Seattle fans Over 30 years Old Thread


May 1, 2009
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seahawk 17":38yi6fmu said:
niveky":38yi6fmu said:

had to look it up with all the talk...thought those of you that were fans through that period might get a smile from some of those old memories...i know i was smiling as i watched it.

I was 13 and lived and died with these guys. Krieg, Warner, Largent, Williams...

Unfortunately I wasn't really into football much at that time, was only like 9 or 10. Man, Williams had some wheels...thought it was pretty funny that they used that same play against the Raiders and it actually worked a little bit better. lol.


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Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
HawkWow":myemp0di said:
Love me some Lynch...but I'd trade Lynch in an instant for John L. He was that good. Like a cross between Earl Campbell and Curt Warner. I envy those of you too young to remember him, but you missed the best player nobody ever talks about.

This statement is just silly. Totally different animals, and Beast is the hardest runner to ever wear blue and green.


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Mar 6, 2010
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I am in my fifties. My first memories is Zorn doing his mad scrambles and Sims scoring TDS.


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Mar 16, 2012
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I'm 34, and the only games I've missed in the last 29 years were the blackout years. Even through 1-15. First real memories were Dr. Dan. Skansi, John L., and Bobby Joe were my faves. I started practicing keeping my feet in at about that same age because of Largent and Skansi. Can you believe Skansi only had more than 24 catches in a year once?

John L was good, but that was a different era, and FB was a different position. He would catch 70 balls a year. Not the best blocker, decent runner, but clutch, clutch always hustling player.

I can still hear Pete Gross and his "Touchdown Seahawks" calls.


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Oct 16, 2010
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Central Washington
Tical21":i29z9uws said:
I can still hear Pete Gross and his "Touchdown Seahawks" calls

Me too. Krieg to Skansi in the back of the endzone vs K.C and Derrick Thomas just missing his 8th sack of the game.

TouchDown SeeeaHawks.


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Mar 5, 2007
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I really began paying attention to football in 1985 at 9 years old.

In 1988, my mom wanted to go to the Tacoma Mall.
We watched the end of the Raiders game to clinch our first division title in the TV section of Sears with about 50 people.
I was a proud little dude!


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Oct 1, 2012
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37 years old. I live on the eastside of the mountains. When I was a little kid around 6 or 7 I was a Washington Redskin fan. I knew I was from WASHINGTON and the only big city I knew about was Seattle. So one day while the Redskins were playing I asked my dad "Is DC over by Seattle." My Dad looked at me, kind of laughed, and said no son DC on the other side of the country. I was pissed, I felt as if I'd been lied to. I then asked well who plays here and he told me the Seattle Seahawks. I've been a Seahawks fan ever since that question was answered. I still couldn't understand why the Redskins were named after our state, but weren't from here. I'm glad that that I asked that question because I hate to think I may of been a Redskins fan. Every time we play them I remember that question and smile.

I remember the Joe Nash trick knee against the Bengals, the Skansi touchdown catch (When Derrick Thomas missed what would have been his 8th sack of the game) to win the game, Daryl Burner Turner going deep, learned how to keep both feet in by watching Mr. Largent, and I was John L. Williams when we choose what player we were for the endless games in my parents front yard.

It has been my pleasure to root for this team. Every year since I asked my dad that question, all I've heard was "What happened to your Hawks?" followed by snicker, snicker. Every year I've answered the same " just wait til next year." We ladies and gentlemen I'm tired of saying wait til next year. Like Rickey Waters said "It's now time". Go hawks!


Mar 17, 2013
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I will be 61 years old in November and have been a football fan as long as I can remember, back when I used to watch with my Dad. I remember so well him patiently explaining the game to me. I remember the first Super Bowl and have watched every single one of them since. I was more player oriented back then and rooted for teams that had a player I liked such as the LA Rams when Roman Gabriel was the QB, the Redskins when Larry Brown was their RB. He was HoH like I am. I even bought his book, I'll Always Get Up. I wish I still had it, maybe I do somewhere. There were others too but those two stick in my mind the most. In all those years though, I have never rooted for the 49ers. It is a family thing that I won't bore you with but I absolutely despised them.

I became a Seahawks fan from day one (I have lived in the same WA town all my life) and have never rooted for any other team after that. I have toned down my hatred for the 49ers since I married mr dbmack but he knows I still don't like them. I just try not to be so vocal about it since he also roots for the Seahawks when they aren't playing each other.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
44 but feel and act 22.

Diehard since inception. I don't recall every game of course but I do remember the constant pain and heartache of yet another Seahawks loss. I remember "Zorn to Largent...Touchdown Seahawks!!" from the mouth of Pete Gross well. Even as a kid I thought Chuck Knox liked to run too much. Loved our uniforms and colors then. Love our uniform and colors now.

Loved Jacob Green, Brian Blades, Easley, Fredd Young, Terry Wooden, Ricky Watters, John L. Williams, Rufus Porter, etc, etc, etc...Real men who suited up and played their hearts out for a team that was considered the red headed stepchild by the rest of the league.

Sat through the punishment that was most of the 1990's.

Shed a tear when the Seahawks packed up their stuff and moved to LA.

Shed another tear when Paul Allen bought the team and saved the Seahawks.

