A heartfelt letter from Steeler Nation


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Jan 26, 2014
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Vancouver, BC
Ignore the hate, classy post and any positive vibes are appreciated, I'll take 'em! As it was mentioned before, it was the refs throwing flags, not the Steelers, I don't have anything against them or their fanbase. :2:


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Eastern Washington
Southern Steeler":2eqnq0oz said:
Call it naive if you wish....but it seems like the fans of the current Super Bowl champion who have a legitimate chance to repeat as champs would be far less pissed off over something that occurred 9 years ago. You have a stellar team, and should be contenders for the next several years.

Maybe some of you just need more to do.
You trying to entertain your buddies over at that lame-ass rustbucket forum? Trying to stir the pot and get a reaction?

I've seen how you guys whine about how you lost the San Diego playoff game in spite of leading in several categories, and then say something about how XL was such a wonderful win. I'd point out the hypocrisy, but I think you're too stupid to recognize it even when it's pointed out to you.

Take your colorblind ass back to shitsburgh. There's only one black-&-gold team in the NFL, and it's not you guys. The Saints are black-&-gold. You guys are more black-&-piss-yellow.


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Mar 3, 2007
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Eastern Washington
BC-Hawk":1vti3od5 said:
Ignore the hate, classy post and any positive vibes are appreciated, I'll take 'em! As it was mentioned before, it was the refs throwing flags, not the Steelers, I don't have anything against them or their fanbase. :2:
You clearly haven't been paying attention. You think the OP has positive vibes for us? Take a look at the website he linked, and read all the good will they have for us.

They were stupid and arrogant after XL, and they haven't changed a bit since then. They can all go fellate themselves.

We don't need their positive vibes, we make our own.


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May 2, 2009
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Spokane, Wa
djb28":2y6oxefl said:
I despise the Steelers. That goes way before XL. I am going to start a website with pics of Steeler fans. I find it amusing that EVERY Steeler fan I see in a 50 mile radius of where I live represents them by wearing the Dirtiest most filthy apparel I have ever seen a fan wear.

I pointed this out to my girl and it got to the point where we just take a pic of every Steeler fan we see. It never disappoints. Always dirty! I want people from around the globe to post their Steeler pics to it too! It can't be just here. Wash your damn clothes!

Like "People of Walmart".


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Oct 4, 2009
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PoCompton, BC Canada
BC-Hawk":1gprgysc said:
Ignore the hate, classy post and any positive vibes are appreciated, I'll take 'em! As it was mentioned before, it was the refs throwing flags, not the Steelers, I don't have anything against them or their fanbase. :2:
well **I DO**
Screw the Steelers and screw this OP clown. He can take his positivity and cram it with walnuts ugly!


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Jan 4, 2010
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Southern Steeler":bv5yhwcm said:
Greetings from http://www.steelernation.com

Allow me to provide a bit of back story here...

We despise the Patriots. Worse than the Ravens (and that's really saying something). Before the last two Super Bowls that they appeared in I went to the Giants message board and extended their fan base our unilateral support. While I fully realize that it has zero bearing on the game, it felt karmic. It REALLY felt karmic after the Giants went and upset the Patriots in both games. Having said that, here I am...wishing the Seahawks all the best in their endeavors next Sunday. There isn't a score possible in which you could beat this team bad enough. 43-8 would be terrific. We at Steeler Nation hope that your defense pounds Brady to the point that he is literally in tears. Shove that deflated ball up his butt and send him packing.

I will provide a link to this thread over on our site, and hopefully some more of our members can drop in and extend their feelings on this game. While our fan bases really haven't ever been "friends" (especially after Super Bowl XL)....I feel certain we can all join together to hate a common enemy.

For the love of God, PLEASE spare us all of the media slobbering that will inevitably come should New England win. We are all eternally grateful to the Giants for stopping the undefeated season. Imagine hearing about THAT for the rest of your life.


