Linebacker Play


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Kendricks is also really good, despite some issues in Pitt, they stated they don't want him off the field 60% of the time. He is a great blitzer and coverage is pretty good.


Sgt. Largent":31ll9ujc said:
hawksfansinceday1":31ll9ujc said:
Attyla the Hawk":31ll9ujc said:
I thin
This begs the question of why Seattle is staying in base D so much early this year after playing a lot more nickel last year. Was going to start a thread to see why folks thought that was, but this is the perfect opening to bring it up so here goes. It's certainly tough watching a LB try to cover a WR cuz they really aren't able to which is no surprise. .

I think it's a two part thing;

1. Pete doesn't trust our nickel and dime CB's. To play our old cover three with the SS down in the box like Kam used to do, you have to trust not only your FS, but your nickel and dime corners in obvious passing downs to do the right thing and be where they're suppose to be.........and right now? I don't even think Pete trusts 2/4th's of his defensive backfield, let along whoever he's running out for nickel.

2. Thumper. Kam was the thumper that put the fear of god into WR's and TE's running routes across the middle. Pete desperately wants another thumper to do that, and right now with Blair hurt and not taking over that SS role with confidence, Pete's leaving Kendricks and KJ in the game in obvious passing plays to act as his thumper.

Which is fine I guess, but it's also let to those mismatches of those two guys following JuJu and Ross across the field as our D-line can't get home. Not a good scheme if your D-line can't get pressure.

Good analysis and I agree, we need another playmaker in the secondary, we have went away from our traditional nickel packages.

Sports Hernia

Well-known member
Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
I remember me griping about LB’er play early last season too. They fixed it and ironed out most of the problems quickly.
I expect the same this year.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
I'm not worried about our LB's at all. These guys are all flat out ballers. Once we get a little better pass rush consistently, they will look a lot more comfortable out there. And they gave up around 260 yards total on D on Sunday. That's pretty solid.