We need to face the facts


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
pittpnthrs":51at6ogv said:
LTH":51at6ogv said:
pittpnthrs":51at6ogv said:
Seattle cant run the ball, pass the ball, play defense, has incompetent coaching, and questionable ownership. Other than that, they are in decent shape.

I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

The ineptitude of the team has been tied to a style of play thats been dictated by the QB . We have never run a traditional offense in Seattle because we have Russel Wilson at QB. He doesnt have a traditional skillset. he never has. His success has come predominantly from play action or from improvised play; improvisation that was at times necessary because of protection but at times because of his chosen style of play. But from a fan's perspective, improvisation that was in every way necessary for us to be successful... because without any other way to look at the game or understand the intent and responsibilities within a given play, thats exactly what it looks like. and the media, who loves the comeback story and incredible highlights, gobbled it all up and perpetuated the theme - Russ IS the Seahawks offense.

Meanwhile on the team, there's never been the same kind of praise for Wilson among hos teammates as there was from the outside.

We have never been a great audible team. We've never been great at adapting to pressure at the line. All of these facts have little to do with the HC other than him stubbornly sticking to that style of play - allowing Russ to make sh!+ up as long as it was working. now it doesnt work anymore. Russ never developed the skill to do the things he is very obviously not capable of doing now, and he no longer has the talent to overcome the deficiency.

So you can fault the entire franchise for the failure that we now are, or you can remove the piece that is largely responsible for dictating that we play the way we do - one Mr Russell Wilson.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
You cannot possibly put together a coherent gameplan for a guy that plays his best ball when he's not playing by the book. Jimi Hendrix is one of the best Guitar players in the history of music. Jimi Hendrix would also never have been in an orchestra playing solo pieces that were dictated by the music as it was written. Jimi improvised. Russel improvises. They are both great. And they both had supporting casts that played to their strengths and followed wherever they led. But Russ's game has always been predicated on him overcoming whatever the obstacle was in front of him by creating and not by allowing the plan that was devised to overcome the issues for him. Blocking bust - create. Cant see a passing lane - create. Cant see the whole field to make a read - create. not comfortable making a certain throw - create. This is nothing more than him now being asked to work within Waldrons offense, with a reduced skillset and struggling to do so.

So we either simplify things for him and get back to running and passing off of the run, which was the only type of play the team was ever successful with - dont think he's interested in this, nor is DK. Or he all of a sudden gets good at doing things he's never consistently been asked to do before. Or we move on from Russ and instead of scrapping the entire team - a team with a burgeoning defense and when healthy, a solid running game (health has zero to do with schemes, or design), an O-Line built to run, and more talent on both sides of the ball than probably 75% of the league.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Also dont understand the harping on stats to support Russel's play.

He had a passer rating of 110 vs WFT. 110!!!!
And he stank like all get out. So constantly looking back and talking about how great his play is, All-Time when referencing things like QBR makes no sense. They dont tell the whole story anymore than people thinking Rashad Penny was the best back on the team because of his relatively high YPC. Well, if you go 0,0,0,0,0,0,-2,1,1,60, you're going to average 6.8 ypc... but if you watch that play in the context of an offense, you probably also went 3 and out 5 drives out of 6.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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keasley45":3v7zrwkn said:
pittpnthrs":3v7zrwkn said:
LTH":3v7zrwkn said:
pittpnthrs":3v7zrwkn said:
Seattle cant run the ball, pass the ball, play defense, has incompetent coaching, and questionable ownership. Other than that, they are in decent shape.

I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

The ineptitude of the team has been tied to a style of play thats been dictated by the QB . We have never run a traditional offense in Seattle because we have Russel Wilson at QB. He doesnt have a traditional skillset. he never has. His success has come predominantly from play action or from improvised play; improvisation that was at times necessary because of protection but at times because of his chosen style of play. But from a fan's perspective, improvisation that was in every way necessary for us to be successful... because without any other way to look at the game or understand the intent and responsibilities within a given play, thats exactly what it looks like. and the media, who loves the comeback story and incredible highlights, gobbled it all up and perpetuated the theme - Russ IS the Seahawks offense.

Meanwhile on the team, there's never been the same kind of praise for Wilson among hos teammates as there was from the outside.

