The top MVP’s for the Hawks in their history?


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Aug 16, 2009
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In my opinion the top three MVP’s in Hawks history are:

1- Wilson (yes he was that important)
2- Tez (completely transformed the D and absolutely dominated
3- Walter Jones (Hass and company never had a worry on the left side and Shawn benefited from his dominance)

Largent was awesome too and could make the top three but that’s my list and I’m sticking with it


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Mar 22, 2012
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In the style of Mt. Rushmore Timeline:

Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, Lincoln


Largent, Cortez, Lynch, Jones.


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Mar 15, 2010
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1 Jones
2 Largent
3 Wagner
4 Tez
5 Lynch
6 Thomas
7 Sherm
8 Alexander
9 Kam
10 Hutch

As you can see, Wilson not near my top. And I'd argue Zorn meant more to this franchise


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Jan 28, 2020
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Walt, Bobby, Tez, Easley

1st team all-pro, all-decade team calibre of players who spent extended periods of time as the very best in the world at their job.


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Aug 16, 2009
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So funny, in just a few years Russ doesn’t make some of your lists. Sorry but he was the best qb we’ve ever had and maybe outside of ownership and coaches the most important player too.


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Nov 12, 2013
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In my opinion the top three MVP’s in Hawks history are:

1- Wilson (yes he was that important)
2- Tez (completely transformed the D and absolutely dominated
3- Walter Jones (Hass and company never had a worry on the left side and Shawn benefited from his dominance)

Largent was awesome too and could make the top three but that’s my list and I’m sticking with it
1. And it’s not even close.
Paul Allen. God bless his soul

2. 2012-2013 Defense. One of the most dominant defense to ever set foot on a football field

3. Steve Largent.Original Mr.Seahawk.In the early days.He was the one player who brought recognition to the Seahawks organization.To bad a lot of you youngins here didn’t have the chance to watch him play live.I’m still amazed at how slow he actually was but yet could get open all the time.Probably one of the greatest hands I
Ever saw in a receiver.Never wore gloves especially the semi sticky stuff they wear now.Watch his video on YouTube #80 is as gritty as they come.
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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
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North of the Wall
So funny, in just a few years Russ doesn’t make some of your lists. Sorry but he was the best qb we’ve ever had and maybe outside of ownership and coaches the most important player too.
Is he top 4 all time?


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2015
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So funny, in just a few years Russ doesn’t make some of your lists. Sorry but he was the best qb we’ve ever had and maybe outside of ownership and coaches the most important player too.
Of course he's top 4 list of all time. Not really debatable. But some on here are acting like RW is the girlfriend that jilted them. Rather silly. Step back and get some perspective dudes!


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Feb 27, 2007
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Roy Wa.

Kam, Sherm, Earl, Brandon.

They bought their own Mountain.


Tez, Easley, Lynch, Jones.

B side

Largent, Wilson, Zorn, Dave Brown

This is Seahawks, not the NFL so a different mindset. Need a bigger Mountain really, we are 40 plus years old as a franchise, one ring of honor, one Mountain doesn't hold all the talent we have had here now.


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Jan 28, 2020
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Of course he's top 4 list of all time. Not really debatable. But some on here are acting like RW is the girlfriend that jilted them. Rather silly. Step back and get some perspective dudes!
It's very debatable.

Russ is the best QB in franchise history, and was a really, really good Pro Bowl calibre player for the Hawks. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. But let's not make him out to be a 1st team all-pro or all-decade calibre of player; because he hasn't been, and he likely won't be. Nothing wrong with that.

Walt, Bobby, and Tez, probably Largent and Easley too, have significantly better resumes and were the elite of the elite relative to their peers at their position. Russ gets a slight bump due to the position he plays, but that's not enough to bridge the gulf in resumes between him and the truly elite.


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May 9, 2009
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How did Brad Johnson and Trent Dilfer win a Super Bowl if Wilson is so great and still had a tough time getting to super bowl 48 with arguably the greatest defense of all time? Wilson was/is good. But he is far from the best player the hawks have ever had.


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Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
I think Russell Wilson has his limitations (for example, he frequently either doesn't see or doesn't want to see teammates who are open for short yardage), and his behavior recently cost the Seahawks -- Washington offered a better return for him than Denver did, but Wilson wouldn't accept a trade there. Further, he's extremely expensive and will want to make even more money on his next deal, even though his skills, like those of all aging and non-cheating QBs, ought to decline with age (PLEASE note that I'm not saying he's not still very good), so I have no problem at all with the Seahawks moving on from him.

That said, Wilson is by a huge margin the best QB the Seahawks have ever had. I consider Krieg the second-best, but I wouldn't be shocked if even era-adjusted numbers put Hasselbeck second. In any case, I think we can all agree both of those guys weren't anywhere close to Wilson. Not only was Wilson the Seahawks' best QB ever, he played ten seasons, which is a lot of time in NFL terms, for the Seahawks in an era when QB performance has been extremely important. So while I'm not fond of Wilson the man (despite recognizing good things he does, like his volunteer work with hospitalized kids), Wilson has very clearly produced the most value on the field of any player in Seahawks history.

Basically, my attitude comes down to "thanks so much for all you did, and don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out"


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Aug 16, 2009
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It's very debatable.

