Interesting RW quote


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Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
wasn't just the #1 scoring defense for 4 straight years, even THAT is selling that defense short. it was perhaps the best defense over an era since the steel curtain. #1 out of all 32 teams in DVOA in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015.... crazy shit... that's steel curtain / purple people eaters level of defense... and yet... all wilson got us was 1 'chip. if he doesn't throw that endzone pick vs patriots to lose the game, then that's atleast 2 'chips. he even had a hall of fame monster in the backfield to hand off to during that stretch. 1 'chip. f*cking sad.

"but but but but wilson carried us after the LOB, jUSt LoOk At ThE sTatS!" - john63 and other fanboys

passing stats are so bloated, just like russell's ego:
View attachment 54235
Some ladies may wrongfully think that owner of such trucks were overcompensating?


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
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Truth Ray
You can't be the only 'elite' QB in the league to have your ability to read defenses questioned and then claim you carried your team. If I'm lying, who else is questioned the way he is? Eli Manning?

You can't be the only 'elite' QB to rank consistently in the mid to lower mid (and worse) half of the league in passing 3rd down conversions and claim you carried your team. Not opinion. FACT

You can't be the only 'elite' QB to have a league wide game plan to beat you running on 3 straight years and struggle to defeat it... and claim you carried your team. Everyone in the league knows how to beat him, and when a team has a good defense, they do.

You can't be KNOWN for not being able to exploit certain coverages or hit certain areas of the field consistently and claim you carried your team. Statistical fact.

Your offense can't have rated near last in the league in average number of plays run per drive ( when you were pass happy and had two of the best wr threats in the game),
And claim you carries your team. We finished last last year and weren't great the season he set all of his records.

And you sure can't be the only 'elite' Qb to not have won a championship without an elite running game and elite defense... and claim you carried your team. Fact

Russ, by the nature of his play, his talent, preferences, and shortcomings played the position in a way that was unique to him, and thus created a reality where only he could run the plays the way he did. So in that sense, he was correct. When he went 'Full Russ', the playbook went out the window and he worked his own particularly kind of magic.

But he abandoned plays he didn't have to because HE often chose to, because of what he couldn't do, or didn't want to do.

The offense itself stopped running certain calls because HE wasn't adept at pulling them off.

It takes some major hubris to make statement like that with the amount of improvisation that was required for him to run the offense.

The truth is, he was incredible at playing HIS game, and struggled mightily at times playing THE game.

And the benefit he has is that the plays that failed that were no-fault of his and the ones that worked, but he couldn't execute and bailed on... many of them ended the same way. With a highlight play.

But his statement completely glosses over the many basic plays that he left on the table, the unnecessary sacks, 3rd and longs, and comebacks that are muddled in with the miraculous plays. And most importantly, the failures in the playoffs when his bag of tricks were no longer effective against defenses who could take away the plays he flourished within.

Russ has created and completely bought into a persona that I don't even think he can unsee anymore. It's not Ciara's fault. It's not Pete's fault (although him never checking Russ just fed the beast). This monster has been in the making since the LOB days if you think back on all the rumblings that came out of the lockeroom , even when we were still successful.

Russ has gone full dark side.

Footnote: I'm wrong. Russ can actually claim whatever he wants. His claiming it just doesn't make it true. And his claiming also makes him look like a huge Donkey D. And at a certain point, perception becomes reality. Especially when you consciously drive it.

You're deranged. And have spun a helluva yarn in your head. And I thought your Norton was doing a good job last year take took the cake. This accounts for what people call Wilson's "washed up faze." One score is a great metric, because as you know there are QBs out there that can really pile up that stats in garbage time and play better when the pressure is off.

Now lemme get this out of the way before I type anything more.

If Russ was referring to the early years, (I doubt it.) shame on him.

I think Wilson was referring to the last 6 years where indeed he had to carry dead bodies over the finish line to win games. Had historically bad defenses at times, historically bad running games at times. He's had to carry more than any other QB in that time frame. Some bad drafts, absolutely horrible free agent signings to boot.

Wilson during this era would have multiple games where he would have more TDs than incompletions midway through the 3rd qtr. And the Seahawks would be... tied, up a score, or losing?! How?