We have never been a great audible team. We've never been great at adapting to pressure at the line. All of these facts have little to do with the HC other than him stubbornly sticking to that style of play - allowing Russ to make sh!+ up as long as it was working. now it doesnt work anymore. Russ never developed the skill to do the things he is very obviously not capable of doing now, and he no longer has the talent to overcome the deficiency.

So you can fault the entire franchise for the failure that we now are, or you can remove the piece that is largely responsible for dictating that we play the way we do - one Mr Russell Wilson.

Again, its agreed that he's playing bad this season, but you describe him as having so many issues its a wonder Seattle has ever won a game with him on the field. Crazy that he somehow ranks up there with the all time greats in so many categories with all the issues you pointed out. The improvision came about from necessity due to horrid offensive lines that the coach and FO refused to address since he's been here. You state he excels at play action but the team runs so little of it. Whos fault is that? Last years playoff loss to the Rams they rolled Russ out ZERO times. Is that on Russ? How about the year he hurt his ankle and they still ran the read option although he was incapable of keeping the ball and running himself and the other teams knew it? Still ran it though. Is that on Wilson? Thats what your so called troubled QB has had to overcome year after year after year with Pete Carroll. With a lesser QB that didnt possess Wilsons unique skillsets, Seattle would have been a 3 to 5 win team for the past 6 years. If this season isnt a prime example of how vital Wilson is to the teams success, I dont know what is.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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pittpnthrs":ugwyax9k said:
LTH":ugwyax9k said:
pittpnthrs":ugwyax9k said:
Seattle cant run the ball, pass the ball, play defense, has incompetent coaching, and questionable ownership. Other than that, they are in decent shape.

I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

Fanboyism? Is that even a word?


I do think this D is a good D... not fantsistic but they are getting better... the D is NOT the reason this team is losing see i can break that down and tell you why... you just come up with these general statements Fire Pete, the run game just sucks, Russ is the only reason this team has had success in the last 10 years... I mean come on if your going to make general blanket statement and play the flipping odds that the Hawks will not make the SB under Carroll at least back it up with something other than accusing me of fanboyism LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Get real PAL! :rumble: :lol:


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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LTH":23tkb3do said:
pittpnthrs":23tkb3do said:
LTH":23tkb3do said:
pittpnthrs":23tkb3do said:
Seattle cant run the ball, pass the ball, play defense, has incompetent coaching, and questionable ownership. Other than that, they are in decent shape.

I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

Fanboyism? Is that even a word?


I do think this D is a good D... not fantsistic but they are getting better... the D is NOT the reason this team is losing see i can break that down and tell you why... you just come up with these general statements Fire Pete, the run game just sucks, Russ is the only reason this team has had success in the last 10 years... I mean come on if your going to make general blanket statement and play the flipping odds that the Hawks will not make the SB under Carroll at least back it up with something other than accusing me of fanboyism LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Get real PAL! :rumble: :lol:

Its no secret that your the biggest pom pom holder on the board. Your love for the team doesnt allow you to see things as they are. When you flat out cant see that the defense is an attributing factor to the teams issues right now, nobody can take you seriously. Firing the head coach is not a general statement. It needs to be done. It needed to be done years ago. The run game does suck. The RBs and Oline are awful. How are you still defending it? Russ is the biggest reason for the teams success for the last 6 or so years. He's having a bad year and the team is 3-8. Is that hard for you to understand? You and others now think a game manager type QB is whats needed and your so wrong. There's a reason Carroll has a sub .500 record without Wilson.

The issues of this team is so obvious and apparent to everybody, but yet you cant recognize them. Yeah, get real pal.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
pittpnthrs":33010z8x said:
keasley45":33010z8x said:
pittpnthrs":33010z8x said:
LTH":33010z8x said:
I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

The ineptitude of the team has been tied to a style of play thats been dictated by the QB . We have never run a traditional offense in Seattle because we have Russel Wilson at QB. He doesnt have a traditional skillset. he never has. His success has come predominantly from play action or from improvised play; improvisation that was at times necessary because of protection but at times because of his chosen style of play. But from a fan's perspective, improvisation that was in every way necessary for us to be successful... because without any other way to look at the game or understand the intent and responsibilities within a given play, thats exactly what it looks like. and the media, who loves the comeback story and incredible highlights, gobbled it all up and perpetuated the theme - Russ IS the Seahawks offense.

