Which Seahawk Player Annoys You The Most ?


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May 2, 2009
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Agree on the Russ Wilson selection. Something about the squeaky clean image annoys me. Love him as our QB and want him locked up long term. And yes this is a good attribute for a QB. I just like the humanness and entertainment of players like Sherman, Lynch, and Bennett.


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Jun 23, 2014
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Throwdown":2g278p5t said:
Soooo I'm the only one that hates Luke Willson huh?

I think his hair is annoying and hope he starts to practice taking hits for jump balls, other than that i think he's aight.


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Mar 6, 2007
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On the field: Derrick Coleman. And also sometimes KJ Wright in certain matchups.
Off the field: Whichever Seahawk is on twitter at the moment.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Some of the posts in this thread are pretty deep in a sociological sense. Are we actually going through a new period of reassessing the date of adult responsibility for some people? I can feel a rant coming on.

Excusing ridiculously inappropriate behaviours the player knew, or should have known were wrong, wrong, wrong, seems to me to be rationalizing the irrational by offering some BS; poor them they came from difficult circumstances so we should excuse their self indulged rear ends from getting a boot in the shorts., even when they deserve that proverbial boot in the rear. BS is still BS.

Many of these young men will be able to retire with a net worth far far above the average member of society. Of course this will be easy money, subject mostly to: easy come, easy go; but they have an opportunity given them b/c they can play a game well enough to be one of the top 2000 players able to play it. I recognize this maybe is only just an numerical estimate. To do this they have minimal standards of acceptable behaviour which most comply with well. However, a few are woefully non-compliant. Sadly if they are good enough players, excuses are made for them to justify their manifest breaches of acceptable conduct until excuses can't be made for them any longer or they have become an embarrassment to their team. After that they become an unacceptable risk to promoting the objectives of selling the team and are eliminated or discarded with little chance for redemption. The excuses though remain considerably available for those who are stars or who have demonstrated significant talent, seems odd that we as fans accept this but it is clearly the case. Top QBs cheat or worse, are caught and people cry out for their forgiveness. Talented pass rushers who are demonstrable woman beaters, payoff complainants, and get re-hired and are darn well paid when normal society would find these folks to be pariahs. money seems to be the game here and the rest is what we are reduced to accepting. Weird double standards we have to excuse the inexcusable.

I am patently not a a liberal democrat, but not rigidly a hard core sanctimonious right wing moralist either; b/c I'll excuse and even forgive a mistake or two. Usually 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me' applies most. The rest is lately becoming tiresome and social media is seemingly only all about self centred or self entitled rubbish. I'm genuinely getting a bit miffed about the uneven application of league discipline to the "better players". These men are men by any metric, but they are treated like special needs children at times. That last comment was unfair to the group last mentioned. The point is though that we should require more from those to whom much is given. The things is that many, in fact most all do give back in a way that is greatly underestimated or understood by most, it's always the few bad guys that screw things up for the rest. I get the league is selling a product but they should be fair and even handed across the board.

So far this offseason the blockhead of the bunch this offseason has been Irvin who I believe has a big heart but can't seem to engage his mouth and brain simultaneously. I suspect he's been revealed as not really that bright a spark, but you can judge for yourself. He really should make a totally great anti-DUI commercial as a social repayment for his otherwise senseless unfunny joke, and should remember that many of us rabid fans often make more from uncareful comments even if he was suffering from hurt feelings when made. Maybe he'll eventually become more thoughtful. Perhaps he'll grow up ;-)

All in all though, we give these guys too much attention when real heros are around us everywhere, and quite a few are in VA hospitals or doing the city work that is often greatly undervalued.

Sure wish they would actually start playing ball then all this drama would become less significant. The contract scheit is just all that. the deals that need to get done will get done, or not; and we will accept whatever happens and move forward.

Rant over.


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McGruff":i662jz5f said:
If that is true, and increasingly it is true, then its a problem in society that needs to be corrected, not just acknowledged and certainly not condoned or excused.

Once upon a time boys became men in their mid teens. I graduated in 1990, and it was pretty much an expectation that at 18 I was to behave like an adult. Now I see young men sleeping in till noon and playing Xbox till 4pm and doing nothing with their time and everyone says "oh, they're young, they'll grow up."

All the while young women are looking for men and finding a perpetual culture of boyhood. A woman shouldn't have to teach her husband how to be a man. That's our job, and we're doing a pretty poor job of it.

I couldn't agree more. You and I could be brothers. I've got younger female friends that tell me they don't even bother with guys under 30 anymore. Ironic in that a lot of old guys get insecure about women wanting young studs, when in reality older guys are getting more props for having their crap together.


Jan 9, 2015
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Baldwin's attitude is wearing thin.
Irvin needs to quit twitter.
Bennett needs a clue, he just renewed his contract.


