Seattle Sounders 2015 Season Thread

Uncle Si

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JSeahawks":3vasdxlh said:
So I'm assuming you'll all be timber fans the rest of the way? :thfight7:

Im a big fan of Caleb Porter

Sgt. Largent

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JSeahawks":1c57l7b8 said:
So I'm assuming you'll all be timber fans the rest of the way? :thfight7:

Hell no.

I'm rooting for Columbus or Dallas, cause I know how Garber loves his small market small payroll clubs winning trophies over his major market DP riddled clubs.



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Sep 7, 2010
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Seattle definitely needs to get younger, but age is not why they lost the game.

Seattle lost this game because their midfield could not maintain possession. Rose and Friberg were down right awful, they couldn't connect passes, they we're completely suffocated and couldn't do anything to match Dallas pace or intensity.

Dallas was the better team. It sucks, but it's not age.

Uncle Si

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Dallas was better because they were faster...I think that had a lot to do with their age. Young, pacey, pressing team. Seattle tried to play deliberate, slow building's not a model for success in a changing MLS....

They need to get younger and faster..and i think (as i have for two years now) they need a manager who can set them up to play with a more frenetic energy


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Uncle Si":mlrrldex said:
Dallas was better because they were faster...I think that had a lot to do with their age. Young, pacey, pressing team. Seattle tried to play deliberate, slow building's not a model for success in a changing MLS....

They need to get younger and faster..and i think (as i have for two years now) they need a manager who can set them up to play with a more frenetic energy
Most of Dallas's success came from attacking O'neil Fisher (23 year old), and pressing a rather clumsy Andy Rose (26 year old) into mistakes. Seattle really didn't have an outlet to play slow building, deliberate soccer, that's why they were lobbing balls forward unsuccessfully to Oba and marginally successfully to Valdez. I agree with you on pace, but I don't think age had anything to do with it.

I think it's pretty telling that up until Seattle was down 1-0 and threw caution to the wind, that the shots on goal was a mere 11-8 in favor of Dallas.
I think most people remember the discombobulated Sounders of extra time, where they gave up 14 shots to a mere 2, and assume that it was old age catching up to them, when in reality that was a result of playing a rookie CM at LB and a ST at LM.

Seriously, How many people would think Seattle was old had the game ended 1-1? Aggregated stats would be 22 shots for Seattle 21 for Dallas, Possession would have been 52% Seattle, and the score would be 3-2.

I'm all in favor of change, a new coach, younger players, a different model... sign me up!

However, I'm not gonna pretend like we were outclassed, or this team was to old to compete with Dallas, when we lost on penalties... without 4 starters on the road.


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Sammamish, WA
Sigi's strategy was flawed. As many have mentioned, they were playing "not to lose" for most of the match and it caught up with them. They had a week to rest, just like Dallas did. Why wasn't Neagle and Thomas playing? Thomas hasn't played since Ivanschitz and Valdez came on board. Sometimes Sigi enters into a "Bevell" mindset and costs the team.


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Brier, WA
So, there are a lot of points that I want to touch on here and I don't want a flurry of quotes so I'm just gonna roll with it here.

Many of you may have noticed that I haven't been super active on this board for a little while now, especially as it came to the last month or so. I'd post here or there, but no where near my usual frequency. Not for a lack of love for the club or anything like that, but I've been having a rough time as of late. I lost both of my Grandfathers within the last month and have been struggling to get through that with my family. Quite frankly sports have been barely a back spot on my mind...

That said, I've still got a head on my shoulders and a decent mind for the game and one thing I think bares repeating is this:

I agree with UncleSi.

Those of you that follow the board, and this thread in particular, know that he and I rarely share similar viewpoints on soccer. We are of two mindset's and he mildly hates me because of my love for Man United. The fact that we agree about the current state of the club should be at the least a minor red flag to anyone curious of the situation.

This season we were faced with a great deal of adversity in the team. The season started off right. We were the hottest team in MLS. Things couldn't be better. We were riding a high wave.....and then it hit the fan.

National Team Call Ups.

At one point we had lost over half of our preferred starting 11.

In a situation where you have lost over half of your teams identity (Star players, playmakers) it is naive to roll out a team sheet that employs the same tactics and expect similar results. The way we played at the start of the year worked because we had Ozzie to clean up the middle. We had Brad to pass out of the back. We have Pappa to create on the wing. We had Dempsey and Oba to self create up top. We lost that all in the span of about 2 weeks....and tried to play the same soccer.

When I talk about managerial mis-management...that's it. You can probably scroll back a few pages and find posts of mine rambling on about something like: "We keep playing our best 11 players available, not our best 11 players in a system."

