Can any non Seahawk fan help me understand something?


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Jan 25, 2014
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For a while now I have thought this team was completely undisciplined and would not go very far in the play offs if they kept comitting these stupid penalties. However, today was different. Normally I try and look at these things as objectively as possible, but this time I BELIEVED the refs where out to get us. So maybe i'm letting my feelings as a fan get the better of me. Anyone on here that is not a fan of the seahawks that watched the game? Can you tell me if something seemed off to you, or is my bias just blinding me.


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Oct 16, 2014
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The refs were just trying to keep the game close to keep the audience watching, Seahawks putting the game away early in the 3rd quarter was never an option, thus the BS calls once we got into the red zone.


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Jun 23, 2014
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I think that would be hard since it's mostly Seahawks fans here, and even if you got to other boards they would call us whiners for talking about any bad calls from the ref. Not many other team fans want to think there is a conspiracy against the Seahawks.


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Oct 14, 2012
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Montesano, WA
Numbers don't lie when they show our opponents have very noticeable flags per game compared to their season avg for flags in a game. We currently have 2x the flags our of opponents this year combined.


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Jan 25, 2014
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Seriously. anyone remember the offsetting penalty we had with the niners? the ref didnt even call a jersey number from the seahawks. He just said "penalty on the seahawks". it was as if he just called a penalty just for shits and giggles and was like "Oh crap I forgot to make up a penalty for the seahawks before i called it"


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Jan 8, 2011
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Here's my take (I'm a Rams fan)... I thought the refs were very ticky tack against the Seahawks and not so much on the 49ers. Very inconsistent. I don't think there is any conspiracy, the officiating is just very inconsistent week to week (don't get me started on the Rams-Chargers game).

My biggest takeaway is that as one sided as this game was, it could have been much worse for the 49ers.....

Year of The Hawk

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Dec 30, 2012
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I like the way Pete said it in his presser after the game. Something like the disparity between what is called on us and on the other team. I feel most (not the Turbin in the end zone) of our flags were deserved but like Pete said he wishes they would also call them on the other side as well.


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Vancouver, WA
candyman4881":29bzu9f9 said:
Here's my take (I'm a Rams fan)... I thought the refs were very ticky tack against the Seahawks and not so much on the 49ers. Very inconsistent. I don't think there is any conspiracy, the officiating is just very inconsistent week to week (don't get me started on the Rams-Chargers game).

My biggest takeaway is that as one sided as this game was, it could have been much worse for the 49ers.....
Thank you for this. I don't complain a lot about the refs, but last night was blatant shite, all night long. They called every little thing on us and were very lax on Santa Clara. The OPI that cost us the TD for Richardson was something Denver does 20 times a game and they never get called for "picks".

BTW, I didn't see your team's game vs. the Chargers, but one of our members here did (pehawk) and he was ranting about how bad the officiating was in SD's favor and he doesn't much like your team so it was obviously horrid.


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Oct 19, 2014
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Covington WA
RunTheBall":2bx8fn0z said:
The refs were just trying to keep the game close to keep the audience watching, Seahawks putting the game away early in the 3rd quarter was never an option, thus the BS calls once we got into the red zone.

I don't believe this to be true because it would mean collusion between the league and the Refs which if it got out would make the NFL the new WWE. But I think the Refs believe they made a mistake last year with the Hawks.

Last year the Hawks philosophy, which was public knowledge, was to keep playing aggressive, the refs can't throw a flag on every play. It essentially worked. During the off season discussion among refs probably centered on not allowing teams (emphasis on the seahawks) to get away with that philosophy. This year the hawks continue their aggressive style of defense and are getting called for more penalties.

The philosophy still works but not as well as last year. The refs cannot call everything but when in doubt they throw it instead of holding it.


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Apr 30, 2009
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The officiating this season has been very blatant and obviously bad. Officials should NEVER be able to determine a game. Honestly, it's starting to make me not want to watch any games.


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Apr 30, 2009
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Baghdad Mike said something very telling a few weeks back.
While noting a non call on a Seattle DB, he said that Seattle was the team the new emphasis on rules was meant to stop.

I think all refs know that. They aren't colluding, they just watch us closer. They were kind of told to.