Southern Steeler

Polite trolling if I ever saw it. If legitimate, much thanks.

I've always raised a slight eyebrow to the conspiracy theorists for XL; but it was what it was, and Leavy even admitted it.

Anyways, regardless of what happens in SB ExLiX I can't wait to beat down Steeler Nation when they come to SEA in 2016. GO HAWKS!!

Sports Hernia

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Apr 30, 2009
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The pit
Southern Steeler":1u2oojqo said:
I'll try to address a few things....

First, using the logic of an overwhelming number of you....my first inclination would be that most Seahawks fans are dicks. Yet, you complain about that from us. I literally do not know one single Seahawk fan, so any introduction I have has been here. You haven't represented well. Nice to see that some of you are pretty cool, though. Like all fan bases, there are jerks and good folks.

Second, we hate the Patriots because they (and Brady and Belichick in particular) are smug little pricks who like to manipulate the system yet whine and cry every time someone dares hit Brady too hard. They also have the media slobbering all over them all of the time, which I am fully aware is not their fault. They are annoying beyond words. (For the record however, I don't dislike Patriot fans...they love their team and that's fine. Think about it)

I expected better from you guys. Seriously.
Get bent troll, seriously!


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Jan 10, 2011
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Bellingham, WA
Wait, WAIT.

How is this thread even possible? 2005? What's a 2005?

I was under the impression that 99% of us Seahawk faithful didn't start rooting for the team until 2012.



In seriousness, I made the difficult decision last season to finally relinquish my hatred for the Steeler nation. I don't think this makes me less of a fan. I held the worst grudge imaginable for all those seasons. But after our first (recognized) Super Bowl win, I decided to let go of my hatred. Despite my former loathing, I don't actively care enough about the stupid Steelers to root against them anymore.

I'm not saying every fan needs to do this, or even should.

But I did. And I'm personally okay with a Steeler fan wishing us some good vibes for the Super Bowl.

So, OP, if you're still reading this...Thanks. You guys have quite a player in Laveon Bell. I'll be drafting him in fantasy football next year if I can.


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Southern Steeler":1ckacesp said:
Plus, we've won two Super Bowls since then.

annnnnnd THAT'S where a lot of us differ. For those of us without long term memory loss, you won a Super Bowl and were gifted a second by the commish, Bill Leavy's incompetence and, depending on how deep a person feels this goes, the network collectively, naively, known as 'the mob'.

I'll stand by my original observations and assertions, Stealer fans before, during in Detroit, and after SBXL* were as classy as a bag of flaming shit left on a doorstep. The NFL did its part by allowing the game to be, for all intents and purposes, a Stealer home game.

Please burn this thread, lock it, or shack it.

Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
Karma from Steeler Nation, we hope you stomp the cheating bastiges from Bahsten, and perpetuate the legend that they can't win on a neutral site where Belicheat doesn't have as much control over the headsets, stealing signals, and his balls. Remind the team to change their defensive signals for the Super Bowl like the Giants did both times.

On the Steeler boards they have been known as the Pats* for many years, now we are calling them the Pats** because they have been caught cheating twice.

thebanjodude":3croy8ps said:
We don't want your karma...screw the Stealers
Tough. Most of us are pulling for your team anyway.
I hope Richard Sherman gets 10 INT's and 5 Pick 6's. (I also hope the Steelers find the money to sign him away from you when he's a FA. Lord knows we need help in the secondary.)

Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
thebanjodude":2dxtph69 said:
Incoming troll alert...

Thanks for the free pub. Doesn't bother us a bit. The Seahawks couldn't score more than 10 points when the Steelers gave them 7 on an INT. Bad calls don't shut you down that much. Turnovers, special teams, and the Walrus' clock management cost you the game. Don't mistake me for someone who cares what you think.