Lynch needs to grow up and talk to the media to avoid fines, even if he just uses canned answers.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Throwdown":j2galxv9 said:
Soooo I'm the only one that hates Luke Willson huh?

His hair annoys me. I think he'll continue to improve and be a better player. He'll be overshadowed by Graham but in a couple of years when Graham is gone, WIllson will surprise a lot of people.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Hawks46":3pzv4d0x said:
Throwdown":3pzv4d0x said:
Soooo I'm the only one that hates Luke Willson huh?

His hair annoys me. I think he'll continue to improve and be a better player. He'll be overshadowed by Graham but in a couple of years when Graham is gone, WIllson will surprise a lot of people.

Why does Willson annoy people? Seems like a super nice guy. Sure sometimes he's a little soft and aloof on the field, but as far as classifying him as "annoying?" Not sure how that word fits him.

Pandion Haliaetus

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Mar 16, 2013
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I'm not going to play this game but I find it hilarious at some of the answers and reasoning... Yet, those same people idolize Lynch and give him a pass for some of the same antics.

No, I'll play...two of the mods got it correct for me, 12s are becoming more and more insufferable and entitled everyday. Honestly, in a matter of two years we have become the very fans we've always detested: Cowboy fans, Steelers fans, Niner fans.

Its incredible yet saddening how far this team and it's fans have come in such a short time. Hardly, anyone is appreciative these days, it's just the same constant focus on the negatives.


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Pandion Haliaetus":gq3cswxo said:
I'm not going to play this game but I find it hilarious at some of the answers and reasoning... Yet, those same people idolize Lynch and give him a pass for some of the same antics.

No, I'll play...two of the mods got it correct for me, 12s are becoming more and more insufferable and entitled everyday. Honestly, in a matter of two years we have become the very fans we've always detested: Cowboy fans, Steelers fans, Niner fans.

Its incredible yet saddening how far this team and it's fans have come in such a short time. Hardly, anyone is appreciative these days, it's just the same constant focus on the negatives.

This and to add the irony of the maturity posts was hilarious. :lol:


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Jan 5, 2010
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Bruce Irvin and it isn't even close. He needs to remove himself from Twitter. He says so many cringe worthy things and does more damage than good on there.

Sgt. Largent

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Oct 1, 2012
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Pandion Haliaetus":2gc2mwtg said:
I'm not going to play this game but I find it hilarious at some of the answers and reasoning... Yet, those same people idolize Lynch and give him a pass for some of the same antics.

It's all about performance with sports, and it's not just fans, it's owners, coaches, teammates, and even media.

If you perform, you just have a cute little personality quirk............if you're an average player or suck, you're annoying.

btw, this forum has been on fire with anti-Lynch antic threads for years after each and every one of his off the field media issues. So no, not everyone just blindly idolizes him.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
Sgt. Largent":3f2wy8ai said:
Hawks46":3f2wy8ai said:
Throwdown":3f2wy8ai said:
Soooo I'm the only one that hates Luke Willson huh?

His hair annoys me. I think he'll continue to improve and be a better player. He'll be overshadowed by Graham but in a couple of years when Graham is gone, WIllson will surprise a lot of people.

Why does Willson annoy people? Seems like a super nice guy. Sure sometimes he's a little soft and aloof on the field, but as far as classifying him as "annoying?" Not sure how that word fits him.

Nothing is more annoying than dropped passes


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May 7, 2013
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Sgt. Largent":1y2cq41n said:
Hawks46":1y2cq41n said:
Throwdown":1y2cq41n said:
Soooo I'm the only one that hates Luke Willson huh?

His hair annoys me. I think he'll continue to improve and be a better player. He'll be overshadowed by Graham but in a couple of years when Graham is gone, WIllson will surprise a lot of people.

Why does Willson annoy people? Seems like a super nice guy. Sure sometimes he's a little soft and aloof on the field, but as far as classifying him as "annoying?" Not sure how that word fits him.
Maybe cause he's Canadian eh? Jk

Russ Willstrong

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Aug 28, 2012
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Not that I find him annoying but rather just frustrating to follow at times--> Russell Wilson.
I love his positivity and humility but I can't follow him on twitter because of the religiosity.

I like that internally he is a tough SOB but externally he presents as a religious boy scout. Because of his good-guy image he likely won't hold out or miss any games EVEN when he knows the Seahawks have no capable alternative at quarterback. He has leverage far greater than what most people think and yet he is probably going to settle for millions less than what he would make playing out his contract and getting to the market. I find this unsettling when most players know their worth and are outspoken about it.

I love the Seahawks but I hate seeing organizations screw over players who continue to far outplay their salaries. Wilson's last year of his rookie contract CAN be scrapped or else an extension can include new money that figures to adjust for his 2015 salary--Either way the Seahawks have redone contracts early for guys like Kam and Lynch. Nobody has outplayed their salary more than RW.

What annoys me is that he doesn't let it phase him outwardly.