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    Sean Payton pissed off that Seattle ran up the score on MNF

    As a Saints fan I think that the media is blowing this out just to make headlines. With that said, the Saints don't really have room to talk. The year Peyton Manning was out for the year, the Saints had a prime time game against the Colts. 62-7...
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    Here come the 'Aints

    As a Saints fan I feel like from here we are playing with house money. In the beginning of the year I had higher hopes, but I think I have come back to earth with my expectations. I don't expect us to win, but I am not waving the white flag just yet. Upsets can happen and if we don't win I will...
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    Dear Imminent Visiting Saints Fans to .NET...

    Saints fan here. Good luck to both teams on Saturday. Should be a better game.