SeeHawkRun":2dxtph69 said:
In seriousness, I made the difficult decision last season to finally relinquish my hatred for the Steeler nation. I don't think this makes me less of a fan. I held the worst grudge imaginable for all those seasons. But after our first (recognized) Super Bowl win, I decided to let go of my hatred. Despite my former loathing, I don't actively care enough about the stupid Steelers to root against them anymore.
We get that. Remember, the Pats** beat us in TWO AFC championship games before Spygate was discovered.
"It's like they knew what plays we were going to run." -- Hines Ward
Well yeah, because as we found out later they DID know what plays we were going to run.

Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
Riley12":1akj2e4x said:
annnnnnd THAT'S where a lot of us differ. For those of us without long term memory loss, you won a Super Bowl and were gifted a second by the commish, Bill Leavy's incompetence and, depending on how deep a person feels this goes, the network collectively, naively, known as 'the mob'.
We feel the same way about the league, Goodell, and the Pats**, with good reason, just so you know.

I'll stand by my original observations and assertions, Stealer fans before, during in Detroit, and after SBXL* were as classy as a bag of flaming shit left on a doorstep. The NFL did its part by allowing the game to be, for all intents and purposes, a Stealer home game.
Meh, Detroit is only about a 3 hour drive from Pittsburgh. I know people who drove to Detroit in the morning, tailgated at the stadium, then drove back home in time for the game.

Please burn this thread, lock it, or shack it.
You have a nice day too. Whine all you want, we feel about you guys kinda the same as we do about Browns fans. It used to be a big rivalry but is no longer because they've sucked for so long. BrownsFan hates us and our team with every fiber of his being, we don't care any more, and that enrages them even more. If you want to torque BrownsFan, remind him that his team never won a SB until ten minutes after they moved to Baltimore. Frankly we find the hate comical.


May 1, 2009
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Vancouver, WA
Here's my :twocents: I am still not 100% over what happened at XL, but I have moved on to the point where I don't get angry. I tested this out last night, I was able to watch the 1/2 hour NFL Films Superbowl XL highlights last night with out losing it. What has helped me get to this point is this:

1) If the Seahawks would have won that game I don't believe we would be the team that we are today.

2) Walter Jones and Cortez Kennedy are in Canton today and Jerome Bettis is not (as of now) that's about the closest that we get to any kind of justice for that game.

Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
volsunghawk":2majjk5v said:
BlueThunder":2majjk5v said:
Jesus Christ. This thread reminds me of something I'd see over at the Extreme Skins forum. I was never mad at the Steelers. I was infuriated with the Refs and the NFL for making sure Bettis got his "dream" send-off. I didn't see any Steeler players throwing ridiculous flags. And what are their fans supposed to say? "Oh, you're right, we don't deserve this Lombardi... Here, take it". This is one of those times where you have to look at things from their point of view, and realize that we would have sounded like them had the situations been reversed. I thought this guy came in here totally in peace, with kind of a humorous post, and he's slammed like he had something to do with XL. C'mon guys... I thought we were better than that. Guess not.
Very true. Well said. Truth is the players, coaches, refs, league, doesn't care what we think.


What ever gave you the idea that .NET was better than that? I mean, I love this site, but we're an NFL fan forum with all the fanaticism, myopia, etc. that entails. Every single NFL fan forum out there has members who love to crap all over visitors who represent teams they hate. Usually, it's fans of divisional rivals or of teams who have knocked the fan's team out of the postseason legitimately or otherwise. We're no different.
As I often say to long-time people on our board who question the conspiracy paranoia of some of us regarding Goodell and the Pats**, "You're new here, huh?"