Sigi routinely forced players into rolls that they were not qualified to play, let alone excel at. I understand that sometimes a situation in a game forces you to play Christian Roldan at LB....but every game we were forcing players into rolls that they couldn't fill.

Some of that is the roster....Sigi, Lagerway and Hanauer all take the blame for that. This was mostly a team built by Adrian and Sigi. Lagerway was not with the team with enough time in pre-season to put his stamp on the club...and I'm going to argue that he has only added one player that was truly his signing, and thats Torres. The other 3 signings the club has been monitoring for years (Friberg, Valdez, Ivanschitz).

But a lot of it is the teams we fielded and the style we are attempting to achieve. We were trying to play like we still had Oba and Deuce up top, with Pappa and Neagle on the wings....with players like Chad Barrett and Lamar Neagle up top, and Andy Rose and Christian Roldan on the wings....No crap thats not going to work.

He was unwilling to dig deep into the roster and trust the youth he does have available. We had the players that were capable of being competitive in those middle months, we just couldn't play our style. We had to adjust...and we didn't. We tried to ride the storm and we lost a bunch of games in a row.

We did the same thing the other night. We tried to ride the storm, and the storm kicked our ass.

Sigi isn't creative enough of a manager to cope with significant tactical changes to the team. Yes, playing Sharlie Joseph at Striker is a creative solution, but its stupid in a must win game.

I don't know if Kries is the answer or not, but I don't Sigi is the one who can get it done. I believe we have become stagnant. It is time for the club to make a choice. Stay the course, or make an adjustment. For me, I think its time to make a coaching change. I think its time to make some roster changes too. We have pieces here that we can build around. As much as a sentimental sports fan as I am, its time to say goodbye to some absolute club legends and all around nice people.

I'm gonna take a quick breather here, and then I'll come back and post a position by position breakdown of who I would like to see stay, or go.


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Brier, WA
Stefan Frei - He's improved dramatically since joining our team. He's arguably been player of the season for us. He stays, and at 29 is a building block for the future.

Troy Perkins - Personally He's never been my favorite. I think he was a name that we could get relatively cheaply....stay or go, it doesn't make a bunch of difference to me.

Charlie Lyon - The starting S2 keeper has made some good progress in his time with S2, and I think is good enough to be the #2 behind Frei.

Tyrone Mears - I think Mears is a good player. He's a little shaky at times as was mentioned earlier, but he's pretty decent. Our history with over 30 year old RB's is not great....I would not be surprised if he was let go. Especially if the team is hell bent on keeping Evans AND Marshall. Prior to Mears' signing it was my opinion that Evans should be the starting RB, and a second CB should be signed. Mears has not shown me enough to deviate from that. I think Evans is a far superior RB than CB.

Brad Evans - He's the captain. He's a player that got A LOT of flack early in his career here...but he keeps finding the field. He is sort of Sigi's right hand man....but I think he's a good footballer...and I think he is a tremendous leader. I don't think he is a player the team should even entertain letting walk. Even with a coaching change, I think he needs to stay here.

Chad Marshall - Only a year older than Evans, but he is showing it WAY more. If we move a defender, I think there is a good chance it is Marshall. He is still a tradeable asset, but has a large-ish contract. If we keep him, I think Mears leaves.

Roman Torres - Torres is a big beast of a player. Shame he hurt his knee. I expect him to be ready to go by the start of the MLS season. I think he's a starter for us here. I think going into next season he is CB#1 and we fit a player in beside him. Whether thats Evans, Marshall or someone else. He is a building block for this club.

Zach Scott - Lemme just take a moment and let you know how much of a legend this man is. Like a fine wine, he has gotten better with time. He came to the expansion side from the old sounders as a fringe player. 7 Seasons and 104 appearances later I think he is going to hang em up. He played the majority of the season with a broken foot. Hobbled and Gimped, he gave his everything for this club for a total of 13 years. 300+ games. I have nothing but respect for that man and what he gave to this club. I hope they are able to find a role for him in the organization.

Damion Lowe - The young Jamaican has spent most of the year with S2 and played pretty well. I don't think he is ready for the first team yet, but if he makes enough strides, he could slide into the team.

Jimmy Ockford - More appearances than Lowe, but also spent most of the year with S2. He is good in the air and provides depth at both CB and RB.

Leo Gonzalez - I think he hang em up. I saw it on his face when he was subbed out vs LA with the leg injury. He knew it was his last ride. He's been solid for this club. I wish him nothing but the best.

Dylan Remick - Started the season splitting time with Leo....and ended the season in Sigi's dog house. Barely getting time with S2. Only seeing the field with injuries to both Fisher and Leo. I think pretty highly of him. I think he is a decent LB and can play in MLS. I'd like him to stay.