Wilson during the twilight of the LOB era would lead his team in rushing and account for like 98% of the teams TDs. Never been done before. (2017)


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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guys, we're way too riled up. i mean why do we even care about richard sherman's reaction to a f*cking tweet about our former seahawks qb talking up his new team at a broncos 'kickoff luncheon'. we know russ has an inflated ego, but this is a nothingburger.

both sides are correct. wilson was great for the organization and the fans, we should have more than 1 title with wilson during LOB era, wilson's his own system and won't take playcall designs, terrible roster management, wilson was a top 5 qb but isn't currently a top 5 qb and has bloated stats, the roster's been shit the last few years, we weren't going anywhere with wilson, i think all points are true. blame all sides for not getting it more than 1 ring. anyway, we got 2 1st's, 2 2nd's and other stuff for wilson after 10 years of service. somebody else will be paying him 50m/ year after this season. for us, its time to rebuild. the draft capital from the trade accelerates that rebuild.

after week 1, it's time to turn the page. say your goodbyes. the russell wilson saga is over. that's it. over. nothing else to go on about. anybody else siding with wilson on these forums are literally just trolls and should be treated as such.
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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md

You're deranged. And have spun a helluva yarn in your head. And I thought your Norton was doing a good job last year take took the cake. This accounts for what people call Wilson's "washed up faze." One score is a great metric, because as you know there are QBs out there that can really pile up that stats in garbage time and play better when the pressure is off.

Now lemme get this out of the way before I type anything more.

If Russ was referring to the early years, (I doubt it.) shame on him.

I think Wilson was referring to the last 6 years where indeed he had to carry dead bodies over the finish line to win games. Had historically bad defenses at times, historically bad running games at times. He's had to carry more than any other QB in that time frame. Some bad drafts, absolutely horrible free agent signings to boot.

Wilson during this era would have multiple games where he would have more TDs than incompletions midway through the 3rd qtr. And the Seahawks would be... tied, up a score, or losing?! How?

Wilson during the twilight of the LOB era would lead his team in rushing and account for like 98% of the teams TDs. Never been done before. (2017)

Pulling a John63 with the Norton thing, huh? I'll let you play with it a Lil longer before that myth gets busted.

And if I'm weaving something, please tell me which of those points I made in that post is incorrect? Rather than, in vintage J63 fashion, pointing to an article that references some stat or writer's fan boy opinion that Russ is among the football Gods, and throwing that down as a defense.

Just tell me which of those points is incorrect.

And you throw around nonsensical claims like him having to play with historically bad running games??? He had one year when we had zero running backs and he accounted for our offense. Good on him. He was superman that year.

And the historically bad defenses you're referencing (the last 2 years) coincided with the historically pass happy offenses that were historically atrocious at picking up 3rd downs, holding the ball, and sustaining drives. This is again, Fact. Look it up. The stats are there and the eyes saw it in 2020 when we went from historically bad, to making one of the greatest turnarounds in performance ever over the last half of the season when we stopped giving opposing teams the ball after forcing deep shots and punting over and over again.

You could see it again last year when our 'historically bad ' defense was again matched with a historically bad offense when it cake to staying on the field or moving the chains... we might have actually been 31st in the league... before Russ got hurt.

But Russ looked great and the offense was ranked what... #1 in scoring and big plays? Cool. But when you put up 21 points in a quarter on drives that combined, last 4 minutes, and then go three and out on the rest (this is factually what we did last year) and the other team possesses the ball for 9 minutes of a quarter... well, when your offense isn't on the field, your defense is.

Our D was historically bad IN PART because they were literally dealt a historically bad hand. The other part had to do with a DC who misused players, lacked creativity, and struggled to communicate concepts.

And still that defense was near top 10 in points allowed - a stat that wouldn't be achievable if not for the fact that part of the reason they looked so bad was in fact due to the offense. THERE ISNT ANY OTHER WAY THAT CAN HAPPEN.

But getting back to Russ and that superman year when Russ was the whole offense on the ground and in the air. You know what made him great? The fact that he still ran then. And he did, because he HAD to that year. I and others have pointed to the fact that when you take away his wheels (or he puts them on the shelf), and tries to go Brady, he can't. And he hasn't. To my point about his 3rd down struggles... the Only years he was ever ranked 'well ' were the years he ran. So when Pete was going on and on about running more, and the Wilson cheerleaders were all up in arms because Pete hates exciting offense and was stifling Russ's potential... he was actually tracking EXACTLY the truth about Russ's game. Boom or bust ( ie, can't sustain drives) and crap on 3rd down unless there's a running game ( and Russ contributing).

As to that article... classic, and comical deflection

This is the thing, Fade, youve criticized Pete for being a coach who plays to the one score game... that that's his Schtick... what he's setup to do and what what he's built the team to do, to Russ's detriment. Then, when we are good at it, historically good, because that's how we HAD to win, you throw up a post giving Wilson the credit, and then use that as proof of his greatness??

Again, how about stick to the points I made and attack them if I'm weaving 'yarns'

But don't go posting random articles and standing on them, John63 style. I always thought you head and shoulders above him in your ability to make and defend points. But to use that?