One thing to note. I watch about 8 games a week, and as the season has worn on, most teams (not Seattle) have seen a lot more secondary contact allowed than the first month. The emphasis on calling offensive interference has all but disappeared.

When the all 22 comes out, I will post some stills from down the field in this game.


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Sep 18, 2011
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Both of our Thursday night games saw points taken off the board on ticky-tack calls. The conspiracy is to prevent blowouts in Thursday night games to keep ratings up through the fourth quarter to ensure more money when the league shops those games around. I totally believe that.


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Jan 5, 2010
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I think you need to take away some of the blatant penalties such as neutral zone infraction, false start, unsportsmanlike, illegal procedure, etc and then compare.

Michael Bennett going into the neutral once or twice a game is not a penalty that is out to get the Seahawks. It is obviously blatant and completely his own doing.

Our OL has had quite a few false starts.

The unsportsmanlike penalties like Lynch yesterday was something that added 15 yards to the penalty total, but those types of penalties are obvious and the Seahawks fault. Bruce Irvin has had a handful of those dumb penalties this year.


Sep 6, 2012
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Vienna, VA
HawkerD":1ifoosu5 said:
RunTheBall":1ifoosu5 said:
The refs were just trying to keep the game close to keep the audience watching, Seahawks putting the game away early in the 3rd quarter was never an option, thus the BS calls once we got into the red zone.

I don't believe this to be true because it would mean collusion between the league and the Refs which if it got out would make the NFL the new WWE. But I think the Refs believe they made a mistake last year with the Hawks.

Last year the Hawks philosophy, which was public knowledge, was to keep playing aggressive, the refs can't throw a flag on every play. It essentially worked. During the off season discussion among refs probably centered on not allowing teams (emphasis on the seahawks) to get away with that philosophy. This year the hawks continue their aggressive style of defense and are getting called for more penalties.

The philosophy still works but not as well as last year. The refs cannot call everything but when in doubt they throw it instead of holding it.

I think this post is very good. I don't think there is a conspiracy to impact tv ratings, but I didn't like the calls last night especially on the Richardson play. I also question the taunting call against Lynch. I am sure the tackling fivesome had all kinds of s*** to say before he got up off the ground. Anyway, we really have to stop the pre-snap crap. That's on us.

tom sawyer

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Jan 6, 2013
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The NFL is a business that *they* control as much as they can "as much as they can" to "make as much money as they can".

Think about it, you squeeze the lemon harder toward the end of the juicing cycle to get as much as you can.

The refs ARE instructed to "tighten up" on calls, so that a glancing hand to a jersey becomes holding. It gives hope. Remember hope, it's that thing that hold you over for one more commercial.
I don't watch a lot of other games besides Hawks, but I surmise this goes on elsewhere too.


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Apr 30, 2009
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I'm not sure it's an actual conspiracy against the Seahawks, unless it's like Scotte said and they are watching our secondary more than others. What else explains how we're trotting out the exact same secondary last year, but allowing significantly more passing yardage per game ? Now, I can see folks saying "well, hey, they changed the rules" but there are a few teams allowing 20-30 yards more passing per game than our defense did last year at a historic rate. So, they're letting SOME defenses play like that, but not ours.

The best explanation is like a few people said: the league is trying to keep prime time games close. You honestly can't even hide it when looking at that Redskins game. They were calling back any TD they could, and that call against Carpenter was atrocious and called out by EVERY analyst on every network as being a poor call. I didn't think the officiating was that bad, right up until the 3rd quarter and you could just see the flags coming out. Looking at the ebb and flow of the game, you could really see the Niners start to get buried in the mid 3rd quarter and gosh golly gee look, here come the flags to even things up.

Don't get me wrong. We commit more boneheaded and stupid penalties than ANY team in the league. The Raiders play a clean game by comparison. Pete's teams, even USC, have always been a bit sloppy. I think he allows some of it because he feels that being ultra aggressive is a more than fair trade off, but I also believe that his problems with personnel in NE are haunting him a bit (If anyone doesn't know, he had players going up the back stairs to upper mgmt.'s office and back door'ing him). I think he's a bit hesitant to totally rip a guy, and that's not his style anyways.