O'niel Fisher - Started the season with S2 and through hard work, determination and a little luck broke into the first team. Shaky at times, but overall all I thought he was good.

Andres Correa - Young Colombian left back rarely saw the pitch with either S2 or the first team. A flurry of injuries kept him out most of the season. What I have seen of him....he is, Yedlin aggressive.


Ozzie Alonso - Alonso is reaching a stage in his career where is contract doesn't equate to his contract anymore. His standard of play is still very high, and he allows a lot of tactical flexibility....but he is also injury prone, and a predecessor needs to be groomed, now.

Erik Friberg - I love this player. I really do. He's not the best, but he works for his team and has good distribution. To me, he is a starter next season. We didn't sign him to ride the bench. We signed him to replace Pineda.

Gonzalo Pineda - Pineda is a veteran player with lots of vision for the game, but has lost the legs to match it. You can deploy him out there, but he is no longer a box to box player....and alongside alonso, thats what you need....a box to box midfielder. I think he goes or retires.

Michael Azira - Not the best player, but can fill in for Ozzie in a pinch. His passing always scares me. He has good speed though and can cover ground to make a tackle. Here or not, he is a role player at best.

Christian Roldan - IMO he is the future of the CM position for the team. Only 20 years old, and has a good attacking eye for the game, and has quite a bit of tenacity in him. He saw a lot of the pitch for a rookie, and I think he has a bigger role next season.

Andy Rose - A lot of people hate Rose...and I get it. He's looked at as a lumbering center mid with no speed and a heavy touch....and thats pretty accurate. I think he is a good passer of the ball though, and is decent role player.

Outside Mid:

Andres Ivanschitz - He absolutely changed the way we play. What a wonderful signing.

Marco Pappa - One of the few players that is a true Maestro. He an dance on the ball and create from nothing....sometimes too much and to the detriment of the team. To me, he is the definition of a luxury player. He's not needed for a rounded squad, but if you can find a way to keep him, he'll win you some points along the way.

Lamar Neagle - Neagle is, and always will be, at his best when his minutes are limited. He is not a week in, week out 90 minute player...but he is a guy that depending on your opponent you can give him 60-70 minutes and he can be successful. We ran him into the ground this year.

Aaron Kovar - I think he made good strides to his game this year. A few appearances in the league, and a few in the CCL. I think he was Man of the Match a couple times. I really like what he brings. I think he earns more minutes...especially if players like Pappa and Neagle find there way out.

Thomas - He had some good moments, but look that group above....He didn't see much of the field after Ivanschitz arrived because of that. I think he stays though.


Clint Dempsey - I think its time to move on. We have a ton invested in 3 forwards...and unless I am mis-understanding Valdez' contract....all 3 DP's would be forwards next season....and I just don't think thats wise. I would much prefer a DP that can play Right Midfield for us.

Oba Martins - Martins is another possibility to move, but I doubt it happens. I think Martins is more important to the squad than Dempsey, and more flexible tactically.

Nelson Valdez - To be honest, I'm not sure he is gonna last long in this league with the amount he gets kicked. He does leave it all on the field though. I'm hoping that next season he won't be a DP....but really don't think thats the case.

Chad Barrett - Bye. If we are going to player forwards to scrape up dirty goals, and get injured, I'd rather save money doing it.

Darwin Jones - He's an enigma...some games he can be lights out (with S2) and then with the first team he seems lost. I don't get it. I think Sigi is part of the problem here. I don't think Sigi especially trusts young players and that hurts development a bit.

Victor Mansaray - I love his skill set. Physical, Fast, has been learning to play on the wing more, and in sore of a withdrawn role in S2. He's young and raw. I want him to get more first team time.

Andy Craven - The Dude just scores goals. He's just one of those players. Not fastest, not the best technically...but he gets the ball in the back of the net...and sometimes thats all you need to be a striker...just that instinct to score. He has it. I think he steps into the Chad Barrett role.

Overall I think we see 7+ players leave the club next season to retirement, trade, or just released.

I really hope the Sounders are able to sign Jordan Morris, He's not a fix to any problems by any means...but I think he is a very dynamic player. He also improves our team speed issue.

I think we try to bring in a pacey RM this off season, potentially a DP, and I hope whoever builds the roster from this point on builds a more balanced roster.

Think Jose Mourinho would like to try and tackle MLS for 2 years? :p

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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knownone":1uydam8a said:
Uncle Si":1uydam8a said:
Dallas was better because they were faster...I think that had a lot to do with their age. Young, pacey, pressing team. Seattle tried to play deliberate, slow building's not a model for success in a changing MLS....