Meanwhile on the team, there's never been the same kind of praise for Wilson among hos teammates as there was from the outside.

We have never been a great audible team. We've never been great at adapting to pressure at the line. All of these facts have little to do with the HC other than him stubbornly sticking to that style of play - allowing Russ to make sh!+ up as long as it was working. now it doesnt work anymore. Russ never developed the skill to do the things he is very obviously not capable of doing now, and he no longer has the talent to overcome the deficiency.

So you can fault the entire franchise for the failure that we now are, or you can remove the piece that is largely responsible for dictating that we play the way we do - one Mr Russell Wilson.

Again, its agreed that he's playing bad this season, but you describe him as having so many issues its a wonder Seattle has ever won a game with him on the field. Crazy that he somehow ranks up there with the all time greats in so many categories with all the issues you pointed out. The improvision came about from necessity due to horrid offensive lines that the coach and FO refused to address since he's been here. You state he excels at play action but the team runs so little of it. Whos fault is that? Last years playoff loss to the Rams they rolled Russ out ZERO times. Is that on Russ? How about the year he hurt his ankle and they still ran the read option although he was incapable of keeping the ball and running himself and the other teams knew it? Still ran it though. Is that on Wilson? Thats what your so called troubled QB has had to overcome year after year after year with Pete Carroll. With a lesser QB that didnt possess Wilsons unique skillsets, Seattle would have been a 3 to 5 win team for the past 6 years. If this season isnt a prime example of how vital Wilson is to the teams success, I dont know what is.

What I was pointing out is that he's never been an x's and o's guy. And the lines weren't all 'horrid'. And we can debate how much of his bailing the pocket was his doing or the lines. Doesnt even matter, honestly. Because it's obvious that even when he has time, now, in year 10, he still makes reads like he's in year 2. It would be one thing if when he dropped back and had a nice pocket, he actually got the ball out in rhythm and on time. He still often doesn't when his first read isnt there.

He's never forced the issue in trying to be 'The Cook' the way he has this year and the way he did in the 3 games before Pete pulled the plug last year.

If he wasn't calling his own number to the tune of 70 plus passes to 23 runs in just a two game sample (totals between the GB game and the WFT game) and stubbornly trying to prove that he can do what he always complained he could if only Pete would let him, then the criticism of the poor play and basic execution of plays wouldn't be as harsh. And I claim that because he's been on record defending his decisions to throw long / often rather than take what's available or run.

He made this bed for himself. He wanted the spotlight to prove that he's always been great...MVP worthy, and better than his system allowed. And instead he's shown that he struggles to do what a 2nd year pro can and that from where I sit, the system that allowed him to stand behind an all world defense and perennially great running game was as much the reason for his success by keeping him in games when he was making the same errors in reading the field 7 years ago as he does today as his improvisational skills were.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
Put another way- if you have to run around to make a play because you can't read a defense or cant get through a progression fast enough or because the line doesn't give you the time you need on every drop but it doesn't matter because you're a flipping magician when you just do your thing... Great. Do it.

And if defenses struggle to prepare for you not because you dissect secondaries like Brady or Rodgers, but because they have no idea what you're gonna do play to play. That fine too.

But if you get to the point where you are no longer a magician and defenses have seen all of your tricks, you better have something to fall back on. And if you don't, you sure as hell better not shine a spotlight on how great you are and how everyone around you is the problem.

Russ doesn't have a fallback and he's put himself on a pedestal to show the world how great HE is. And without the magic, he's just a guy who used to be great by virtue of his God given talent, but is now a liability.

Thats his fault that he puts tape out there every week that shows how poor he is and obviously has been at aspects of the qb position.

He didn't all of a sudden develop a blind spot for wide open recievers or forget how to make reads and get the ball out on time.


Active member
Oct 21, 2011
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I'm all for any open discussion regarding improving this team, moving on from PC, JS, RW, whatever.

But.. what on earth are people talking about when they say we should have "got rid of PC years ago"? Last year we were 12-4. Overall PC is 148–102–1 (.592), playoffs 11–10 (.524).

