Where's The Fevered Pitch in The Northwest?


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May 18, 2012
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Also an excitement that we knew it was gonna be us or the 49ers that won it probably added a lot to it, but I think if we win against the Panthers, excitement will ramp up - right now it kinda feels like any other game because the opponent doesn't have the same feel that we might lose to them as others might


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Mar 5, 2007
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After we win this weekend . I am 1000000% positive it will crank up to 12!!!


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Oct 1, 2010
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I haven't really noticed the same difference that you guys have, perhaps because I don't listen to local sports radio very much. Bye-Carolina-Dallas/GB is not quite what Bye-Saints-SF was last year but every year we have been in the playoffs is incredibly exciting because there is so much randomness behind individual game outcomes.

I don't buy into the team of destiny stuff. We win XL six times out of ten and both of those divisional losses against Chicago ('06 '10) were super close. '06 NFCCG would have been against the overrated Saints and '10 NFCCG would have been against the Pack but at home where we are very good against anybody. '12 could have ended very differently if RW didn't take that sack at the end of the first half or if we made a stop on defense at the end there. '13 ended in a super bowl win because we were a really good team AND we got a few bounces in our favor here and there (@Car, @Hou, The tip). You flip a couple of bounces and '06 is the team of destiny while '13 was the year it just wasn't meant to be.

Making the playoffs is like buying weekly lottery tickets with a very small pool. You keep on doing it with a good team and your number will start coming up. Not every year, but the more times you enter the more trophies you'll get.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
I don't know about the NW since I moved to SoCal in 2008, but I rep here every day and always see other Hawk fans even in a city with 15 million. I was at the mall on Sunday wearing my superbowl champions shirt and some dude said, oh my gawd a Seahawk fan, I said Yeah, the Champs. Hows your team doing?....Silence....crickets.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2013
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Kalispell, MT
I don't think the story line is quite as compelling this year.

After a befuddling end to our 2012 campaign, there was a sense of unfinished business that lingered through the offseason. Then, we started off 2013 by going 4-0 including a big win against our (at the time) powerful arch rivals. There was a buzz. There was a meaningful rivalry. "Madden" did the Wilson Kaepernick eyebrow ad. There was excitement about the potential of a national championship coming to Seattle after a long drought. For the faithful, there was hope for the fulfillment of a decades long dream. There were young fans, newly introduced to the Seahawks, who brought a different kind of energy. The entire year pointed to and built up to a fateful meet up with our arch rivals in January. There were some rough spots, but somehow the team just figured out a way to overcome. It was a compelling story for die hard and casual fans alike.

This year is somehow different. We are the champs. Even for many of the fans who understand just how difficult it is to repeat, there is some sense of inevitability of getting to this year's NFCCG at a minimum. Anything less than a Super Bowl win will be a disappointing season. We have no conference or major rival left in the playoffs. The most compelling narrative is Rodgers returning to the site of Tate's Golden Catch or Romo returning for the Hawks to get another swipe at him. These storylines just don't ring the same as hosting our nemesis on our home turf. How can this year's conference championship game even begin to compare to last year's epic showdown? The new fans, well you can only sustain novelty enthusiasm for so long. The old guard, well 40 years of pent up anxiety were released last year. The cherry finally got popped (man was it good), and there is nothing quite like the first time.

- bsd RPA


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Mar 4, 2007
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I think it is mostly that nobody cares about the Panthers.

The NFC championship game will bring everyone back out to the crazy mode.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
HawkerD":107tbixs said:
You'll hear plenty of "Fail Mary" crap if it is the meat packers...
I don't think so. The time for that was the first game of the season, and we dominated that game so the narrative never got traction. The story line going into a Seahawks-Packers NFCCG will be whether or not Rodgers will throw to Sherman's part of the field.


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Apr 4, 2010
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Over There
I don't see it as a lack of fervency. I just don't think anything compares with the anticipation of a first. You can be madly in love with your significant other for the rest of your life, but no kiss will ever be quite the same as that first kiss.

Imagine pining for your dream car for decades. The anticipation has your imagination running wild: how much you'll enjoy working on it, how great you'll feel driving it, where you'll take it, how jealous your douche neighbor will be, etc. The possibilities are endless. Then you finally get the car and it's everything you ever wanted. There's no letdown at all and you love doing all those things you dreamed about. But now you actually have to do it. Having it is much much better than not having it, but you just can't replace the antici.....................pation.

Once you have achieved the dream, all you can do is upgrade it, add to it, customize it, and find new ways to prolong the feeling of euphoria as best you can. As it relates to our current SB run, we've been watching our Seahawks in playoff football mode the past 6 weeks. The bye week was needed for the team and the fans. Now we're four days away from the next step to Lombardi numero dos. It's time to crank it up. Let's get P'd and J'd, all y'all!!!

PS: I don't put much stock in local media and their decisions on what stories to run. I've spent a little time in newspaper, radio, and TV meeting rooms, albeit on a small scale, and I'll tell you all what you probably already know: those places ain't think tanks. The market was flooded with 12's and SB fever last year. If they think a story about the town's fluffiest kitty will get more views and clicks they'll go with that. But when we're in the NFCCG, they'll ramp up the coverage. And if we get to the SB, they know they'll have 2 weeks to glut the papers, airwaves, and websites. If we don't, they'll have their "what went wrong?" and "looking to next year" stories, then they'll go back to feeding us reality TV updates.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I work downtown Seattle, and the buzz is def. not as high as last year. Now if we get by this game, it will be nuts. That week of NFC Championship was unreal down here.


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May 2, 2009
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I think a big reason why is they're playing Carolina. A team that is basically the football equivalent of Switzerland. No one really loves or hates them up here.

If they win Saturday, that fever pitch will be here.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Late season the crowd was back to where it was..but as of a few days ago when I left the Seattle area..it was very different than last year. Last year everywhere I went there was Seahawk themed stuff going on as soon as it was playoff time. Store fronts were painted with Seahawk logos, people I barely know were begging to buy my playoff tickets for double face value even for the first came, there was an electricity in the air. This year if you look online, ticket prices for the first playoff game are actually lower than some regular season games, I didnt see any store fronts decorating, no one has been begging me for tickets..

People are still into it..but after waiting so long I think there is a certain feeling of "mission accomplished" having finally won the Super Bowl... Like a Rocky III movie, the crowd still loves the sport buy have lost the "eye of the tiger" somewhat, they arent hungry having already won the trophy.


Sep 5, 2014
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I've noticed it too. I see more people wearing the gear but no excitement really. Can't get hyped for Carolina as we beat them the last 3 times on the road. There's no looming showdown with the 49ers this playoffs. Remember that was the big game last year. After we won that it was a formality to go to NJ and beat the Donks.

Maybe It's kind of the new normal? We don't have anything to prove. Been there done that, right? Now we have a quiet confidence we will get it done again. We have looked so solid the last 10 games on D that it takes some of the drama away. Especially when we are favored by 11 the first game.


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Mar 12, 2012
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I don't know man, this has been a thing all season long it seems, but I haven't seen it.

People are really excited. My FB feed is full of Hawks stuff. My family is off the chain, so are my friends. I see people wearing Hawks gear everywhere. Just about everyone in town is going to watch this game.

Yes, nothing may ever match the excitement of the first SB win, but the way people seem to be actively searching for a lack of passion among the 12th Man this season seems pretty ridiculous.

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