They need to get younger and faster..and i think (as i have for two years now) they need a manager who can set them up to play with a more frenetic energy
Most of Dallas's success came from attacking O'neil Fisher (23 year old), and pressing a rather clumsy Andy Rose (26 year old) into mistakes. Seattle really didn't have an outlet to play slow building, deliberate soccer, that's why they were lobbing balls forward unsuccessfully to Oba and marginally successfully to Valdez. I agree with you on pace, but I don't think age had anything to do with it.

I think it's pretty telling that up until Seattle was down 1-0 and threw caution to the wind, that the shots on goal was a mere 11-8 in favor of Dallas.
I think most people remember the discombobulated Sounders of extra time, where they gave up 14 shots to a mere 2, and assume that it was old age catching up to them, when in reality that was a result of playing a rookie CM at LB and a ST at LM.

Seriously, How many people would think Seattle was old had the game ended 1-1? Aggregated stats would be 22 shots for Seattle 21 for Dallas, Possession would have been 52% Seattle, and the score would be 3-2.

I'm all in favor of change, a new coach, younger players, a different model... sign me up!

However, I'm not gonna pretend like we were outclassed, or this team was to old to compete with Dallas, when we lost on penalties... without 4 starters on the road.

Noone here is saying they were outclassed. But at some point it becomes obvious the current model is only going to take you so far. I've honestly been saying it for two years that this club succeeds because of talent and that soon that would not be enough.

Dallas had a game plan. They pressed a midfield that couldn't connect passes to forwards who couldn't create space. I think we are saying the same thing here.. the age issue really is in contrast to the experience they bought and relied on.

Dallas is the youngest team in the MLS (I believe..4th, I checked). The league itself is getting younger all over (this is a good thing). Columbus (in the other semifinal) is 2nd. So whether Seattle had got through that match and on to Portland or even won the MLS, I still felt the roster was aging and the system philosophy was tiring. See my posts about the last two players they bought before the window closed.

Lots of changes (without reading Smurfs posts) need to be made. But more than anything, I think this team needs to get dynamic.

Sgt. Largent

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hawkfan68":3ltxhjfi said:
Sigi's strategy was flawed. As many have mentioned, they were playing "not to lose" for most of the match and it caught up with them. They had a week to rest, just like Dallas did. Why wasn't Neagle and Thomas playing? Thomas hasn't played since Ivanschitz and Valdez came on board. Sometimes Sigi enters into a "Bevell" mindset and costs the team.

Sigi knew he had a tired gimpy squad, which is why you saw a Sounders club packing it in Sunday night.........hell Rose might as well have been playing as a 3rd center defender he was so recessed.

So yes I would have rather seen some youth and pace with Neagle. We lose quality, but gain some width and don't allow Dallas to just start their attack in our final 3rd sending in cross after cross for 70% of the match.


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Brier, WA
Uncle Si":2o72ap06 said:
Lots of changes (without reading Smurfs posts) need to be made. But more than anything, I think this team needs to get dynamic.


Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Smurf":2m98x00x said:
Uncle Si":2m98x00x said:
Lots of changes (without reading Smurfs posts) need to be made. But more than anything, I think this team needs to get dynamic.


You broke my heart once... i won't do it again.

I was respectfully obliging that your post was far more detailed than mine would be

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Leave it to peaches to quote a really long post, but only offer a dancing Darth Vader in return.

Sgt. Largent

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2012
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So what's everyone's opinion on Kreis now?

A couple years ago a LOT of Sounders fans were holding Kreis up as the model MLS manager, and who we should go after should he become available. he's available, IMO through no fault of his own. Obviously NYFC is a club that still is having most of it's personnel decisions being made by overseas ownership.

Good fit here? If you think we should be moving on from Sigi, which most of you have said you do. Then it's time to start throwing out some replacement names.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Brier, WA
Uncle Si":3vrj26l2 said:
You broke my heart once... i won't do it again.

I was respectfully obliging that your post was far more detailed than mine would be

If you close your heart, you'll never find love.

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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Smurf":3djda2hu said:
Uncle Si":3djda2hu said:
You broke my heart once... i won't do it again.

I was respectfully obliging that your post was far more detailed than mine would be

If you close your heart, you'll never find love.



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Apr 30, 2009
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Brier, WA
Sgt. Largent":2s288guq said:
So what's everyone's opinion on Kreis now?

A couple years ago a LOT of Sounders fans were holding Kreis up as the model MLS manager, and who we should go after should he become available. he's available, IMO through no fault of his own. Obviously NYFC is a club that still is having most of it's personnel decisions being made by overseas ownership.

Good fit here? If you think we should be moving on from Sigi, which most of you have said you do. Then it's time to start throwing out some replacement names.

I think he is a good manager. We could do a lot worse. I think he is pretty decent tactically and is the mold of a manager I want here. Not sure I want him specifically...