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  1. N

    What to do with the running game?

    I feel stupid but what's up with the 40/17 numbers? Russ was 18 of 30. He rushed 9 times. Were they all off scrambles?
  2. N

    Tickets advice for me and my son (from Georgia)

    I mean to a T. To the point that I am considering the same sections! He is a senior, same seahawk history, he is struggling with grades and is very down about that. We have been to a couple of games in Charlotte over the last few years and have promised each other a game in Seattle someday. I...
  3. N

    Tickets advice for me and my son (from Georgia)

    This is bizarre. I could type EXACTLY the same post but change it to the Minnesota game and we are from NC
  4. N

    Seattle's 2019 opponents set.

    As it affords me and my son the opportunity to watch the Hawks in person a lot lately, no! Plus, beating Cam is sweet
  5. N

    ‘Utterly Bizarre’: Seahawks fans from around the world find

    My fandom started with 1979 seahawks pajamas for christmas and then jim zorn. Why zorn? Because his last name started with z and he is a lefty. Why pajamas? I asked my mom but she has no idea why.
  6. N

    Caption this

    "See here, now next week, this will be a hold. Today, not so much!"
  7. N

    My first Seahawks game coming up!

    We won't. Already warming up.
  8. N

    My first Seahawks game coming up!

    Backstory: NC State grad here. I'm a big college football fan so generally I follow my Alma Maters continuations to the NFL when I pick my rooting interests. While I fully admit to a fascination with Mr. Wilson (I AM relatively objective though and don't think he's the second coming: but he is a...