Wilson is Average


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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
To call Russell "average" is silly over-reaction, but so is claiming his play is somehow beyond criticism. Blaming the critique on something else- I can't quite wrap my head around that.

Geez a win Sunday would be nice


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
He absolutely has to and needs to play better. Above criticism? Absolutely not.
But, ignoring all the things that has done and can do? Blatant refusal to ever give the guy credit for anything he has done? Let alone literally making stuff up about him that doesn't exist?? That is what gets old.


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Dec 21, 2012
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Graham, WA
SoulfishHawk":2c5610x8 said:
He absolutely has to and needs to play better. Above criticism? Absolutely not.
But, ignoring all the things that has done and can do? Blatant refusal to ever give the guy credit for anything he has done? Let alone literally making stuff up about him that doesn't exist?? That is what gets old.



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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
TwistedHusky":2a34jsp3 said:
But what you cannot argue is that Wilson is average.

Wilson is exceptionally good at things that few QBs are good at. He is also probably not incredibly good at some of the things that many QBs are good at. But not only can you not call him average, you cannot even call him inconsistent.

Not even sure how you make the argument, is this just the forum equivalent of Click Bait?
(If so I guess it worked)

Yea, I thought it was a troll-type OP, too. Some people like watching food fights. The guy ought to change his handle to Jerry Springer.


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Dec 1, 2009
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Sgt. Largent":3rwoubvz said:
zchurch74":3rwoubvz said:
Russ is very good but that’s it. No longer Elite and never really was. What happened to all the Russ for MVP talk this year. It’s gone completely silence since week 2.

Idk how old you are, or how long you've been a fan. But if you can't see that Russell is a top 5 QB in the league then you might want to watch some more football, or go back and look at the endless parade of "average" QB's we've had over the years.

Again, whatever metric you'd like to use. Wins, TD's, QBR, yards, completion percentage, success. Whatever, and Wilson's been in the top 10, if not the top 5 in the entire league for a decade.

So my guess is some of you guys either don't watch football other than the Hawks, and/or haven't watched the Hawks before 2012, or else you wouldn't be so naive to this conversation.




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Dec 19, 2013
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Spin Doctor":21by4uhj said:
You're tripping if you think Wilson is average. He is an above average QB, but I don't think he's as good as we initially thought he was.

Wilson is a perplexing QB. He's good in so many respects. I really think he has the best deep ball in the NFL. If we're attacking the intermediate and deep quadrants of the field, he is crazy accurate. I don't know if I've ever seen a QB able to launch a ball 50+ yards down the field from as weird of positions on the move as Wilson can. He can break conventions and launch balls off of his rear foot, from across his body and on the move and hit his receivers deep with boring predictability. It's a sight to see, and I don't think anyone in the NFL can do that as well as he can.

Despite all of this, Wilson has some issues. One thing that I've noticed is his pre-snap reads aren't very good. Last season teams were really confusing him with disguised coverages. His audible game is also suspect. He is not a field general QB like a Tom Brady or Peyton Manning, players that can dictate the whole game from the LOS. Teams have also learned how to come at him with the pass rush. They use a more disciplined approach to box him in. His Houdini acts have become far more seldom.

Wilson's weakest element is his short passing game, which comes with the pre-snap reads. QB's throwing short timing passes must be very good at assessing the situation before the snap. Wilson has never been the type of QB to be able utilize those short timing passes. He often times is off tempo, or really off on his short throws. Obviously, this puts pretty big limitations on Wilson. Pete Carroll also doesn't help, as I think his restrictive attitude towards passing offenses has stunted Wilson's growth as a QB. Wilson also has developed a bad habit of not taking what he has been given. I think he's been riding his own hype train too much.

Either way, Wilson is a good QB -- one of the better ones even. I just think he comes with a few unique quirks. Most NFL teams would be happy replace whatever QB they have with Wilson. That being said, I think he's the type of QB that needs special circumstances to really thrive. I would be really curious to see how he would do outside of Seattle.
Well done Spin..Good to see you back btw.
I agree that he has unique quirks (love that term).
He would be one of the greatest QB's ever hands down if he had taken
the time to fix the short game flaws and use what's given every Sunday,


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Dec 6, 2015
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I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.


