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  1. FrickinChickens

    Seahawk Players You Would Want To Raise The Flag

    Steve Niehaus Sammy Green Sherman Smith John Yarno
  2. FrickinChickens

    What Do You Blame The Loss On The Most?

    100% Coaching & their apparent inability for adjustments Injuries are part of the game, schemes do not always work as planned, the other team may surprise you. Our coaching staff doesn't appear to be capable of making adjustments on the fly during the game. They have been successful with...
  3. FrickinChickens

    Poll: Do you want SF or NO to win this week?

    THIS! The Whiners winning is probably the best for our team but rooting for them winning is kind of like wanting Jerry Jones as our next owner, :pukeface: IMHO GO HAWKS!!!
  4. FrickinChickens

    Ruminations on the Vikings Game

    THIS! How anyone can question the coach who has brought the most success to this team ever is beyond my understanding. Let alone questioning a 4th down in the first quarter on our side of the field. Why would you risk giving them momentum that early in the game? Because the computer...
  5. FrickinChickens

    Weekly one word for game # 9......

    OVER As in, that game is over on to the next.
  6. FrickinChickens

    What do Pete/John see in Bevell to keep him?

    My 2 cents on Bevell: I have been calling for his head for over three years now but not because I think he is bad, we are 1-1 in the SB with him as our OC. My frustration is that he tries to be too cute and tries to hard to outthink the opposing D coordinator rather than just trying to put our...
  7. FrickinChickens

    Raising them right

    HoustonHawk82 "Pictures, or didn't happen! :mrgreen: " [
  8. FrickinChickens

    Raising them right

    Thanks Houston, she really doesn't understand much about football but she is excited to go. Just to see and hear her makes all the drama of personnel, coaching, injuries and even win-loss melt away. I cant what to see her expression the first time she walks out of the tunnel. Priceless
  9. FrickinChickens

    Raising them right

    I am bringing my second daughter (now10) to her first game. Back in 2009 I brought my oldest daughter to watch our Mora/Ruskell led team get demolished 27-3 by the Tardinals as her first game. When we returned home from that game my then 5 year old was pissed that she didn't get to go and...
  10. FrickinChickens

    Chances of Re-PETE.

    I put 50/50 due to the biggest question mark on the team in my mind: the offensive line
  11. FrickinChickens

    Question about 2013 Season DVD

    Perfect, thanks for the info. Will look on Amazon as well, thanks 'storian.
  12. FrickinChickens

    Question about 2013 Season DVD

    I remember reading a discussion about the availability of a 2013 season DVD but cannot find it. Could someone please be so kind as to direct me, thank you.
  13. FrickinChickens

    Links to the parade broadcast?

    Thanks E_S Didnt see the other post, sorry. Mods please delete.
  14. FrickinChickens

    Links to the parade broadcast?

    Anyone Thanks
  15. FrickinChickens

    Had a good laugh this morning

    Driving to work and wondered if the northwest coupled with all of Arizona could have broken the world record for screaming NOOOOOOOOOO! about the time Bowman hit the 30 followed by another record breaking F-bomb as he crossed the goalline. Oh well, like the idea of the Seahawks winning it on...
  16. FrickinChickens

    The 2 headed Bevell

    The O was blitzed what felt like 90%+ and not a single screen play called, WTF?
  17. FrickinChickens

    It was those damn White Jerseys

    +1 I thought 'oh no they are wearing all white we are screwed' right before kick-off.