Yeah, Real Cheap Shot America



Ball was dead once the whistle blew, then contact with ball, then contact with kicker.

Dead ball foul is a personal foul when it involves contact with a kicker or QB after the ball is blown dead with a whistle.

Officials called the off-sides on the defense which is correct, but did not call a dead ball personal foul, which is incorrect. If both calls were made, the Bills would have declined the off-sides and accepted the personal foul for more yardage and an automatic 1st down.


Either way, they would have had no time left to do anything but spike it and kick as they did, as it was still within 5 seconds left and the trainers came on. Which the right call be the officials to pull the kicker.

So, 2 out of three calls made correctly, ain't bad, IMO.

Since Sherman contends he didn't hear the whistle, that would be the basis for any appeal. But I don't think that happens. $9,000+ dollars is not much in the grand scheme. Plus, it goes to NFL injured players fund.


New member
Jan 22, 2015
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While this was not a cheap shot I don't like the way he played it as it added unneeded contact and created an injury concern that was not needed not to mention taking way a chance for a big play from the Seahawks.

He won the edge early with his jump off sides and instead of going for the ball on the ground he should have done what everyone does and go for it in the air which would knock it backwards perhaps and make a TD return possible.

This would have prevented any possible injury to the kicker and had lead to a return chance instead of just knocking the ball off the T (so to speak) in an attempt to turn over the down.

I am sure that is hard to think of so quickly but everyone seems to train for blocking the ball in the air and not going for it on the ground to avoid this kind of situation and perhaps create a bigger play. Also it is just as safe as tipping it on the ground and if you stand in their kick lane a make is completely impossible.

I do wonder after all the coaching why he chose to do it this way and I want them to continue to coach the way they have always done it cause this could have resulted in an injury very easily and is entirely avoidable. So while I don't think he should be fined or penalized I think the league should make a statement as for how they want the defender to play it and make a new rule now after the fact that is has to be done that way to avoid this in the future.