Rejoiced when Warren Moon became our QB. "Moon to Galloway!! Touchdown Seahawks!!" I have yet to see an NFL player as fast as Joey Galloway was in 1997-1998.

Created a tiny little website some of you might know about that began in 1998.

Loved Mike Holmgren. Hated some of his play calling. (3rd and long...Run up the middle anyone?!?)

Shed yet another tear in the stands when the Seahawks beat the Panthers to advance to their first ever Super Bowl in January of 2006.

Loved Shaun Alexander. Hated how he became Chris Warren at the end of his career.

Voted for the blue helmets but miss the silver helmets.

Love the all blue uniforms at home. I make no apologies for that.

Still can't believe how mad I can get during Seahawks away games. Whenever I think I'm approaching spiritual enlightenment, all I have to do is observe myself during a Seahawks road game and then I say, "Ahhhh, yes...That's right...Your's STILL a d!ck. Nice try Ghandi."

I already have Russell Wilson penciled in as a first ballot HOFer.


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Apr 30, 2009
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40 years old, John L., Largent, Warner, Krieg, Easley...loved them all...all my faves!!!

Williams was SUCH a beast, in his own right. Turned into a great blocker, soft hands and a great runner. He was Mike Alstott, before Mike Alstott...but rarely got the attention.


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Mar 3, 2007
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61 and looking back through the haze created by 3 strokes I can still see Zorn to Largent, then Kreig to Largent and John L who was one of the best at receiving out of the back field.


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2009
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45 yr old. Became a Hawk fan in 1983 after seeing a kid wearing Seahawks PJ's while in the hospital. My first Jersey was the mesh home Kreig. Loved Warner, Green, Easley, and Young. Still remember the 86 season when if we would have made the playoffs we had a chance of going all the way. Loved the John L game in 89 against the Raiders where he put up huge numbers and we made the playoffs only to lose to the Bungles (thanks for the missed extra point Norm). I lost it when we got robbed in 87 with the blown Fred Young int against Houston in the playoffs. Watched the 88 Olympics to see our new track star Michael Bates. Was very excited to have us trade for Bryan Millard in 89 (what actually happened on that plane ride home anyway?). Couldn't believe we lost out on drafting Bledsoe because of a meaningless win against the Pats in 1992. After Mirer fizzled was Friesz the answer, no. Then came Holmy and things turned around. I was able to finally defend myself as being a Hawk fan in NY.

My best memory in the early years was me wanting us to draft Cortez. I was at that draft and couldn't believe it.

These are good times for you younger Hawk fans so enjoy it while it lasts.
I can go on and on but hope I was able to bring back some of the memorable moments for us old farts.

Snake Plisskin

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Jun 18, 2012
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Clark County, WA
58 and I remember PRE-Seahawks. Came home on leave from the Navy in the mid-70s and went downtown to look at the under-construction Kingdome. I knew we were going to be watching our own NFL team in Seattle soon and I got chills. I had attended that NY Jets-Steelers pre-season game they held at UW stadium in '72 and looked forward to the day we'd get our own team.


49, with a b-day coming December 1.

I can remember watching the very first televised game, lying on the floor in front of the TV. I was in the seventh grade.

The rest, as they say, is history.


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May 2, 2009
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I'm 54. I went to the very first game in the Kingdom. Two things I remember the most. Jim Hart warming up before the game throwing darts and the sprint draw with Sherman Smith.

I was in Washington D.C. during the horrible Ken Behring era. Saw them in Denver at Mile High Stadium when they did an amazing comeback with Rick Mirer at the helm.

I now live in the SF bay area. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed the last two games against SF.

My wife, who grew up in Boston, has become a big Seahawks fan as well. We make two games in Seattle every year.


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Mar 15, 2012
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At a McDonald's inside a Walmart.
seahawk 17":3t5rmfuk said:
I missed my first daughters birth for the 2000 game against Miami.

This should never happen.

I know that Seahawks football is a great part of life, but this is your family and you can never get those moments back... If I were you, I wouldn't be proud of this and stating it as a symbol of your fan-hood for the Seahawks.


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Mar 18, 2010
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For me the magical year was '83...the transition from Zorn to Krieg, the immediate impact of Curt Warner, Chuck Knox football. I loved those uniforms, the emergence of a hard-hitting defense over the next several seasons, the great AFC-West rivalries...and actually being stoked when we "won" the "Boz" lottery. Of course, those days coincided w/my teenage years, so a lot of other great things (cars, girl's boobies, sneaking a beer here-and-there) probably cloud the reality of how "good" the 'Hawks were back then (as opposed to how "great" I think they were).

This said, the '05 SB run found me living in central-PA (henceforth known as "North-Central Alabama"). Due to geography, the local unwashed populace would be Steeler fans when it suit them, Eagles fans at other times. I remember vividly wearing my Hasselbeck jersey to the local handful of sports bars, only to be berated and cursed at by dentally-challenged locals for whom the Civil War was actually the "War of Northern Aggression." I flew the 'Hawks flag (literally and figuratively) as best I could, but the experience is not nearly as cherished as my 80's memories. Thank Jebus I was able to get out of that dumpy state at the height of the market and get back to the PNW. Those fair-weather Steeler fans were insufferable; sort of like 40-Whiner fans, albeit more masculine for sure.
