The Play that keeps on giving


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Dec 11, 2016
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Is the "Play" the true cause of the increasing volume of "fire Pete" sentiment? Does every year that passes without winning another SB fan the flames of those fan's rage that much more, that they've now reached the point of wanting to fire a coach that wins at a rate that is extremely difficult to accomplish in a league that is setup to make winning consistently from year to year virtually impossible? Some are even at the point of wanting a new coach so bad, they're fine if it causes us to only win 4 games next year. "at least it would be something different" (paraphrasing).

I think we all agree that some of the players on that team never got over it. It's only reasonable to assume that some fans would fall into the same category.

Would any of you that are now at the point you're ready for a new coach, still hold that view if we had won that 2nd SB?

I'm not being sarcastic. I'm genuinely curious as to how you go to this point. Someone said he's tired of Pete not allowing the team to play to it's full potential. If that's the case, that would mean we should've been in the NFC championship game or better every year since 2014? Because those are realistically the only places above where we've generally ended our seasons since then. Would Russell take us to the SB every year with the "right" coach or different scheme? What was the team's full potential in 2015, 16, 17, 18, 19?

Have any of you reached the point that you want a new coach and system, even if meant taking a step or two back for a few years?

Instead of all being scattered in every thread, I thought maybe we could hash it out in one. Maybe get to the root of the problem.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2018
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Russell Wilson combined with almost any other good HC would be wearing 3 rings by now . Carroll has always seemed oblivious to what he's had with a rare QB talent like Wilson . What a shameful waste . IMO


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Jan 2, 2011
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xray":1tfr8wjx said:
Russell Wilson combined with almost any other good HC would be wearing 3 rings by now .

Not with a defense that gives up 25 PPG.


Well-known member
May 19, 2017
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I'll never get over 'The Play', but thats here nor there. The domino effect 'The Play' has caused is kind of tragic though. The Hawks were a team that should have been something really special at the time. A dynasty in the making. Instead, they ended up being nothing more than a one and done club due to Petes coaching gaffes. 'The Play' was so traumatic that it divided the locker room and we suddenly had all star talent rebelling against the coach and the system.

Fast forward to 2015 and the second half of the season. With Lynch banged up and the offensive line being horrible, Pete and Bevell had no choice but to take the shackles off of Russ and let him go. How did he perform? Between weeks 10 and 15, Russ posted a passer rating of 120. Longest streak in NFL history with such a high rating. We make the playoffs and barely squeak by Minnesota due to a missed FG and then we play the Panthers in the second round. What does Pete do, he resorts back to his old and tired philosophy of pounding the ball with the run. That scheme works well enough when you have the personnel for it, but the whole world knew we werent at the time. Russ was banged up and we were still running the read option with the other team knowing damn well he was never going to take off because he couldnt. Didnt stop Pete from his game plan though. Pounding a square peg into a round hole. How did it work out you wonder,,,,,,,,we were losing 31-0 at half. With the offense being so hapless and the Panthers lifting their foot off the pedal in the 2nd half, Pete once again was forced to let Russ take over and he made the loss look respectable with a 24 point second half. It was at this point that I really started to questions Petes coaching ability.

2016 season I had high hopes that Pete might have learned something from last season and he would let Russ loose. Nope, straight back to the old stagnant Pete ball with Russ trying to bail the team out in the second halves. Frustrating to no end. This is when I knew Pete was incapable of change and we were stuck with him until he decided to leave. 2016 marked a recurring theme in which we were unable to advance past the 2nd round in the playoffs.

Many, many people on this board seem content with Pete and making the playoffs each year only to have that usual 2nd round exit, and I often wonder why. The usual response is that they remember how bad the Seahawks were in the 90's (which is a laughable excuse) and that Pete won a super bowl so he's free from criticism. What they fail to recognize is how handicapped our franchise QB has been and how he still overcomes that and wins the teams games.

Its apparent that Pete cant and wont change and thats a shame when we have such a good QB being muffled year after year. I would like to see a change just to see Russ at his best for an entire season. Could it fail,,,sure but I would be willing to find out. Being content with early exits from the playoffs every year (and thats all Pete will ever give you at this point) seems asinine to me, but I guess thats all that some people need in their lives. I would like to try something different at this point while we still have a QB that can succeed.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
Play calling on both sides of the ball is WAY too predictable imo. It's not only getting old, it has been so easy to predict even from the couch.
I wish at some point they would switch it up. But I don't see that happening.
New DC, pleeeeease.


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Jan 13, 2015
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Parallels between the rise and then attrition of the Hawks and Packers is startling... Stud young QB with great team around him wins a SB... Guys get paid causing other guys to leave. Some guys get old and don't get replaced with acceptable starters because of lack luster drafts. Quarterback has to put his team on his back with lack of talent around him....


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Ever since the Play, he turned into the 2nd coming of Marty Schottenheimer. Marty took every team to the playoffs too.

And Marty flamed out in the playoffs too. Regularly.

Pete built this team.

But it would be a better team in the playoffs without him.

The Play changed Carroll. Not just our fans perception of him.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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Phoenix az
xray":63fs2gef said:
Russell Wilson combined with almost any other good HC would be wearing 3 rings by now . Carroll has always seemed oblivious to what he's had with a rare QB talent like Wilson . What a shameful waste . IMO

This is ridiculous.

Yeah, SuperBowl trophies grow on trees. A good QB is all you need..... :roll:

Would love to see your list of "good" head coaches who would have these 3 superbowl wins with the same roster Seattle has had in the last years.

This should be entertaining.


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Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
xray":1cew2pox said:
Russell Wilson combined with almost any other good HC would be wearing 3 rings by now . Carroll has always seemed oblivious to what he's had with a rare QB talent like Wilson . What a shameful waste . IMO

Yeah - I disagree. Carroll was the one with the balls to start a third round rookie over a 10M/year free agent QB.

But his hesitance to open up the offense until the second half of games has definitley hurt.


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2009
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Bremerton, WA
Maybe Pete is over-compensating? Maybe "The Play" got to him so much that the reason he just keeps running the ball, even when it seems pointless or not working, maybe it's like that "never again" kind of thing.