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  1. I

    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    This is affecting the players to the extent that they do not want to be here imo. Remember how we used to lock up core players to contracts a year early? I don't see that being the case any longer. We used to sign big time contributers in free agency cause Seattle was a sought after...
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    12-4, I still see it, do you?

    12-4 just isn't realistic thinking. We all hope and pray that this team will figure themselves out and go on a super badass run, but there is something legitimately wrong with this team. It isn't something that gets fixed in a couple of weeks. If the 2015 Seahawks make the playoffs. They...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    Just for clarification I don't want this to be the case. However I am going to call it like I see it. You say this is "stupid, and not how football works." Ok you have a different view, thats cool...that is what makes this board interesting. All I ask is tell me why this isn't the case. I...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    I am right there with you buddy. This team has climbed incredible cliffs over the last three seasons. I am trying to focus more on how amazing of a run it has been then to face the reality of where we are today. Superbowl 49 would of killed any teams run of greatness tbh. It is the anomaly...
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    Jumping off the wagon?

    Spot on.
  6. I

    Jumping off the wagon?

    I am not saying that booing is the right response to any situation. However, people pay their hard earned cash to attend a game at the Clink. Those tickets aren't cheap either. If a fan of any kind feels that they need to boo in response to the lackluster play. That is their freedom to do...
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    12-4, I still see it, do you?

    This team has got to get right mentally and with each other first before we can even mutter the word playoffs. I hate to reference Jim Mora, but "Playoffs?! Don't talk about Playoffs! The Playoffs?! You kidding me?" This team has to prove to itself and it's fans that they are not...
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    Possible Long Term Implications

    Ok so this will be strictly an opinionated post on my part. I will be posting basically what I am seeing and how I am connecting the dots. For all those glass half full folks, I got mad respect for your outlook and optimism. This however is not one of those posts so be warned. I posted...
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    Finish This Statement:

    This team has to get right upstairs first. This team is massively shaken up mentally. Losses like SB 49 have destroyed potential legacies for other teams. Think back to Farve and the Packers in 97. Who knows what else they could of done under Holmgren had they gone back to back. Hell they...
  10. I

    Finish This Statement:

    Closed, welded shut, and reinfoced with steel bars. This team is mentally in shambles. Superbowl 49 destroyed this teams psyche. The wheels are slowly coming off. PEte and this group of players have peaked. We are officially on the decline.
  11. I

    Pete said it all, by not saying anything.

    What is different is this team never recovered from Superbowl 49. The mentally strong Seahawks we all new and loved that was special for the last 3 years is a damn corpse on that field where SB 49 happened.
  12. I

    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    We could of been a dynasty. We don't blow it in SB 49. Who knows if this team could of won a 3rd superbowl maybe. It was not to be though. I still heavily appreciate all the amazing work and amazing moments this team has given us over the last 3 years. Truly the most special in all of...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    We will win more games yes. However I am not so sure about championships.
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    One thing that isn't all bad. We finally had our history defining "run." For 3 seasons 12, 13, 14 we were the premiere team that other teams envied. One of the best defensive stretches in NFL history. The hawks had a run that left it's mark in NFL history. the SB 48 beat down on the...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    I agree I think it may of made things a bit better. However we are just so far down the rabbit hole at this point. You do have to question if Pete has the capability to put this team back together mentally at this point.
  16. I

    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    Honestly I don't think so. The way 49 ended...that is the most painful loss a team probably has ever had to endure in a SB. Less painful losses have ended other Legacy bound teams in the past.
  17. I

    So... What Do We Talk About Until April?

    Sad thing is, with how this team is playing. His question is legit. This team is shattered mentally. There is no reason to have optimism. For those that do, I admire you. However flipping on the TV on Sundays and having hope at this point isn't too much more than a single step away from...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    This thought was lingering in my head all off season. The big question is. Will this team possibly re surge next season and make a push. Or is this group of guys as a whole, done with championships....unfortunately I have the sense that the current roster of guys and Pete have hit the peak...
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    The Legacy Died on the Field in SB 49

    Gentlemen I am here to say....the special Seahawks we knew. The potential legacy run this team "could have" been. Guys, those Seahawks we knew. The corpse is still lying on the field where SB 49 happened. The head is mounted on the wall in Tom Brady's sports den. Not a troll post by any...
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    We lost because we didn't have Zach Miller

    Actually glad to see this was a joke! lmao. I was going to jump in here and be like really?! Zack is the reason we played soft and got our asses kicked!? But good one!