It's only been a little over 17 months ago


New member
Apr 30, 2009
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That Russell Wilson started his first game in preseason week 3 against the Chiefs and already he's led us into the Super Bowl. I don't know about you guys, but that is just starting to sink in. It was only 17 months ago.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2013
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not much longer ago than that my father and I went to the opening training camp of the 2012 season.

RW was noticeable in his red jersey - and the fact that he was the smallest guy in whatever group he was in. I told my dad, that #3 guy, he could be pretty good. . . and then the practice began and it was clear he was just the best QB on the field. Flynn looked awkward, Tjack looked pretty good (this was before he went to Buffalo) but Wilson looked like he was the guy who'd led this team before, even though this was the first open practice. He made a mistake or two but otherwise just exuded confidence. I couldn't have predicted we would be at this point one season later but I can't say I'm totally surprised. I think all Seahawks fans had pretty high hopes for this team going into 2012 no matter the QB because even though we'd just been through two 7-9 seasons, the players and the play was tangibly better and better each and every game of those two seasons.

That's what gets me so jacked about this team regardless of how tomorrow goes; the Seahawks get better every single week. Even the loss to Arizona this year, ugly as it was. At the time when it happened, I heard some folks try to say it was a good thing and I didn't agree at the time; if we hadn't taken care of st. Louis it wouldn't have. But I think it was a nice slap in the face before two tough home playoff matchups.