Should he move on now, maybe? Should we have moved on from him before this season... are you insane?


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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pittpnthrs":3be1bshf said:
LTH":3be1bshf said:
pittpnthrs":3be1bshf said:
LTH":3be1bshf said:
I just find it interesting that you have been complaining about Carroll, complaining about JS, complaining about Jody Allan, complaining about every aspect of the Seahawks but Russell Wilson who you say is NOT happy in Seattle because Pete Carroll has ruined this team... But in actuality Wilson has as much or more to do with the team's woes as anyone on the team. Now all of a sudden, all the doubters are gone, nowhere to be seen...

Hmmmm... I'm just not quite sure what to think about that...LMAO!!!


Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

Fanboyism? Is that even a word?


I do think this D is a good D... not fantsistic but they are getting better... the D is NOT the reason this team is losing see i can break that down and tell you why... you just come up with these general statements Fire Pete, the run game just sucks, Russ is the only reason this team has had success in the last 10 years... I mean come on if your going to make general blanket statement and play the flipping odds that the Hawks will not make the SB under Carroll at least back it up with something other than accusing me of fanboyism LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Get real PAL! :rumble: :lol:

Its no secret that your the biggest pom pom holder on the board. Your love for the team doesnt allow you to see things as they are. When you flat out cant see that the defense is an attributing factor to the teams issues right now, nobody can take you seriously. Firing the head coach is not a general statement. It needs to be done. It needed to be done years ago. The run game does suck. The RBs and Oline are awful. How are you still defending it? Russ is the biggest reason for the teams success for the last 6 or so years. He's having a bad year and the team is 3-8. Is that hard for you to understand? You and others now think a game manager type QB is whats needed and your so wrong. There's a reason Carroll has a sub .500 record without Wilson.

The issues of this team is so obvious and apparent to everybody, but yet you cant recognize them. Yeah, get real pal.
Thats NOT accurate at all. I do see the way things are,You take other people's posts and inject hate and misleading statements to cover up your emotional trauma of a loss or a poor season...maybe you should book an appointment with your theripist.

I Have some faith in Carroll and because of that you call me names and try to degrade me or anybody who has a different opinion than your... thats really a thoughtful mature way to approach it you're a troll.. you have nothing to add on the positive side and your insight has no validity other than it's your twisted hateful opinion. Just in this thread as well as many others I have watched other posters tear your arguments to pieces and yet you have nothing to refute those claims but crap ...

So it is what it is...



Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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LTH":1tjkwb6o said:
pittpnthrs":1tjkwb6o said:
LTH":1tjkwb6o said:
pittpnthrs":1tjkwb6o said:
Did my statement not include passing the ball?

You find it interesting because your incapable of seeing whats really going on due to your fanboyism. Russ is playing bad, no doubt about it, and because he cant cover up for the rest of the teams ineptitude as usual, he's all of a sudden the root cause for all of the issues to you and others now. The only difference between this season and any other season is that he's hurt and making some bad decisions and isnt playing out of his mind like he normally does. He's still the best player on the team and the only player that can overcome the pathetic coaching schemes to somehow will the team to some victories. Let Geno or another game manager type QB take the reins for a season and you'll quickly see how bad this team really is without Wilson.

Why am I even explaining myself? You still think the defense is good for Gods sakes.

Fanboyism? Is that even a word?


I do think this D is a good D... not fantsistic but they are getting better... the D is NOT the reason this team is losing see i can break that down and tell you why... you just come up with these general statements Fire Pete, the run game just sucks, Russ is the only reason this team has had success in the last 10 years... I mean come on if your going to make general blanket statement and play the flipping odds that the Hawks will not make the SB under Carroll at least back it up with something other than accusing me of fanboyism LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Get real PAL! :rumble: :lol:

Its no secret that your the biggest pom pom holder on the board. Your love for the team doesnt allow you to see things as they are. When you flat out cant see that the defense is an attributing factor to the teams issues right now, nobody can take you seriously. Firing the head coach is not a general statement. It needs to be done. It needed to be done years ago. The run game does suck. The RBs and Oline are awful. How are you still defending it? Russ is the biggest reason for the teams success for the last 6 or so years. He's having a bad year and the team is 3-8. Is that hard for you to understand? You and others now think a game manager type QB is whats needed and your so wrong. There's a reason Carroll has a sub .500 record without Wilson.

