I Would of Rather Won The Superbowl Against The Steelers!


May 4, 2009
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In A Van Down By The River
Hey Hawkblock! Great story about the kids getting to meet the Seahawks. I remember going to the CD when I was younger and going to Miller Gym to play basketball. There was some really good competition down there. I always had a good time.


Jul 12, 2013
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On the lake, Livingston Texas
Welcome to .Net.

Winning this one, got me over THAT one.
It's been long enough that I'm no longer bitter, is probably a better way to describe it.
And you know, most true football fans know we got robbed.
It's a new dawn my friend. Look to the future. ;)


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Oct 22, 2013
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Comments run the gamut of how I feel.

I have lost family members since Super Bowl XL, so feel the loss.

This will sound a little crass, the family members lost were not football fans so the loss is not heightened by Seahawks winning.

I am over Super Bowl XL, it took winning Super Bowl XLVIII. Super Bowl XL is only sporting event where I did not sleep afterwards wondering if Seahawks would ever get back.

For those 12’s who have lost family or friends since Super Bowl XL; please accept my condolences.

For those of you who are not over Super Bowl XL; I understand but hope you do not think I am judgmental when I say the view from the top is worth it.

It may have been sweeter if it was the Steelers(I can put stealers in the past), but when you think of all the classic Seahawk Bronco games(first playoff victory and win, Largent laying out Mike Harden, and others I will not bring up); I feel deeper sense of satisfaction knowing it was the Broncos.


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Vancouver, WA
Aros":37uc12ht said:
Man, I'm sorry to hear you've lost a lot of friends and family since 2005. At the end of the day, this is entertainment. Nothing matters like friends and family so my sincere condolences.

As high as I am coming off of this fantastic dream season finishing in a historic beat down, I share your feelings about SBXL* like most of us here do. That game was the clearest evidence you will ever have that on some level, the game can be manipulated by external forces. I will never say it was a conscious conspiracy by the NFL to make sure the Seahawks lost that game by all means necessary, but anybody with half a brain could see the fix was in from the start.

They say it's not healthy to fixate on the past. I get that. But like any profound hardship in life, you can move on, but you never forget.

The pain of SBXL* has eased somewhat for me over the years, but I will never forget the injustice of that game. Never. Oh sure, other team fans can say we Seahawks fans can't get over losing a game, or "Get over it already!" but if the shoe was on the other foot they would feel no different than we do...All these years later.

I hope on some level you and yours found some solace and peace in this Super Bowl Championship. We did it.

We finally did it.
REALLY excellent reponse to the OP Aros. Could not have said it any better.

Hey Hawkblock75: if it helps any, we are hosting the Stealers year after this coming one, 2015 season. My gut tells me it'll be a good old fashioned ass kicking. Maybe you can find a way to get some tix and attend in person. It won't cure the hurt of XL*, but it might ease the pain a bit.


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Apr 30, 2009
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We DID win the Super Bowl against the Steelers. Don't let the refs fool you.


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Jan 6, 2013
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You know the steelers were #1 in DVOA that year. We've been #1 the last two years. I think the Atlanta loss was extremely close to XL in disappointment levels, although at the time XL was like a death in the family. But demolishing the best offense in history, is a better milestone than beating some two bit wildcard lucky team. Plus we got to beat the hated John Elway. I suppose some of you are too young to hate Elway. Back in the day he came in at our peak and stole most of our glory. And on top of that we beat the hated Niners and their hateful coach in the most glorious fashion possible!
I just can't see that team in the same light after the monster we now have. Would you trade paths with the steelers now? And be stuck withthatbeat up overthehill and outdated team? No way! We are the top of theNFL baby!


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Apr 30, 2009
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Conjunction Junction
volsunghawk":1aekandr said:
There would be some karmic beauty in beating the Steelers in the SB, but I have to admit that I don't even want them to make it back there... ever. I don't hold the outcome of SB XL against the Pittsburgh franchise, but their fans were awful afterwards. I'm glad they've missed the postseason two years running and that their defense and QB are aging and becoming less effective. I'm hoping for a dark era for Pittsburgh football, but that's just me.

Kinda sums it up for me too. Some of the Stealer fans were awful after that game. The game sucked though. If the "fix" wasn't in it was sure knocking at the door. However we did choose that moment to play, by far, our worst game of the year. That didn't help.


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Apr 30, 2009
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volsunghawk":dydq1lid said:
There would be some karmic beauty in beating the Steelers in the SB, but I have to admit that I don't even want them to make it back there... ever. I don't hold the outcome of SB XL against the Pittsburgh franchise, but their fans were awful afterwards. I'm glad they've missed the postseason two years running and that their defense and QB are aging and becoming less effective. I'm hoping for a dark era for Pittsburgh football, but that's just me.

Yea, I'd be all over this line of thinking, but they already got back there and won another one, so that doesn't work for me personally quite the same way. Honestly, even though they're divison rivals, I would've liked to see AZ win that SB as they haven't won one either and I pull for the underdog.