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Dec 19, 2018
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SlickRick":2t6ja49e said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

well, then there is no A+ Qbs as they all have really bad games. Rodgers had a 35 passer rating just this year. Mahomes has had really bad ones. in the playoffs as well. But I forget for whatever reason it appears that they are aloud to Wilson is not.

Luckily;y the experts get it.


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Dec 13, 2016
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Spin just gave some feedback that sounds reasonable and totally fair. Even if I somewhat disagree.

I can understand if some want to criticize his post-snap reads for sure. Teams disguise coverage and are able to throw Wilson off. Part of it was the uncreative nature of our offense in my opinion. But some of it was just Wilson getting confused. Pre-snap Wilson is amongst the best in the league. It’s actually a compliment that defenses feel compelled to scheme disguised coverages to throw him off. No different than what they tried to do to Brady, Brees, Manning. This is why Waldron is so important. Much like Matt Lefleur, Waldron should be able to dictate terms more often.

Granted, I saw Brady throw 3 interceptions in an NFC Championship game. And I’ve lived on the east coast and watched a lot of Patriots games. So I know for a fact that Brady got confused by Rex Ryan’s disguised coverages for example. Peyton has gotten confused by defenses before as well.

I think we have a tendency to over glorify other QBs when comparing Russ. We see Russ’ every throw, every flaw. Most of us don’t get to watch other QBs in the same way unless we pay for it. I remember sharing some Patriots analyst showing how Brady missed reads, threw balls inaccurately, got confused, etc. That doesn’t fit with the perception nationally..obviously. I also shared how Rodgers (under McCarthy) missed throws, failed to step up in the pocket or bailed the pocket too early, etc by Packers analysts.

Russ is a top 5 GREAT QB and a hall of famer, and his flaws while they exist, are overblown by the fan base. He can, and has made every throw. And I do believe he’ll win another super bowl.


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Dec 6, 2015
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John63":2bzi756u said:
SlickRick":2bzi756u said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

well, then there is no A+ Qbs as they all have really bad games. Rodgers had a 35 passer rating just this year. Mahomes has had really bad ones. in the playoffs as well. But I forget for whatever reason it appears that they are aloud to Wilson is not.

Luckily;y the experts get it.

You don't need to be an expert to get it, to see Russell's has bigger flaws than the 2 Qbs you mentioned. Where do you rank Russ , above Mahomes & Rodgers ? Or is he above Brady ? He's a Top guy, just not the guy.

Every QB will have a bad outing, but he's not Rodgers, Brady,Mahomes, at their best.

He's a great solid B+ QB who hovers up & down/ nothing wrong with that. I'm a huge Wilson supporter ,but open you're eyes.

John 63 ? What Wilson's record against the Rams ? Where does he go during those games ? 8-10 ? Like I said I love me some Wilson , but you have to figure seeing the Rams year in & year out he'd have some advantage of knowing how to beat them /or game plan for them instead of the lack lust efforts, He looks scared when the Rams come to town/ that's just one example

Off topic Wilson lost most of his edge a while ago,age ciara , his clothing line, he's not all about football anymore like he once was. It is what it is, some QB's handle it better than others


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May 19, 2017
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SlickRick":10dwd7vv said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

B+ QBs dont wear gold jackets at the end of their careers. Wilson will.


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Dec 6, 2015
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pittpnthrs":25w72y7f said:
SlickRick":25w72y7f said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

B+ QBs dont wear gold jackets at the end of their careers. Wilson will.

Thanks to The LOB 43-8
That second Superbowl they should have handed it off. Throws interception/ where does he go against the rams ? Or in the playoffs last few years one & done or eliminated by the wild card Rams last year?


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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SlickRick":1hbox1rx said:
pittpnthrs":1hbox1rx said:
SlickRick":1hbox1rx said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

B+ QBs dont wear gold jackets at the end of their careers. Wilson will.

Thanks to The LOB 43-8
That second Superbowl they should have handed it off. Throws interception/ where does he go against the rams ? Or in the playoffs last few years one & done or eliminated by the wild card Rams last year?

Even after the LOB Wilson still ranks in the top 5 of just about every category since 2015. Again, B+ QBs dont do that.