The issues of this team is so obvious and apparent to everybody, but yet you cant recognize them. Yeah, get real pal.
Thats NOT accurate at all. I do see the way things are,You take other people's posts and inject hate and misleading statements to cover up your emotional trauma of a loss or a poor season...maybe you should book an appointment with your theripist.

I Have some faith in Carroll and because of that you call me names and try to degrade me or anybody who has a different opinion than your... thats really a thoughtful mature way to approach it you're a troll.. you have nothing to add on the positive side and your insight has no validity other than it's your twisted hateful opinion. Just in this thread as well as many others I have watched other posters tear your arguments to pieces and yet you have nothing to refute those claims but crap ...

So it is what it is...


Your being hypocritical. You are guilty of the same thing you are accusing me of. You have faith in a head coach that has nothing left to give, routinely gets outcoached, has been a terrible game day coach for as long as I can remember, has whiffed so many times in the draft and free agency, keeps yes man coordinators, and has no one to answer to. Thats fine though, you do you. The reasoning is puzzling, but whatever.

None of my arguments have been tore to pieces, but thats your take because they share your same opinion. I've pointed out the issues of this team for years now and people are finally seeing them for their selves. A lot of people were fooled by the good regular season records and couldnt grasp the futility of the post season when it was so obvious and apparent. You still seem to be one of those people. Holding on to hope when there is none.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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pittpnthrs":3dx2o9hb said:
LTH":3dx2o9hb said:
pittpnthrs":3dx2o9hb said:
LTH":3dx2o9hb said:
Fanboyism? Is that even a word?


I do think this D is a good D... not fantsistic but they are getting better... the D is NOT the reason this team is losing see i can break that down and tell you why... you just come up with these general statements Fire Pete, the run game just sucks, Russ is the only reason this team has had success in the last 10 years... I mean come on if your going to make general blanket statement and play the flipping odds that the Hawks will not make the SB under Carroll at least back it up with something other than accusing me of fanboyism LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

Get real PAL! :rumble: :lol:

Its no secret that your the biggest pom pom holder on the board. Your love for the team doesnt allow you to see things as they are. When you flat out cant see that the defense is an attributing factor to the teams issues right now, nobody can take you seriously. Firing the head coach is not a general statement. It needs to be done. It needed to be done years ago. The run game does suck. The RBs and Oline are awful. How are you still defending it? Russ is the biggest reason for the teams success for the last 6 or so years. He's having a bad year and the team is 3-8. Is that hard for you to understand? You and others now think a game manager type QB is whats needed and your so wrong. There's a reason Carroll has a sub .500 record without Wilson.

The issues of this team is so obvious and apparent to everybody, but yet you cant recognize them. Yeah, get real pal.
Thats NOT accurate at all. I do see the way things are,You take other people's posts and inject hate and misleading statements to cover up your emotional trauma of a loss or a poor season...maybe you should book an appointment with your theripist.

I Have some faith in Carroll and because of that you call me names and try to degrade me or anybody who has a different opinion than your... thats really a thoughtful mature way to approach it you're a troll.. you have nothing to add on the positive side and your insight has no validity other than it's your twisted hateful opinion. Just in this thread as well as many others I have watched other posters tear your arguments to pieces and yet you have nothing to refute those claims but crap ...

So it is what it is...


Your being hypocritical. You are guilty of the same thing you are accusing me of. You have faith in a head coach that has nothing left to give, routinely gets outcoached, has been a terrible game day coach for as long as I can remember, has whiffed so many times in the draft and free agency, keeps yes man coordinators, and has no one to answer to. Thats fine though, you do you. The reasoning is puzzling, but whatever.

None of my arguments have been tore to pieces, but thats your take because they share your same opinion. I've pointed out the issues of this team for years now and people are finally seeing them for their selves. A lot of people were fooled by the good regular season records and couldnt grasp the futility of the post season when it was so obvious and apparent. You still seem to be one of those people. Holding on to hope when there is none.