Its like posting an article about Russ being the 2nd youngest QB to win a SB... as if he and Big Ben both weren't just riding the backs of their respective defenses and running games.

Same for that stat about being the winning winningest Qb through x seasons.

Or the top rated qb when facing elite qbs...

Do this, find me the article that talks about how great Russ is in converting 3rd downs, or dissecting a defense and slowly carving them up into submission... you know, like Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes, Brees, Manning, etc have all had written about them.

Russ is who he is.

Not who he'd like himself to be.


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
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Cockeysville, Md
guys, we're way too riled up. i mean why do we even care about richard sherman's reaction to a f*cking tweet about our former seahawks qb talking up his new team at a broncos 'kickoff luncheon'. we know russ has an inflated ego, but this is a nothingburger.

both sides are correct. wilson was great for the organization and the fans, we should have more than 1 title with wilson during LOB era, wilson's his own system and won't take playcall designs, terrible roster management, wilson was a top 5 qb but isn't currently a top 5 qb and has bloated stats, the roster's been shit the last few years, we weren't going anywhere with wilson, i think all points are true. blame all sides for not getting it more than 1 ring. anyway, we got 2 1st's, 2 2nd's and other stuff for wilson after 10 years of service. somebody else will be paying him 50m/ year after this season. for us, its time to rebuild. the draft capital from the trade accelerates that rebuild.

after week 1, it's time to turn the page. say your goodbyes. the russell wilson saga is over. that's it. over. nothing else to go on about. anybody else siding with wilson on these forums are literally just trolls and should be treated as such.
Agree with most of this. And it would be great to move on and talk about the team we have today and the season coming up. But for some, the urge to weave negativity about literally everything about the team, its QB, coaches, strategy, past, potential... its all still wrapped up in a warped worship of the guy.

Absolutely correct. Dude is gone. Doesn't play here.

You can not like Geno or whatever our QB situation is right now, but they are our QBs. ANd they arent nearly as bad as the fanboys would like to claim.

When Stan Gelbaugh, Dan Mcguire, and John Frieze were stinking up the joint, just doing the best they could, fans still cheered for the team. The diehards were still there rooting for the only guys they had to root for - the ones who pulled on the silver, blue ang green.

I sometimes wish we could suck just long enough for the fanboys and bandwagoners to move on to their next obsession.


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
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I'd hazard a guess that 90% of the fanbase here on .net own trucks. (...I've said too much.)😁
Probably interesting how the writer who originally posted this removed it and updated with the whole thing which makes it obvious he was not talking about Seattle and yet some still push the lie.


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2015
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What Wilson said does not surprise anyone here on dot net. We’ve seen Wilson’s facade over the past decade. He always has been about his “His brand.”

A few teammates, notably, two, at this guys wedding says a whole lot about this guy and how likeable he really is, or lack thereof. Either or.

Someone should tell Wilson, Denver really wanted Rodgers but when Rodgers re-signed with Green Bay, Wilson, was second fiddle.

Denver didn’t want Wilson to begin with.

We’ll see how this diva does. Wilson is a fool to think he “carried” Seahawk. He wanted Seattle to pay him. He got paid to be the “man.” And never became “The man” and then blames the team for not giving him more rings.

News flash, Wilson, is definitely not as great as he thinks he is and definitely isn’t the reason Seattle won a Super Bowl.

Three reasons:

1. Elite historical defense
2. Marshawn Lynch
3. NFL defensive rules favoring Seattle defensive style


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2013
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I sometimes wish we could suck just long enough for the fanboys and bandwagoners to move on to their next obsession.
the fake fans, fairweather fans and wilson fanboys have already been leaving in droves. good. i hope they stop buying tickets, too. fake fans are the ones that started to buy up all the tickets circa 2014 after the superbowl and playoff runs as the higher ticket prices ensued. these fake fans would go to the game and sit down... the whole game... getting mad at people like me who were there to get totally sloshed, stand the whole game, and be a loud f*cking annoyance to the away team. these fake fans DON'T EVEN KNOW BASIC FOOTBALL RULES. BELLEVUE F*CKING BRATS MAN, I SWEAR :mad:. and the fairweather fans always gonna fairweather, that will never change. and after week 1, the wilson fanboys will be GONE from the stadium and hopefully these forums.

good f*cking riddance. back to square 1. let the forum trolls dissipate and lets get the stadium LOUD again.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2016
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SoCal Desert
A few teammates, notably, two, at this guys wedding says a whole lot about this guy and how likeable he really is, or lack thereof. Either or.

Only two went to his wedding, Jimmy Graham was a new comer, Turbin was a backup RB that long left the team, no one else showed up. This is what brotherhood looks like:

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