Is Jimmy Graham already getting restless?


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Sports Hernia":1flgiisj said:
Scottemojo":1flgiisj said:
I don't mind if Graham is vocal about targets.

Bu I will be surprised if our OC can actually get him what he should, when it really matters. After all, this is the guy who wants to turn him into blocker, and thought Lockett was only a kick returner. I watched 5 minutes of Lockett in college and knew he was so much more than a kick returner.
Your point about Lockett speaks volumes.

After watching video on him after we watched him you could tell he was an amazing route runner allready. If you have that you WILL be good in the NFL


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Scottemojo":z62rntpo said:
I don't mind if Graham is vocal about targets.

Bu I will be surprised if our OC can actually get him what he should, when it really matters. After all, this is the guy who wants to turn him into blocker, and thought Lockett was only a kick returner. I watched 5 minutes of Lockett in college and knew he was so much more than a kick returner.

Isn't it more fair to say this was Schneider and Pete's opinion of Lockett? The quote about looking at him solely as a return man in college came from Schneider first, which honestly surprised me as well when he said it based on what I saw. However, Pete's reiterated that was the initial scouting report on the radio recently.

Edit: which kind of says something interesting about Schnieder's ability to scout offensive skill players. His biggest hit may end up being a complete accident.


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chris98251":2coenwbo said:
Good OC's create mismatches to get their talent the ball and scheme to exploit a defense to use their best weapons, even if Graham was taken out of the offense by the defense our other WR's should be getting big yards and catches, this has not happened. You can't tell me that the Packers and the Rams can take away our run game and the passing game both with such great results and not look at how we plan against them. Thats the OC.

I'd agree with this. Look at the Rams game: the Rams have two CB's that are 5'11". Chris Matthews feasted on better CBs than that in the SuperBowl. Yet when the OL is falling apart, and we need some quick passes, they won't put Matthews in and match him up on a smaller DB. Run an inside slant from either flanker or SE, and let Matthews go up and get it, or shield the ball with his body, both things he's proven he can do.

Hell, Graham can do the same thing. We have two huge guys with large catch radius's, yet we won't post them up on smaller guys when we need quick passes.

I'm also worried about Wilson. For some reason, he can't throw an accurate high pass to Graham. They're either way too high, or low enough to let the defender get involved. He will throw jump balls to Kearse and even Baldwin. I just don't get it. I also worry that he's missing a lot of open WRs.

Actually, now that I write it, I'm more worried about Wilson than I am Graham.


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Feb 5, 2015
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For starters, I don't put much stock into Bleacher Report fiction. Who is this guy saying he tallked to a few players from the locker room and they told him as much about Graham. I call B.S. on this dude.

As far as incorporating Graham into the offense, I'm not worried about this at all. He's not going to be force-fed the ball by any means, but he'll be a vital cog. Remember, Russ likes to distribute the ball like a point guard to keep everyone more involved and make us more versatile. I see this continuing ... with success.

The coaches know what they're doing. The check-down pass play for a touchdown to Freddy Jack is ample proof of that. It was a thing of beauty. Then Russ throws an over-the-top pass to ADB in the back of the end zone on another impressive drive.

Take away the 15-yard unsportsmanlike on Sweazy and the costly interception (but Britt did come away with the ball) and I could see us winning that game.

And have your all really given up on our defense? If so, shame on you. The identity of our team is still going to be relying on our defense to keep the game close, limiting our risk on offense with plays that practically minimize turning the ball over, wearing teams down and then ... BOOM ... capitalizing as the stronger team in the fourth quarter. That's a strategy that has gotten us to the last two Super Bowls and I trust it to get us there for a third.

As many have said, those first two games may very well be the toughest on our schedule. If that's the case, you can't really be too distraught considering we were in both of them up until the very end. Now is the time to turn the corner and fire up. I see it happening Sunday and then the wheels will be back on the bus ride to Santa Clara.


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Sep 21, 2009
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Russel is hampered by his constant scrambling, and not being able to see what is down the field- he gets no time because of the poor OL- he scrambles and the OL can't support him, he hangs onto the ball too long because he cannot see his receivers-

Graham should be pissed- put this on Russ, and Bevel-

I know I'll get crap about this, but this is the truth- and sometimes it hurts.


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Aug 22, 2013
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Dayton, WA
Jimmy Graham is a wide receiver. Plain and simple. End of the story. I don't care what the NFL classified him as during his contract talks. He's a pass catcher.

The coaches are trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. It's not going to work.

Just get him the damn ball.


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
Wartooth":3o72qh2a said:
Russ won't throw the ball into tight spots!
Except from the one yard line in the Super Bowl!
He has had this beaten into him by Pete, protect the ball no matter what.
It's what is, and has been killing this offense...(That, and Bevell has 5 plays on his card!)
Along with an Oline that struggles, and receivers who are less than reliable.
Not bashing, but Russ' accuracy has been less than stellar, and some of our receivers have a tendency to tip uncatchable balls into the air for picks.
It's tough...
On one hand, he should let it fly when the guy is Jimmy and he has a short DB covering him.
On the other...
You don't do that with Willson.
I don't want Russ to play like Luck, and try and force every throw.
But, I would like to see more throws into 'loose' coverage...
Just to try something different from what isn't working!

agree on most but when you are completing over 71% of your passes your are not inaccurate. You might miss a couple but not accurate. The rest totally agree


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
TheRealDTM":1ebmb5af said:
Anthony!":1ebmb5af said:
The problem you are forgetting is this is not a Wilson thing but a PC thing, remember low turnover, no chances. If your HC is telling you this you would not throw it unless they were wide open either and there in lies the problem.