The Rams? You talking about the Rams whos defense has owned Seattles crap Oline for years and causes Wilson to pee blood every Monday due to crushing him on a regulars basis? Not sure how thats on Wilson. Are you also talking about the same Rams team that has a coach that owns Carroll on game day and games in which Wilson has to overcome horrendous game plans in order to win? Again, not sure how thats on Wilson either. Any QB. no matter how good they are would struggle under those circumstances.


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Dec 13, 2016
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SlickRick":1olaizyu said:
pittpnthrs":1olaizyu said:
SlickRick":1olaizyu said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

B+ QBs dont wear gold jackets at the end of their careers. Wilson will.

Thanks to The LOB 43-8
That second Superbowl they should have handed it off. Throws interception/ where does he go against the rams ? Or in the playoffs last few years one & done or eliminated by the wild card Rams last year?

He'll be a Hall of Famer because of his actual year to year performance. FYI, the LOB disintegrated years ago. Most NFL analysts have recognized his greatness since then.

Even in the Super Bowl you mention, Wilson's numbers in that Super Bowl is on par with other Hall of Famers in Super Bowls.

I'm genuinely curious, what do you consider Wilson's flaws to be? And what do you consider Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady, Manning's flaws to not be? Your argument is that Wilson's flaws far exceed the rest of those guys..and that Wilson at his best is nowhere near those guys correct? So what is it exactly? Is it his accuracy? His arm? His ability to read defenses? Where is he so flawed compared to those guys who apparently, have very minimal flaws in their long careers? We have to start debating this stuff with some sense of reality.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2014
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I came on here to post the stats showing the OP is blatantly ignorant, but looks like you guys have already done that.

Good on ya. Posters like this dude need to be educated.


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Dec 6, 2015
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Scorpion05":3btprg70 said:
SlickRick":3btprg70 said:
pittpnthrs":3btprg70 said:
SlickRick":3btprg70 said:
I'm a Big Russell Wilson Fan/ Supporter however after seeing this song & dance for 9 years now, I've come to terms with Wilson being a B+ QB.

On Wilson's great days he can hover to A- , but on his down days in the C's. Usually he sits in the B range & that's his constant & I'm fine with that. He's a damn good QB, that I wouldn't trade for the world, but he's not an A+ Tier & that's ok.

B+ QBs dont wear gold jackets at the end of their careers. Wilson will.

Thanks to The LOB 43-8
That second Superbowl they should have handed it off. Throws interception/ where does he go against the rams ? Or in the playoffs last few years one & done or eliminated by the wild card Rams last year?

He'll be a Hall of Famer because of his actual year to year performance. FYI, the LOB disintegrated years ago. Most NFL analysts have recognized his greatness since then.

Even in the Super Bowl you mention, Wilson's numbers in that Super Bowl is on par with other Hall of Famers in Super Bowls.

I'm genuinely curious, what do you consider Wilson's flaws to be? And what do you consider Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady, Manning's flaws to not be? Your argument is that Wilson's flaws far exceed the rest of those guys..and that Wilson at his best is nowhere near those guys correct? So what is it exactly? Is it his accuracy? His arm? His ability to read defenses? Where is he so flawed compared to those guys who apparently, have very minimal flaws in their long careers? We have to start debating this stuff with some sense of reality.

You want flaws ? Watch the Vikings game, all the Rams losses. And play off bounces one and done for reality. He's turning into Payton Manning great regular season , but gets bounced come playoff time


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Sep 5, 2016
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Average QB becomes only the 2nd QB to win 100 games in 10 seasons…..100

Take your lame take and file it were it belongs.

And you really just tried to back up your lame take by saying “he is turning into Peyton Manning”. You mean the HOF QB that has 2 SB wins and multiple MVP’s… wow, if that is average sign me up for 10 more years.


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, WA
Well he does "average" over 10 wins per year. :mrgreen:


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May 5, 2009
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Did you see that average spin move, roll out and hit the open 3rd stringer for a TD?


Oct 7, 2012
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I get not liking wilsons play style or not liking wilson the person and having that affect your evaluation of him as a player, but of all the things ive read in the post BY FAR the most insane thing ive seen is saying him "turning into peyton manning" as being "average". How can anyone thats watched football infer that peyton mannings career was average or "B" graded QB play. Is posting top 5 all time career stats or being the the HOF average now? I need that one explained to me cuz that makes no sense.