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  1. Nunya_

    Hawks to decline 5th year option on Penny

    IIRC, the 5th year option did not apply to Earl....though he likely would have been picked up. The 5th year option was agreed to in the 2011 CBA. The Penny situation was probably nothing more than a business decision. If the team did pick up his 5th year option, he would have been guaranteed...
  2. Nunya_

    Post draft Russ temperature check (wild speculation)

    Normally I would agree with you. However, it is getting harder and harder to tell on this forum.
  3. Nunya_

    Draft assessment

    You mean the last 5 seasons where the team went 10-5-1, 9-7, 10-6, 11-5, and 12-4....and reached the playoffs in 4 of those seasons?
  4. Nunya_

    Draft assessment

    So the FO is incompetent because they did not draft how YOU would have liked them to? Yet the FO is made up of professionals that are considered some of the best in the league....and YOU.....are nothing more than a poster on an internet forum. Pardon me if I do not give your opinion any...
  5. Nunya_

    Post draft Russ temperature check (wild speculation)

    Oh sure....gag your head coach and take away his headset. That sure is a winning solution. /s It is hard to take some people serious on this forum.
  6. Nunya_

    Turn Out the Lights

    Tampa Bay was tied with KC as the most points scored in the first half at 17.2 points in 1st half. Didn't seem to help them much. The Seahawks certainly could have done better (11.1), but they were in the middle and ranked at 16/32 in 1st half points. However, they were the lowest ranked in...
  7. Nunya_

    Another great defense bites the dust

    Really? You think that is an "elephant in the room"? 24 points than maybe it is something to talk about. 10 points? Does not even reach the level of a "mouse in the room".
  8. Nunya_

    Congrats Ciara and Russ!

    This would have never happened if Russell had better protection while he was in the pocket.
  9. Nunya_

    Pete Ball is NOT the Problem

    I would guess that most fans don't have an ALL OR NOTHING attitude. I see winning the SB kind of like winning the lottery. Sure, winning millions in a jackpot would be great, but I would be completely happy with hitting 5/6 numbers for $100,000. As far as quality goes, I certainly feel we...
  10. Nunya_

    Clayton: Will Seahawks address issues on defense with change

    How did they do that? What did they do differently in the 2nd half than they did not do in the 1st half?
  11. Nunya_

    Tre Flowers is....

    What??? You didn't even have a performance clause?
  12. Nunya_

    RB room

    He only missed 2 games in 2016 and 2 games in 2018. However, he played in the post season both of those years, so I don't think he had any serious injury.
  13. Nunya_

    RB room

    I agree that Cards will likely sign Drake. Gordon was a holdout and did not play until week 5. He never did get his contract. He might be upset with that a little. I agree that it depends on what his asking price is. Miller tore his ACL in preseason. If Houston is happy with the RB core...
  14. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    I agree with many of the things you said. PC is horrid at clock management and his use of timeouts. Flowers had a very bad game against GB. Early in the game he whiffed on a tackle he should have made. After I saw that, I tried to pay specific attention to his play. He was often out of...
  15. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    Over the course of a coaches career, their teams are not going to make the playoffs by only playing lesser teams. They would not have good regular season records long if they can only beat the weaker teams.....and they certainly will not make the playoffs often. Coaches have poor success in...
  16. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    1. Nobody is saying they are satisfied losing in the playoffs. It is just that most people understand that actually making it to the SB is a difficult process. Personally, I think it is quite intellectually dishonest of you to claim that is what others are saying because they do not conform to...
  17. Nunya_

    RB room

    If The Seahawks are thinking of picking up a RB in Free Agency, I would look at Melvin Gordon (Chargers), Kenyan Drake (Cards), or Lamar Miller (Texans) if they are still available. Derrick Henry is in a contract year, but the Titans would be foolish to not resign him.
  18. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    I would want a team that makes the playoffs more often than not. If the team is good enough to make the playoffs, then they are normally good enough to reach the SB. The narrative that some coaches are only good enough to have good regular seasons but are not good enough to make it through the...
  19. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    Well, how I interpret his words is logical and is a view shared by almost every coach in the league. While your interpretation is borderline batsh!t crazy and completely defies any football knowledge or logic. Tell you what Skippy, if you want to have an honest discussion, post the video(s)...
  20. Nunya_

    Im ready for a coaching change

    I have watched just about presser that PC has given and I have never heard him say most of what you claim....or at least what you are implying he meant. 1. EVERY team tests the Defense of their opponent in the first half. 2. You CAN NOT win in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter. There are 4 quarters in...