Russ is the best QB in franchise history, and was a really, really good Pro Bowl calibre player for the Hawks. Nothing to be ashamed of at all. But let's not make him out to be a 1st team all-pro or all-decade calibre of player; because he hasn't been, and he likely won't be. Nothing wrong with that.

Walt, Bobby, and Tez, probably Largent and Easley too, have significantly better resumes and were the elite of the elite relative to their peers at their position. Russ gets a slight bump due to the position he plays, but that's not enough to bridge the gulf in resumes between him and the truly elite.
Debateable? The guy literally willed the team to almost impossible wins time and time again. His mindset dominated that O to never give up and believe they can do in any situation. His physical abilities to escape pressure were the best this league has EVER seen. Sorry but imo he's number 1 and without that 1 player we don't go to 2 bowls and win one of them.


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Mar 15, 2010
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Debateable? The guy literally willed the team to almost impossible wins time and time again. His mindset dominated that O to never give up and believe they can do in any situation. His physical abilities to escape pressure were the best this league has EVER seen. Sorry but imo he's number 1 and without that 1 player we don't go to 2 bowls and win one of them.
Without Wilson we don't win a Super Bowl ? This might be the funniest thing I've ever heard, but at the same time infuriating. That Defense was top 3 all time, and as far as offensively Lynch was the tone setter. He broke the will of the defense by the start of the 4th quarter. Honestly, you and i both know Seahawks would have won with Dave Krieg at QB that year.


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Jan 17, 2015
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Or you also think with TJack, Matt Flynne, maybe throw Fitzpatrick in as well; he seems to be the other scrub mentioned here alot that could have filled in, as it's so easy to win a Superbowl with any no-name QB. The other QBs on offer couldn't make it out of training camp onto the field, not to mention a SB win.

No, I think your post is the funniest thing I have ever seen and I'll remember it fondly forever. Hyperbole much?


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Apr 30, 2009
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Tijuana/San Diego
Considering the question in the title is MVP, we are not really talking about the best players.

As much as I love Cortez Kennedy, the travesty of hiring an Al Davis minion then a buffoon of a head coach destroyed his chances of taking us anywhere. So, sure, he was an MVP of a poor team, but he was not valuable enough to propel us above average.

Easley was the best safety I have ever seen play. Even the great Ronnie Lott has said on numerous occasions that Easley was better than him. He was the best player on a team that went to the playoffs three times in his time here. However, even with how much I loved the defense and running game under Ground Chuck, that defense was never as good as it could have been. We only had one season in the top ten in yards and points allowed. Does that result make Easley the most valuable player of that team? Does it make him one of the most valuable to the team in history?

As far as MVPs for the team, number one has to be Bobby Wagner. As much as anyone wants to throw out that the defense was already in place when Russell Wilson showed up, going from a decent David Hawthorne to future first ballot hall of famer, Bobby Wagner propelled the defense to legendary status. His presence took them from a barely top ten defense to a top five defense for half a decade.

Number two then has to be Russell Wilson. I have been more critical of him than almost any poster. He has serious flaws in his game that have cost the Seahawks quite a bit since he jumped the shark and started harping on his legacy without taking as much responsibility for his part in our struggles. His inability to see past his hero ball tendencies cost the team several chances to move further in the post season. However, he was the engine that made the team go after the defense took backward steps due to the league cutting our nuts off in a desire for ninety point games to entertain casual fans.
Trying to bring his numbers is fantastic, but the truth is that the league has made it way too easy to throw the ball around and there should be an asterisk to passing stats now.

Number three is Steve Largent. In a cesspool of offensive talent, Largent was amazing. I will always argue that Largent did more with less physical talent than any receiver in the history of the game. I can hold the lack of playoffs against him as I did Tez, but the truth is, how much can a receiver really do? A DT anchors the defense, but a receiver can not anchor an offense.

The one who can anchor an offense is the last man I will call an MVP for our team, Walter Jones. Jones was a dominant force before the traitor showed up to play next to him and was a dominant force after the traitor left. Alexander's success was in large part of how Jones moved people. Hasselbeck's success was in large part of how Jones stoned people. On a team that had many talented players, he stood above all of them and many stood on his shoulders.


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Jan 28, 2020
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Debateable? The guy literally willed the team to almost impossible wins time and time again. His mindset dominated that O to never give up and believe they can do in any situation. His physical abilities to escape pressure were the best this league has EVER seen. Sorry but imo he's number 1 and without that 1 player we don't go to 2 bowls and win one of them.
Russ is the greatest QB in franchise history beyond a shadow of a doubt, and I think because of that, there is a tendency to romanticize him rather than be objective. He was a high variance QB that some Seahawks fans will look at like a Peyton, Tom, Aaron calibre of player - MVPs and 1st team all-pros. He wasn't and isn't that level of player, and that is okay.

But objectively, he just isn't as good of a football player as Walt, Tez, Bobby. Their resumes blow Russ ' away by wide, wide margins.

But yes, I do understand the romanticizing of the QB position amongst some fans.


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
He may not be the most loved here or made the most spectacular plays. But this guy owned accolades that Russel Wilson would die for:
league MVP? checked, 1st team All-pro? checked.