calls against him and THIS is where refs need to adjust.


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
The one thing I notice is that is sounds like a home game for the Packers and listening to the announcers perform fellatio to all things Green Bay.-Browner made some outstanding plays that won that game for us.