I think it would've been more cathartic to not only beat but crush the Steelers in the SB (and yes, we would've killed that team), but like Aros said, we can't change that and we have this year to enjoy. One of the biggest issues I had with XL is that I know how hard it is to get back there, we had an aging team, and I knew we had a small window. Take the Niners for example. They have a ton of rings from a really good run, but they haven't one another one in 20 years and up until 2010 they haven't even sniffed one. Hell they were pretty much locked out of the playoffs for over a decade. (Which Hawk fans can also relate to)

Concentrate on the positive points:

The city was really behind the Hawks last year. More so than 2005, I think.

We have a good young team that has a high chance of making it back to the big game again.

Our team is getting more national pub than ever before, which was a big deal to a lot of Hawk fans.

Our coaching staff and FO is one of the best in the league, they draft well, and it looks like we're one of the most stable and talented franchises in the league. We have a large SB window, and we're going to be like the Patriots and Packers in that we draft well, so we're most likely always going to be competitive.

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
evergreen":30zwjuyu said:
You know the steelers were #1 in DVOA that year. We've been #1 the last two years. I think the Atlanta loss was extremely close to XL in disappointment levels, although at the time XL was like a death in the family. But demolishing the best offense in history, is a better milestone than beating some two bit wildcard lucky team. Plus we got to beat the hated John Elway. I suppose some of you are too young to hate Elway. Back in the day he came in at our peak and stole most of our glory. And on top of that we beat the hated Niners and their hateful coach in the most glorious fashion possible!
I just can't see that team in the same light after the monster we now have. Would you trade paths with the steelers now? And be stuck withthatbeat up overthehill and outdated team? No way! We are the top of theNFL baby!
The Atlanta loss was bad but not even close to XL*, as it was decided on the field not by the zebras. That game was decided by both teams play. ....and you knew the Hawks were on the rise vs the 2005 version who's window you knew was starting to close. That's what made the sham that was XL* even worse IMO.

With Rog trying his best to get the currently struggling legacy teams back into the playoffs (see Pittsburgh and Dallas) thru playoff expansion, it wouldn't surprise me to see Seattle/Pissburg SB in a couple of years, just hope the Stealer "penalty flag defense"'sits that game out.


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Jan 2, 2011
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volsunghawk":399t1mfo said:
There would be some karmic beauty in beating the Steelers in the SB, but I have to admit that I don't even want them to make it back there... ever. I don't hold the outcome of SB XL against the Pittsburgh franchise, but their fans were awful afterwards. I'm glad they've missed the postseason two years running and that their defense and QB are aging and becoming less effective. I'm hoping for a dark era for Pittsburgh football, but that's just me.

I agree with all of this^^^^^^^^^


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Mar 3, 2007
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bjboywonder":1dsmfece said:
volsunghawk":1dsmfece said:
There would be some karmic beauty in beating the Steelers in the SB, but I have to admit that I don't even want them to make it back there... ever. I don't hold the outcome of SB XL against the Pittsburgh franchise, but their fans were awful afterwards. I'm glad they've missed the postseason two years running and that their defense and QB are aging and becoming less effective. I'm hoping for a dark era for Pittsburgh football, but that's just me.

I agree with all of this^^^^^^^^^



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Jan 20, 2014
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Donald Sterling didnt care what the OP had to say, but I care. In some regards I certianly agree and even have lost some people the last few years. It wouldve been nice to beat those a holes!


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Jul 22, 2013
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Surfing somewhere
XLVIII did a lot for me. As a diehard seattle sports fan years of torture were lifted off of my shoulders. Especially the last 10 years. XL, Sonics leaving, M's terrible. I didn't get to enjoy this win with my grandparents who were huge fans and attended many games with me. Just part of life. It saddens me i didnt get to experience it with them, but it also puts me at peace knowing we FINALLY brought home the lombardi. Seattle Super Bowl Champions. Oh and

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Yep I've been a much happier person since the Super Bowl. Watched the game with my brother, sis-I law, nephew, father, and a couple friends and their kids. A truely awesome experience to spend watching with family and friends. Lots of tears of joy, hugs and high fives. I took that week off months in advance knowing I'd be worthless the following week at work, and probably be written up for lack of production and would tell my bosses "so what, we won the Super Bowl", which would have been followed by more write ups I'm sure. 8)

Whenever I having a bad day I stop and remember Seattle is the XLVIII champions, and all is good again!
Super Bowl XLVIII is my "happy place".


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
My good buddy Joe (diehard Steelers fan and Professional Antagonist) passed away a few years after XL*. He even missed his Steelers winning it all again. Man, I wish I could have given him some good ribbing this past year, especially after the delicious beatdown the Seahawks displayed on the Broncos for 60 minutes in front of the world. Although his wit was the sharpest I've ever known so I'm quite sure he would have had something witty to say to dampen the day and make me laugh my ass off at the same time.