God forbid he throw a pick or 2 this board will treat him like they do andrew luck

dude they have, have you read the flack from the NFCCG, even though at least 2 of them were right off WR hands. What everyone really means is they want hi to take chances as long as they work or are not int, if the are INT they are going to jump on him.


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Kent, wa
TwistedHusky":2xdkdm0q said:
Except Wilson is throwing picks this year anyway, might as well get better yards from the passes he does complete by giving his receivers more chances to make plays.

2 ints is a lot guess you have not seen luck


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Nov 19, 2013
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Kent, wa
rideaducati":1tiz6wcn said:
TheRealDTM":1tiz6wcn said:
Anthony!":1tiz6wcn said:
The problem you are forgetting is this is not a Wilson thing but a PC thing, remember low turnover, no chances. If your HC is telling you this you would not throw it unless they were wide open either and there in lies the problem.

God forbid he throw a pick or 2 this board will treat him like they do andrew luck

When Tarvaris Jackson is your backup, you have a quadrillion mistakes to make before they bench you. Take some chances Russell! Except to Kearse.

tell PC, Wilson is playing the way PC wants it.

Zebulon Dak

Mar 4, 2007
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Jimmy Graham will be trouble if we don't get him heavily involved in the offense. This is reminding me way to much of Percy Harvin. I'm beginning to worry about it a little. Not obsessively, but a little.


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Aug 11, 2011
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This worries me about Pete Carroll. These people should be god damn professionals, if you arent' getting the ball enough suck an egg.


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Los Angeles
I am on Jimmy's side. It happened with Zach also. The arrogance of this coaching staff is mind numbing. Everyone knew Jimmy was getting the ball in NO and they still couldn't stop him. The same is true for Gronk in NE. But in Seattle, we want him to block. He's a match up nightmare and heaven forbid we throw a jump ball to him. Instead, let's throw it to Kearse 50 yds down field with blanket coverage and no separation. I loved watching Sidney chew out Russell and the coaching staff after he was missed wide open. We need that voice to keep Russell and Bevell in check. This fan base and coaching staff has become too pussified to hear the truth. If I am Jimmy, I go off every time they miss me wide open.


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Jul 8, 2013
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Kennewick, WA
Rob12":wi3vx4bx said:
It's troublesome. He's a guy that is used to 10-12 targets a game. Last night he had two. He sees this offense struggling and it would make sense that a player of his caliber would start to wonder where he fits in.

Yeah, it's only been two games. But it does make you wonder. He's an insane talent and a threat every play. And yet, so far he's been a ghost in this offense.

He's going to have to get used to the fact that he's not going to see the ball thrown at him 10-12 times a game. I'm sure that they made this quite clear to him even before the trade. The attraction for Graham is the chance to go to a Super Bowl, a possibility that's greater here than it was with Who Dat.

But I don't blame him for being somewhat pissed. First off, we're losing. Every player on our team ought to be upset. Secondly, we are not using him like we should. The one pass play that we threw downfield to him wasn't thrown in a manner that would allow him to go up and fight for the ball. Russell needs to put more of an arch on his passes when Graham's on the receiving end and allow Graham to elevate for it. I'd like to see more of him and Mathews on the field at the same time, particularly in the red zone. Create some mismatches.

Winning will cure everything. We start winning and Graham will be as happy as a lark.


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May 2, 2009
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Poor Jimmy.. he wasn't getting targets in games, and now Kam is back to practice so he probably wont get targets there either.


Aug 26, 2009
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I found this, but I am not familiar with whoever the source is:

Tell me what you all think. Myself, I don't know if Jimmy really said this or not, but if he did I can't say I blame him.


May 3, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia
nrayorr":19zga6l8 said:
I found this, but I am not familiar with whoever the source is:

Tell me what you all think. Myself, I don't know if Jimmy really said this or not, but if he did I can't say I blame him.

I don't need to wonder if that is real or not. I definitely think that JG is not happy with things so far, especially last game.
This photo seems to have been taken at the GB game and it is the exact expression and look on his face that I noticed when watching the game broadcast.


In the context of the game and what was happening, that expression just says to me "What the %^& is going on here".

I saw more replays of him being open than him being thrown to (twice!). It is dumb to not use him at what he is best at doing...catching balls and making plays.

It is embarrassing that the Bevel/Wilson have not even looked like they really want to explore just how much value they really can get from JG even just 2 games in. A good way to lose the enthusiasm of an elite player.


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Aug 16, 2012
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Kansas City, MO
Hasselbeck":2ajqs7nk said:
Poor Jimmy.. he wasn't getting targets in games, and now Kam is back to practice so he probably wont get targets there either.
Or maybe he'll grow a set like Lockett and when he's back, Richardson and become better because of practicing against the best.


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Sep 6, 2012
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Sammamish, WA
We don't need to believe every stupid story created by the media about how "unhappy" someone is.
I want a guy who is mad he isn't getting the ball because he knows he can help the team win. IF he's truly mad.
I don't believe it, nor do I care. He's going to be a huge contributor this year, and you gotta' love the fire.