So Nathaniel Hackett was the problem?????


Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Brisbane OZ Down Under Hawk
Not according to Aaron Rogers. It will be interesting to see if the Jets O takes off and the comparison with what the two wonder boys SP & RW do in comparison at the Donkeys.

If Hackett was such a loser why did GB have a good O with Aaron until last year when AR didn't have Hackett and the O plunged? Hmmm could it be there was actually another problem for the lack of O at Denver?



Well-known member
Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
Hackett was in way over his head as a head coach. A big part of the problem is that he didn't have enough experience, or judgment, to say NO to Russ when he was asking for everything. If he ever gets another crack at a head coaching job, he'll know better.

But Russ's failures were not on Hackett, they were on Russ. Having a rookie head coach as a fall guy/distraction only lasted so long.

All that said, I will laugh very hard and very loud if AR goes to NYJ and starts faceplanting in a similar manner to Russ in 2022. And I think that might happen for the same reason it happened to Russ (if it happens) -- his head is messed up.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2022
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Hackett certainly wasn’t the issue he’s actually a brilliant OC and QB coach and comes from a great coaching tree. Wilson needs to get over himself and accept the fact that his game has diminished greatly


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Hackett certainly wasn’t the issue he’s actually a brilliant OC and QB coach and comes from a great coaching tree. Wilson needs to get over himself and accept the fact that his game has diminished greatly

Hackett’s Model is to partner with his qb like a lock and key. With Rodgers, he has struck gold.


Apr 25, 2023
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He was horrible in Denver. It seems he averaged a touchdown and maybe two field goals every game..


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2012
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No ME3 averaged a td maybe 2 FG per game, are you John63 with a new account?
no, I’m Redhawk454
Welcome Redhawk454! John63 was a poster on this board who was certain Russell Wilson could do no wrong, and would defend Wilson to the point of comical absurdity, with an Energizer Bunny level of posting activity. We haven't heard much from John63 in a long while. Some of us assume he's in grief recovery counseling, inpatient, and has been forbidden by his grief counselor to post on football message boards.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2020
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Taboão da Serra, SP, Brazil
Not according to Aaron Rogers. It will be interesting to see if the Jets O takes off and the comparison with what the two wonder boys SP & RW do in comparison at the Donkeys.

If Hackett was such a loser why did GB have a good O with Aaron until last year when AR didn't have Hackett and the O plunged? Hmmm could it be there was actually another problem for the lack of O at Denver?

When Broncos fans in the stadium got so frustrated with the inability of the Broncos offense to get plays off in time (pain we Seahawks fan know too well from the Wilson years) that they started counting down the last five seconds of the play clock out loud, Wilson fans tried to blame Hackett. The problem with blaming Hackett for that is that communication with the sideline is cut off either when there's 15 seconds left on the play clock or when the ball is snapped, whichever happens first. So once you're down to five seconds or fewer, that is not on the coach.
The relevant rule is Rule 5, Section 3, Article 3 of the 2022 NFL rulebook (I've added boldface emphasis for one part):
SPEAKERS IN HELMETS. The Coach-to-Player system allows a member of the coaching staff in the bench area
or the coaches’ booth to communicate to a designated offensive or defensive player with a speaker in his helmet. The communication begins once a game official has signaled a down to be over and is cut off when the play clock reaches 15 seconds or the ball is snapped, whichever occurs first.

Welcome Redhawk454! John63 was a poster on this board who was certain Russell Wilson could do no wrong, and would defend Wilson to the point of comical absurdity, with an Energizer Bunny level of posting activity. We haven't heard much from John63 in a long while. Some of us assume he's in grief recovery counseling, inpatient, and has been forbidden by his grief counselor to post on football message boards.

The @John63 profile appears to be in some weird status. When I tried to "@" him just now, the interface didn't suggest @John63 as a possibility. However, the search function can still find his posts, and they still have his profile image, a Seahawks logo with Seahawks-color tentacles or something, at too-low resolution. That's false advertising, because @John63 was a Wilson fan, not a Seahawks fan. I just used the preview function on this comment, and I can see that where I've written "@John63," there's a link, and it's to his profile page. @John63's last post here was on the 22nd of September, when Wilson had already done a lot of sucking and many here were finding it pretty funny, and @John63 hadn't even logged in here since the 7th of October. RIP, @John63!
@John63's fantastic unintentional comedy is kind of incomplete without the glory of "Deandc," the same person's profile on the Broncos discussion board:
As you can see there, he joined the Broncos board in March of last year, after Wilson was traded, and posted so much there that he achieved "Ring of Famer" status in just a few months. You can see in his posts that he refers to the Broncos as "we" and "us," proving that he was a Wilson fan and not a Seahawks fan. He started to become as much of a joke to Broncos fans there as he had been for us here, because his whole shtick was blaming anyone and everyone except Wilson for Wilson's poor performance. People there, like people here, started jokingly speculating that he was on Wilson's "Team 3" payroll.
Even over there, Deandc/@John63 ended up giving up, because even on a Broncos board, he was pretty much the only one blaming everyone except Wilson. Deandc didn't post on the Broncos board after the 21st of November (a post blaming others for Wilson's poor performance: "Still having problems with drops, fumbles, blocking, etc"
And he didn't even bother to show up to see what others were saying after the 11th of December. Our own @m0ng0 posted a visitor message for him on the 24th of December asking "What happened man?" but "Deandc" didn't even log in again there, much less reply to an actual Seahawks fan.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2015
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Hackett was in way over his head as a head coach. A big part of the problem is that he didn't have enough experience, or judgment, to say NO to Russ when he was asking for everything. If he ever gets another crack at a head coaching job, he'll know better.

But Russ's failures were not on Hackett, they were on Russ. Having a rookie head coach as a fall guy/distraction only lasted so long.

All that said, I will laugh very hard and very loud if AR goes to NYJ and starts faceplanting in a similar manner to Russ in 2022. And I think that might happen for the same reason it happened to Russ (if it happens) -- his head is messed up.

Hackett was terrible at clock management to the point the Broncs needed to hire Jerry Rosberg out of retirement to call them.

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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Hackett was absolutely part of the problem. He made some baffling in game decisions. Hackett’s offense also essentuated the worst part of Wilson’s skillset. He was also not a good leader.

Spin Doctor

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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Not according to Aaron Rogers. It will be interesting to see if the Jets O takes off and the comparison with what the two wonder boys SP & RW do in comparison at the Donkeys.

If Hackett was such a loser why did GB have a good O with Aaron until last year when AR didn't have Hackett and the O plunged? Hmmm could it be there was actually another problem for the lack of O at Denver?

Hackett didn’t even call plays at GB.