Wussification of the NFL Continues...


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Aug 15, 2011
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Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Basis4day":326vgl2h said:
Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.

Unless it snowed on just one side of the field nobody should complain.


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Dec 4, 2013
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Basis4day":2mio6fxd said:
Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.
Some people might blame it on the weather, but it is part of the game and should never be an excuse. Refs impacting a game like Super Bowl XL is far more frustrating because they took at minimum 10-14 points off the board for bogus penalties and changed the momentum completely.


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Aug 15, 2011
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BreesIsOverrated":25n7dot2 said:
Basis4day":25n7dot2 said:
Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.
Some people might blame it on the weather, but it is part of the game and should never be an excuse. Refs impacting a game like Super Bowl XL is far more frustrating because they took at minimum 10-14 points off the board for bogus penalties and changed the momentum completely.

That's not the point of my statement. It's not a question of your own rationalization. It's a statement of fair prediction of what this board will look like if the Hawks lose the Superbowl in a snow game. I agree with you. The weather shouldn't be an excuse. If the Hawks lose a snow Superbowl it will be the excuse. Those that think it's "just football" will be drowned out by the complaints.

If the Hawks lose a snow superbowl, this board will explode with anger and hatred along the lines of "THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLAYED IN A DOME/WARM WEATHER!!!" It's not really a prediction one needs to go out on a limb for.


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Vancouver, WA
Basis4day":3ogqk14y said:
BreesIsOverrated":3ogqk14y said:
Basis4day":3ogqk14y said:
Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.
Some people might blame it on the weather, but it is part of the game and should never be an excuse. Refs impacting a game like Super Bowl XL is far more frustrating because they took at minimum 10-14 points off the board for bogus penalties and changed the momentum completely.

That's not the point of my statement. It's not a question of your own rationalization. It's a statement of fair prediction of what this board will look like if the Hawks lose the Superbowl in a snow game. I agree with you. The weather shouldn't be an excuse. If the Hawks lose a snow Superbowl it will be the excuse. Those that think it's "just football" will be drowned out by the complaints.

If the Hawks lose a snow superbowl, this board will explode with anger and hatred along the lines of "THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLAYED IN A DOME/WARM WEATHER!!!" It's not really a prediction one needs to go out on a limb for.
Disagree with you. I think there would be little to no complaining if the game is evenly officiated. Hopefully we don't find out who's right. ;)


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Aug 9, 2011
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Arlington, WA
Basis4day":2dp8s1sw said:
BreesIsOverrated":2dp8s1sw said:
Basis4day":2dp8s1sw said:
Imagine this board if the Hawks make it to the Superbowl and lose a snow game.
Some people might blame it on the weather, but it is part of the game and should never be an excuse. Refs impacting a game like Super Bowl XL is far more frustrating because they took at minimum 10-14 points off the board for bogus penalties and changed the momentum completely.

That's not the point of my statement. It's not a question of your own rationalization. It's a statement of fair prediction of what this board will look like if the Hawks lose the Superbowl in a snow game. I agree with you. The weather shouldn't be an excuse. If the Hawks lose a snow Superbowl it will be the excuse. Those that think it's "just football" will be drowned out by the complaints.

If the Hawks lose a snow superbowl, this board will explode with anger and hatred along the lines of "THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN PLAYED IN A DOME/WARM WEATHER!!!" It's not really a prediction one needs to go out on a limb for.

I doubt it. There would be a few idiots posting that but the majority? Nah.


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Dec 7, 2011
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That Eagles Lions game was one of the most entertaining games I have seen all season.


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Nov 20, 2012
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I do like watching snow games.

However, snow like the lions-eagles adds so much more luck to the equation, that you don't get a teams best. You get a teams luckiest. Adjustments is a word thrown around with ease, as if it's just a pill, and you take an adjustment, and your better. But the truth is, in that type of weather, it's whose foot slipped at the wrong time. Who fumbled at the wrong time.

The idea that it effects each team equally is fine but moot. I want to see a seasons worth of skill and talent displayed at its finest. Not a pop warner game of chasing the greased pig.

If it happens, it happens and will in doubt be memorable. But it won't be the NFL's best on the field that day.


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Sep 17, 2009
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If the superbowl doesn't go whatever direction the NFL wants they will make it a rule to not have the superbowl at a location effected by the weather. Hell why not have it in Hawaii where they have the "pro" bowl. (We all know the "pro" bowl really it the popularity bowl.)