diehard dolphins

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
hawker84":lotmklkw said:
i'm sure because i've seen both teams play, fact of the matter is, dolphins = very bad seahawks = top 10 team... can't wait to get these road bugaboos out of the way so i don't have to continue to listen to you doubters explaining every reason why we may not win, instead of believing that the team has made improvements to start getting these road victories... and who made you an expert on this team being a good road team or not... oh that's right we probably won't win because we never win a 10am game, and we never win on the east coast..forgot, you're right we're screwed...

It's not "doubters" - it's cold hard facts. We are 1-4 on the road -- you can't sugar coat it.

I expect us to beat the Dolphins and agree we are the better team, but you are acting like there is 'no chance'. If you know anything about our history in 10 am East Coast game, you know it's a significant concern.

Many in here acted the same way before the games in Arizona, St. Louis and Detroit. We know how those turned out.

It's ok for you to be very confident, just like it's ok for others to have concerns. It doesn't have to be one or the other...

Just chill.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Beaverton, Oregon
Aros":2rq32viv said:
I for one won't be pounding my chest or proclaim any ounce of bravado about the Seahawks to opposing team's fans until we start beating inferior teams on the road.

We lost to the Cardinals, Rams and Lions on the road. All three games we should have won.

I could easily see adding the Dolphins to that list.

We're amazing at home and just not that good on the road. Until that changes, I'm just calling it as I see it.


We see this here all the time. People are WAY too overconfident about a game coming up, then the hawks stink up the joint on the road vs someone everyone was so sure they'd beat, and then this place erupts into an angry, negative, end of the world fest for about 5 days, or until the next good win.

Temper your enthusiasm people..... we should have a W this time around, but it's a long road trip and the hawks have dissapointed on the road plenty of times before.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
This was a very competitive Dolphins team prior to two really bad games. One of those games was a Thursday night game on the road which I completely ignore when evaluating a team as it is not truly reflective of them as a team.

Now you give them a bye week to figure things out again - I think they are coming out on the field ready to get back to playing the kind of football they did for a few games.

I expect us to win and we should but it is ironic that you get annoyed with their fans for expecting to beat the Seahawks based on stats and you expect to crush the dolphins based on a feeling / how you view the teams currently


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
not asking you to buy what i'm selling, could care less ... you can go by past performances even though we're a different team now , you can go by historical stats, 10am, east coast thing, well if that's the case , why even show up?

since i seem to be the only one in this thread who thinks there's no way we lose this game, i'll leave it to you stats guys to debate how on earth we're ever going to pull out a morning game on the road against a bottom feeder team.... do i think we can lose, sure anythings possible, do i think we will lose, if the seahawks play the way they're capable, not a effing chance, and that's all i'm sayin.....


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Mar 12, 2012
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10 am east coast start, with the farthest distance between NFL cities to travel? A game we expect the hawks to win? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

As has been said on here, no road game is a gimme for this team. We all agree the Hawks have the most talent, and this is a game they SHOULD win if they play to their potential, but its a 10am road team against a team that at times has looked pretty decent. A lot could happen that would lead to a loss for the Hawks.

Bottom line is, if they are a playoff team they will win. If not, they lose. If they lose yet another road game, I see no reason to be confident that they could win a road playoff game anyways. Gotta play well this sunday.


Aug 7, 2012
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It would be nice if the team would fly down Wed night and practice down there. Get acclimated to the time zone then eat some tuna for breakfast!


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Mar 1, 2007
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Kent, Washington
I doubt you are alone in thinking the Seahawks win this game convincingly. Shows faith in the team and pride in their work. I just think it is a little overboard to expect the Dolphins fans to share your convicitions and to not point out possible ways the Dolphins could win. I feel pretty confident the defense should keep the game in check. It is the offense that will be the difference maker going forward. The elements are there. The second half of last year was very inspiring (until the loss to the 49ers ended the magic ride).

Maybe the team has moved to that next level? The first half of this season was very encouraging. Those road losses were the devil claiming his due when the deal was made to go with a Rookie QB. I look forward to the next 2 road games. Will help me understand what this team will be like for the rest of Pete's time here. He and the team has to take the step up if they are to become more than mediocre.


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PoCompton, BC Canada
I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that Hawker84 is awesome. Unfortunately, I think he has a banning in his future as he's likely going to go out in a blaze of glory and a hail of F-Bombs that will go down amongst the all time greats, but until then... Shine on you crazy profanity laced diamond! :D


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Kennewick, WA
We suck donkey balls on the road. Dolphins can and will beat us if prior performance is a future indicator.


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I respect Miami and could accept a loss. For whatever reason, I feel supremely confident about the SF game later on, so this game in Miami is, at least emotionally, the second toughest game to win the rest of the regular season.

Miami is not a bad team, but Seattle should win. I think their run defense could play to Seattle's favor. Wilson is a better QB when the team relies on him more. Seattle did eventually get a lot of rushing yards vs. the Jets, but it was already 21-7 before they got the rushing game going. I am worried about Reggie Bush, and I am cautiously worried about Tannehill, although I think Tannehill is a very good matchup from Seattle's point of view. If he doesn't have at least 2-3 batted passes in this game, I'll be disappointed.

Miami is also one of the league's worst home teams relative to their overall record the last few years- winning more games on the road than at home since 2010. Their home stadium atmosphere is pretty much the opposite of ours.

I never want to look past an opponent, but if Seattle loses, I think it's fair to call this one a "should win" loss.