Neil O'Donnell
That's funny right there. :th2thumbs:

Ron Burgundy

Jan 21, 2015
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Pittsburgh, PA
bradynumber4":221ifww3 said:
Steelers have some nerve to accuse others of cheating. Their first 4 SB's were through roids and their last two were gifts from the refs. Steelers are the original cheats and the most successful.
Just a history lesson Skippy, steroids were not illegal in the NFL at that time.
Now with the Pats** and Spygate, at one time ALL teams did try to tape opponents' signals. Then the league made that illegal. A year later, they found the Pats** were still taping signals and told them to stop. They didn't. Another year later the league finds the Pats** are STILL stealing signals and at that point fined them, docked them a first round draft pick, and destroyed the evidence presumably because it would have threatened the integrity of the game (and all the money that gets bet on football). The Pats** have a decent but not great record in away games in both W-L and against the spread. However their HOME record in W-L and beating the spread is so stupid good that it defies rational explanation.


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Mar 5, 2007
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Right outside Richard Sherman's house
Ron Burgundy":2wo069si said:
volsunghawk":2wo069si said:

Neil O'Donnell
That's funny right there. :th2thumbs:

I'm on another small, general NFL board with fans of a few different teams, including the Steelers. Whenever I want to needle them, I like to bring up Mr. O'Donnell and they go into immediate seizures. It's wonderful.

As for XL, yeah, I think several of the calls were bad. But I think Etric Pruitt, Holmgren's time management, and Jerramy Stevens were even worse. As someone mentioned before, if you don't want officiating to decide the game, make it irrelevant by dominating the other team. We did exactly that in XLVIII. No amount of officiating would have saved the Broncos.

And I take a bit of comfort in knowing that if last year's Seahawks team had gone back and played in XL, you could have paired the best elements of the '05 Steelers and '05 Seahawks, and the '13 Seahawks still would have won by 2 TDs.

So I'll happily take the good Steelers fans' karma. After all, I'm already getting lots of love from the Broncos fans around me who loathe the Pats. Every little bit helps.


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May 19, 2012
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This thread is why I rooted for the Seahawks and Cardinals in their SBs against the Steelers.


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Jan 29, 2010
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Ron Burgundy":3q029lo4 said:
Thanks for the free pub. Doesn't bother us a bit. The Seahawks couldn't score more than 10 points when the Steelers gave them 7 on an INT. Bad calls don't shut you down that much. Turnovers, special teams, and the Walrus' clock management cost you the game. Don't mistake me for someone who cares what you think.

You had more turnovers. Darrell Jackson led us to seven that were taken off the board (and HInes made a career of doing what DJack was flagged for). We'd have had another seven if not for the horrible call on Locklear-especially horrible because of the blatant holds you got away with on the Ben (Faneca) and Willie (Heath) TDs. Do any Steeler fans have the honesty and integrity to admit that? No. You'll say all that was good, while trying to say you were somehow cheated against the Patriots.

Really, you all deserve to die.


In a vat.

Of Iron City.

And don't even try to say it's good beer. It's terrible beer for terrible people.


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Aug 9, 2013
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camdawg":14d7kbum said:
Ron Burgundy":14d7kbum said:
Thanks for the free pub. Doesn't bother us a bit. The Seahawks couldn't score more than 10 points when the Steelers gave them 7 on an INT. Bad calls don't shut you down that much. Turnovers, special teams, and the Walrus' clock management cost you the game. Don't mistake me for someone who cares what you think.

Haha Welcome Steeler fan or should I say Tom Brady's step child. It's been fun watching them using your team to wipe the sh*t from their ass (that is why your team is black and piss right?). Your team is the new Browns to them. I'd be pissed too. Having their fans come in and rub it in your faces, telling you Browns =Steelers. Then (with the help of the refs ) you finally win a super bowl and nobody takes it seriously. To add insult to injury, you have to come to a Hawks board and beg them to do what you could never do. .... awe.

Seeing what desperate losers your fan base has become, I might have died too if I were the President. No worries, we'll beat the Patriots for you and then you can go right back to being their red headed step child again next year while living vicariously through the Seahawks and Ron Burgundy.... I really hope you get the help you need. Do us a favor and go back to your inbred bar and please drink your life and sorrows away quickly and after we beat the Patriots, you can troll their forum and boast about the Hawks kicked them all over the field.

Cheers little man!!!!