Thats my point you have torn this team down for years even when they are winning and doing well...instead of enjoying what they bring...You're not going to allow anyone to enjoy anything. and so finally after years of saying they suck they have a bad season and now you feel justified... sooner or later you're going to be right because it's almost impossible to win all the time, but the thing is the reason the Hawks are having a bad season was the strength of your argument (Wilson) in the first place and NOT what you claimed to be the problem (Carroll)...

I don't get it. I really don't understand the way you think. and truthfully, I don't want to understand why the Hawks suck I just want to enjoy the season and ride the rollercoaster.

You make the assertion that I am a POM POM whatever that means, I am NOT free of criticism I see the problems I just don't dwell on the negativity, I just look at differently than you do. I see Carrolls process. and what that means is, yeah there are some issues, but half of the fun of this game is watching this team work out of adverse situation through Carrols's process... It's not perfect. Very different than say Holmgren. So yoiu just don't understand How I think...



Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Chawker":3pss0n74 said:
The 2021 Seattle Seahawks need to realize their weak points so the proper changes can be made.

Our RBs are a walking mash unit or of under talented back ups.

The offensive line isn't that bad, yet Brown is aging and will have to be replaced.

Our defensive front seven needs a overhaul minus Brooks.

Most people in here want to point there finger at just one person like Pete or Russ when we need to look at all the things going on.

A broader scope of all players and personal need to be given. If I was Pete I'd shake up the line up some, just to see what we got. It not like we're headed to the play offs.

^ Good post ^


Well-known member
Apr 11, 2010
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Tical21":2d56nczb said:
Chawker":2d56nczb said:
The 2021 Seattle Seahawks need to realize their weak points so the proper changes can be made.

Our RBs are a walking mash unit or of under talented back ups.

The offensive line isn't that bad, yet Brown is aging and will have to be replaced.

Our defensive front seven needs a overhaul minus Brooks.

Most people in here want to point there finger at just one person like Pete or Russ when we need to look at all the things going on.

A broader scope of all players and personal need to be given. If I was Pete I'd shake up the line up some, just to see what we got. It not like we're headed to the play offs.

I point the finger first at Schneider. Should have had the keys taken away 3-4 years ago, but of course I get roasted here every time I suggest as much.
You're getting roasted the "Old Fashioned Way"..."You've Earned It" :lol:


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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LTH":2x2t5cvh said:
Thats my point you have torn this team down for years even when they are winning and doing well...instead of enjoying what they bring...You're not going to allow anyone to enjoy anything. and so finally after years of saying they suck they have a bad season and now you feel justified... sooner or later you're going to be right because it's almost impossible to win all the time, but the thing is the reason the Hawks are having a bad season was the strength of your argument (Wilson) in the first place and NOT what you claimed to be the problem (Carroll)...

I don't get it. I really don't understand the way you think. and truthfully, I don't want to understand why the Hawks suck I just want to enjoy the season and ride the rollercoaster.

You make the assertion that I am a POM POM whatever that means, I am NOT free of criticism I see the problems I just don't dwell on the negativity, I just look at differently than you do. I see Carrolls process. and what that means is, yeah there are some issues, but half of the fun of this game is watching this team work out of adverse situation through Carrols's process... It's not perfect. Very different than say Holmgren. So yoiu just don't understand How I think...


Just because I recognized the issues and pointed them out before others did doesnt mean I tore the team down. I enjoy watching them every weekend as its entertainment but I dont carry any false hopes of success once and if they do get into the post season. Its been a foregone conclusion now for 5 or so years. Carrolls antiquated game plans are embarrassing in the post season and there's just no possible way to overcome that without an all pro roster from top to bottom. The post season record from the last 6 years prove that point yet some, like you, still held out hope when there was none. So crucify me for wanting to change that theme for the team I like.

As for the Russ and Pete deal, Russ has been good enough to win even with deficient coaching for years now, but you somehow think the coaching is a strength. Thats maddening to me. Carroll has a sub .500 career NFL record without Wilson and now Russ is the devil because he's finally having a bad season.

Carrolls process? Lol. I've seen his process and its netted 2 wild card wins in 6 years and a defense thats a laughing stock in the NFL. Not sure how much more of that process anybody can take. Seattle is one of the worst teams in the league. They arent working out of any adverse situations.