Seattle is a better team on the road than a 1-4 record would indicate. They have been in every loss, despite a ton of adversity (fluke interceptions, missed timeouts, drops, rookie QB's first game, Matt Stafford on fire, etc). It would be nice if they could close out better than 2-6.


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
CANHawk":11e4tj3b said:
I would just like to take this opportunity to point out that Hawker84 is awesome. Unfortunately, I think he has a banning in his future as he's likely going to go out in a blaze of glory and a hail of F-Bombs that will go down amongst the all time greats, but until then... Shine on you crazy profanity laced diamond! :D

thanks, but i'm fine... i see no problem in having the upmost confidence in my team... i'm not saying we're invincable, i'm saying we're the better team top to bottom and should win if we play up to our capabilities.. didin't piss me off that dolphin fans think they can beat us, what pissed me off was that they're basing that entirely on the first half of our season, like a lot of seahawk fans are... my argument is we're a different team now, so to say we'll lose based on the first half is stupid to me.. offensively... we've eliminated a lot of the turnovers, penalities, and drops, all those things killed drives in those road losses... our defense is still strong, our offensive is much improved, we out match miami in every catagory, i don't see us losing... and damn sure don't see how dolphin fans or our fans can look at the first half and base their opinions on those performances... we're better now than we were then, and we still should have won two of those road games...


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Sep 15, 2009
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Las Vegas, Nevada
hawker84":lohcolhv said:
not asking you to buy what i'm selling, could care less ... you can go by past performances even though we're a different team now , you can go by historical stats, 10am, east coast thing, well if that's the case , why even show up?

since i seem to be the only one in this thread who thinks there's no way we lose this game, i'll leave it to you stats guys to debate how on earth we're ever going to pull out a morning game on the road against a bottom feeder team.... do i think we can lose, sure anythings possible, do i think we will lose, if the seahawks play the way they're capable, not a effing chance, and that's all i'm sayin.....

This is undoubtedly true, "if the seahawks play the way they're capable, not a [blanking] chance" we lose. Question, of course, is whether the seahawks show up and play the way they are capable of playing. I sure hope they do, and if they do we are exceedingly likely to be taking one of the tickets to the playoffs....


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Aug 22, 2012
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I don't buy that we're that bad on the road. Historically, yes... but this team is exceptional.

Our road losses are 3 division games and the Detroit Lions who decided to finally show up. The Cardinals followed the win against us by beating New England at Foxborough. The Rams loss was the worst of them all but I'll allow one bad loss.

If the Seahawks go and put on a stinker in Miami, I'll agree with you. Until then, I'm very confident that this team's road woes are over.


Feb 23, 2007
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Astoria, OR
We all want the same thing here. A Seahawks victory. It's totally cool to have the confidence you do. I hope you're right. We all do. Nothing would make all of us happier than the Seahawks illustrating they've turned the corner and absolutely dismantle the Dolphins on Sunday.

The problem is, I am Charlie Brown and the Seahawks on the road are Lucy. Every flippin' time I get my hopes up and believe the Seahawks will beat (insert opposing team here). I rush towards Lucy holding that football down, swearing she won't take it away and cause me to flip and crash onto my back. For 36 years I've been doing the same thing and 8 out of 10 times Lucy removes that damn football.

After awhile, it becomes near impossible to believe she won't do it again.

Charlie brown and lucy


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Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
i keep forgeting i'm still new here and you guys don't know that i usually have gut feelings about these things...and i'm usually right.. but you will learn to know this as the truth over time and accept it... however, after we win convincingly sunday, i promise i will contain and direct all gloating to myself, and come on the net to merely post my post game Yeahhhh. if we lose, i will then make myself available for the tongue lashing i'm sure to have earned, then limp off into the sunset to lick my wounds and tathered ego...


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Apr 30, 2009
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With a White Girl
Man, I've been trying to lightly smack talk Dolphin fans over at thephins.com but they're really nice, and very melancholy about their team. It's like kicking puppies. They just yelp, acknowledge the kick and tuck their tails. It's kinda sad.


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
hawker84":3w1uq55v said:
i keep forgeting i'm still new here and you guys don't know that i usually have gut feelings about these things...and i'm usually right.. but you will learn to know this as the truth over time and accept it... however, after we win convincingly sunday, i promise i will contain and direct all gloating to myself, and come on the net to merely post my post game Yeahhhh. if we lose, i will then make myself available for the tongue lashing i'm sure to have earned, then limp off into the sunset to lick my wounds and tathered ego...

That kind of irrational intensity AND he's clairvoyant!? OMG he's AWESOME!! Can we keep him?! Please please please!?


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Apr 30, 2009
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ensett":3bzsol9c said:
I think the Dolphins are really underrated, they arent as bad as anybody here wishes they were. But even with that, theres no reason we shouldnt win
I agree with the first sentence 100%. The reason it's a challenge for us is our road woes. Seattle is still a completely different team on the road. Night and day.
The Bills are not a bad team either.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2012
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Tri Cities, WA
:mrgreen: there you go.. all kidding aside, just tired of hearing all the we can't win on the road in the morning stuff, from the media, hawk fans, and now dolphin fans, who can't even win at home... so please for the love of god Seahawks, start winning on the road, so the rest of my faithful seahawk bretheren and the rest of the sports world can see the light and i don't have to hear this crap any more... i'm done.


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Mar 1, 2007
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The Tex-ASS
This is life as a hawk fan. We always feel we should win games like this and seldom do. I'm with aros and the doc. Until they prove otherwise. I am not predicting a Seahawks victory. Prove us wrong players, get some friggin road pride
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