The point we are making is that it is incredibly rare to win a Super Bowl. When it happens you celebrate like never before not only because of the magnitude of the moment but because you just may never see it happen again in your lifetime.

Super Bowl Championships are priceless events, not unlike the lives of our friends and family who have perhaps missed the occasion.


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Apr 17, 2012
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I let go of SBXL a couple years ago. It absolutely does suck that some longtime Seahawks fans who suffered through that weren't around to experience this year's run. The 2005 debacle made it that much sweeter.

Part of letting go of SBXL was seeing how differently Pete & John handled the approach to building a team, vs. 2005 Ruskell and Holmgren.
We've had Next Man Up for a couple years now, and it's been a thing of beauty. We didn't have anything close in '05, what we had was *luck* in having fewer key injuries.

Our 2005 offense was dominant, but our defense was just-good-enough, and when we lost Marquand Manuel in SBXL 2nd quarter (hip injury), the Stealers coaches noticed it and came up with two long TD plays that took advantage of our scrambled secondary. Willie Parker 75 yard TD run, and the Antwaan Randle Ell trick play TD pass to Hines Ward. Credit to Sh.. er, Pittsburgh's coaches.
Read what Manuel himself has to say about it here: http://seattle.cbslocal.com/2014/01/30/ ... uper-bowl/

Had Mike Holmgren and Tim Ruskell invested even a *fraction* of the energy in "Next Man Up" that Pete and John do, Seattle wins. The PC/JS Seahawks set records for the sheer number of transactions at the *bottom* of the roster, trying to make sure every player on the roster could play, and that practice squad guys could step in and play acceptably if needed. 2005 Seahawks, not so much.

2005 Seattle loses Marquand Manuel, and in steps not-ready-for-prime-time, man-off-the-street Etric Pruitt. The chewing gum starts unsticking and the baling twine snaps. The "not ready" part is on Ruskell and Holmgren, IMO, not on Pruitt. He was put into an emergency situation he was absolutely unprepared for. Watch the Willie Parker TD at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oxbocufUeA and decide for yourself which players failed on this play. The Seattle D-Line also got manhandled on the play. The point is, the secondary was scrambled chaos, as a result of not having a player prepared to step in at a key position. Holmgren + Ruskell approach was to cross their fingers and hope. We lost that game through self-inflicted front office wounds, as much as we did on the field and via the zebras.

2013 Seattle loses Sidney Rice, and in steps last year's practice squad guy Jermaine Kearse, who proceeds to light it up, making *the* (IMO) key play in NFCCG with the 4th down TD against the 49ers. Plus a highlight reel TD in SB XLVIII. 2013 Seattle loses 2/3 of their offensive line, and guys like Michael Bowie, Alvin Bailey step in and are serviceable enough to allow the team to get the W's. We lose Brandon Browner to suspension, and Byron Maxwell steps in. We lose KJ Wright for a while and other guys, including Malcolm Smith, step in and play lights out. You can see 2014 Seattle already preparing "Next Man Up" for the upcoming season. Terrelle Pryor fits there, IMO.

Anyway, the Steelers have been sucking, and are in a down time for them. I'm happy to let them be forgotten has-beens. Beating the 49ers in the NFCCG was just about as satisfying as it gets.


Feb 23, 2007
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Sultan, WA
Great post. Agree on all accounts.


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Aug 4, 2010
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Ich tu dir weh
I thought we made many mistakes in the first Superbowl. This team woulda handed that team its lunch.

The Seahawks have been in two of 48 superbowls. Classic beatdown against the greatest offense ever. I wouldnt change a thing.


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Oct 21, 2013
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I would take this one.

All of the nightmares being tortured by Elway in those orange uniforms at Mile High made this one even sweeter. The Cherry on the ice cream was that he is still part of that organization and when they showed him up in the booth, in despair, those nightmares were all erased. Its been almost 15 years since the AFC West Days, but the hatred for Denver and the Raiders runs deep. It all changed on Feb 4th

Uncle Si

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Mar 3, 2007
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seahawksny":uul2nskb said:
I would take this one.

All of the nightmares being tortured by Elway in those orange uniforms at Mile High made this one even sweeter. The Cherry on the ice cream was that he is still part of that organization and when they showed him up in the booth, in despair, those nightmares were all erased. Its been almost 15 years since the AFC West Days, but the hatred for Denver and the Raiders runs deep. It all changed on Feb 4th

Not just that, but the run in and build up to this one was far more exciting than 2005. I mean the Redskins and Panthers games offered little drama, and the Steelers (outside the Bettis story line) didnt offer much in terms of drama.

This was a tidal wave starting from the loss against the Falcons in the playoffs, through moments like the MNF beatdowns of the 9ers and Saints, the best D in the league, the tip and then the Manning/Elway Broncos.

Well worth the wait. I get the OPs point (sure would be nice to have 2 trophies in that cabinet) but losing that one made this one even more special