I'm not sure anybody understands how you think.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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pittpnthrs":196yasz2 said:
LTH":196yasz2 said:
Thats my point you have torn this team down for years even when they are winning and doing well...instead of enjoying what they bring...You're not going to allow anyone to enjoy anything. and so finally after years of saying they suck they have a bad season and now you feel justified... sooner or later you're going to be right because it's almost impossible to win all the time, but the thing is the reason the Hawks are having a bad season was the strength of your argument (Wilson) in the first place and NOT what you claimed to be the problem (Carroll)...

I don't get it. I really don't understand the way you think. and truthfully, I don't want to understand why the Hawks suck I just want to enjoy the season and ride the rollercoaster.

You make the assertion that I am a POM POM whatever that means, I am NOT free of criticism I see the problems I just don't dwell on the negativity, I just look at differently than you do. I see Carrolls process. and what that means is, yeah there are some issues, but half of the fun of this game is watching this team work out of adverse situation through Carrols's process... It's not perfect. Very different than say Holmgren. So yoiu just don't understand How I think...


Just because I recognized the issues and pointed them out before others did doesnt mean I tore the team down. I enjoy watching them every weekend as its entertainment but I dont carry any false hopes of success once and if they do get into the post season. Its been a foregone conclusion now for 5 or so years. Carrolls antiquated game plans are embarrassing in the post season and there's just no possible way to overcome that without an all pro roster from top to bottom. The post season record from the last 6 years prove that point yet some, like you, still held out hope when there was none. So crucify me for wanting to change that theme for the team I like.

As for the Russ and Pete deal, Russ has been good enough to win even with deficient coaching for years now, but you somehow think the coaching is a strength. Thats maddening to me. Carroll has a sub .500 career NFL record without Wilson and now Russ is the devil because he's finally having a bad season.

Carrolls process? Lol. I've seen his process and its netted 2 wild card wins in 6 years and a defense thats a laughing stock in the NFL. Not sure how much more of that process anybody can take. Seattle is one of the worst teams in the league. They arent working out of any adverse situations.

I'm not sure anybody understands how you think.

You said;

"Just because I recognized the issues and pointed them out before others did doesnt mean I tore the team down."

Yes it does mean that you tear this team down every chance you get. I don't even see how you call your self a seahawk fan.. I know 49er fans that like the Hawks more than you do.

But this conversation is NOT enlightening to me so I'm going to move the fck on...



Well-known member
Mar 30, 2010
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corner of 30th & plum
Most post in here do have a ring of truth to them, but are they the only issues ? No unless all the issues are addressed then we will once again be staring mediocrity in the face. All season its been Russ this or Pete that, both have won a superbowl. Time to dig deeper, pass rush ok, runnning game yup. Aging players ect...


New member
Nov 16, 2009
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North Pole, Alaska
There plenty of blame to go around but I blame the Executive VP of Football Operations for not firing Coach Carroll!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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Seattle, Washington
hawker84":36z2fut4 said:
Pete needs to go. He's had more than enough time to right the ship, and the players to do it. His philosophy is outdated and figured out, how people don't see this is mind boggling to me.

Our o line is trash, which effects our QB who in my opinion, still has plenty of gas in the tank. He will never flourish here under the current system.

Blow the whole thing up, or get rid of Pete and and rebuild around Russ. Either way, Pete's got to go or we're in for some more long seasons like this before he finally gets ran...

Wilson won't flourish anywhere. Dude is a backyard swing for the fences QB. Wilson isn't as good as you people make him out to be,


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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hawks85":33st26ro said:
hawker84":33st26ro said:
Pete needs to go. He's had more than enough time to right the ship, and the players to do it. His philosophy is outdated and figured out, how people don't see this is mind boggling to me.

Our o line is trash, which effects our QB who in my opinion, still has plenty of gas in the tank. He will never flourish here under the current system.

Blow the whole thing up, or get rid of Pete and and rebuild around Russ. Either way, Pete's got to go or we're in for some more long seasons like this before he finally gets ran...

Wilson won't flourish anywhere. Dude is a backyard swing for the fences QB. Wilson isn't as good as you people make him out to be,
Wilson will have to make adjustments to be good again. His "style" has been figured out by the rest of the NFL.