How many times is Bennett going to get offsides calls this year? He has to be close to leading the league. At this stage of his career, how hard is it to just watch the ball? Irvin's made some boneheaded mistakes, but he's also a young player. He's learning and I see him cleaning his game up quite a bit.

Then there are the obviously bad calls, and I honestly can't say whether it's just pure incompetence by the refs, or bias against us. I've counted 4 ridiculously easy false start calls missed (really ?!), one of which was seriously called an offsides by us when not a Seahawk even flinched and the OLman obviously jumped first. AZ's RB started early, and the defense was pointing it out, and still no call. Lynch's taunting call was another one; the Niners player literally pushed Lynch after pushing him around out of bounds, Lynch took exception to it....Seahawk gets flagged. The offsetting personal foul penalties: I'm going to say this...if you can't even figure out what number the guy was, it couldn't have been that egregious. The Turbin offensive PI call was probably the worst: Turbin was pushing HIS guy, not the guy covering Richardson. That guy got caught over the top. Terrible.


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Jul 16, 2014
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It's crazy because on the 49ers forum I saw that they thought the refs screwed them. Not sure who to believe.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Vancouver, WA
Hawks46":zy0qjob3 said:
I'm not sure it's an actual conspiracy against the Seahawks, unless it's like Scotte said and they are watching our secondary more than others. What else explains how we're trotting out the exact same secondary last year, but allowing significantly more passing yardage per game ? Now, I can see folks saying "well, hey, they changed the rules" but there are a few teams allowing 20-30 yards more passing per game than our defense did last year at a historic rate. So, they're letting SOME defenses play like that, but not ours.

The best explanation is like a few people said: the league is trying to keep prime time games close. You honestly can't even hide it when looking at that Redskins game. They were calling back any TD they could, and that call against Carpenter was atrocious and called out by EVERY analyst on every network as being a poor call. I didn't think the officiating was that bad, right up until the 3rd quarter and you could just see the flags coming out. Looking at the ebb and flow of the game, you could really see the Niners start to get buried in the mid 3rd quarter and gosh golly gee look, here come the flags to even things up.

Don't get me wrong. We commit more boneheaded and stupid penalties than ANY team in the league. The Raiders play a clean game by comparison. Pete's teams, even USC, have always been a bit sloppy. I think he allows some of it because he feels that being ultra aggressive is a more than fair trade off, but I also believe that his problems with personnel in NE are haunting him a bit (If anyone doesn't know, he had players going up the back stairs to upper mgmt.'s office and back door'ing him). I think he's a bit hesitant to totally rip a guy, and that's not his style anyways.

How many times is Bennett going to get offsides calls this year? He has to be close to leading the league. At this stage of his career, how hard is it to just watch the ball? Irvin's made some boneheaded mistakes, but he's also a young player. He's learning and I see him cleaning his game up quite a bit.

Then there are the obviously bad calls, and I honestly can't say whether it's just pure incompetence by the refs, or bias against us. I've counted 4 ridiculously easy false start calls missed (really ?!), one of which was seriously called an offsides by us when not a Seahawk even flinched and the OLman obviously jumped first. AZ's RB started early, and the defense was pointing it out, and still no call. Lynch's taunting call was another one; the Niners player literally pushed Lynch after pushing him around out of bounds, Lynch took exception to it....Seahawk gets flagged. The offsetting personal foul penalties: I'm going to say this...if you can't even figure out what number the guy was, it couldn't have been that egregious. The Turbin offensive PI call was probably the worst: Turbin was pushing HIS guy, not the guy covering Richardson. That guy got caught over the top. Terrible.
REALLY good post.


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Mar 3, 2007
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North Pole, Alaska
The fact the Collinsworth Al Michaels brought it up says something.

There was a blatant encroachment by SF that went uncalled and it was a LB outside the main line with the referee looking right at him.

There was also what looked like a blatant hold by SF LT on Bruce Irvin. I saw him try to pull away to run back the way he had come and got jerked back in to the LT's chest.

Then there was the LT pushing Bennett in the back and down to the ground, landing on top of him. I've seen that exact same play called holding on Carpenter.

The OPI on Turbin was BS because it was away from the play and the DB wasn't really effected. I could swear the ref on that one had his hand on his flag looking for something to throw it on because it came out so quickly.

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