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  1. 4

    Bright side.

    And yet you keep trying to dance around and not answer anything about the forward progress call. You say you have answered it, but you only keep talking about the DK call, that they took WAY longer than they are supposed to to make the call, and was so ticky tacky and opposite of the call on the...
  2. 4

    Bright side.

    You are aware that wasn't the forward progress call, right?!?
  3. 4

    Bright side.

    Fatty, Still waiting for any shred of evidence that Jacobs didn't fumble. So sad that you are stuck on an island defending that call. But go ahead and question my sobriety over it. Class act, LMAO. #Owned
  4. 4

    How'd they get away with this??

    They sure seem to have had a strong preference when they made that call
  5. 4

    How'd they get away with this??

    IDK how you can say Jacobs didn't fumble that ball, because they said his forward progress had stopped... Honestly, watch the replay. That should have essentially ended the game.
  6. 4

    How'd they get away with this??

    LOL, I totally missed that. I guess at least it's a sign of really bad officiating, and maybe not a full NFL conspiracy... Thanks for that.
  7. 4

    Bright side.

    LOL... Reply from someone that's been owned. You are literally trying to use the fact that the NFL called a penalty as proof that it happened. You are literally making my point that the NFL rigged this.
  8. 4

    Bright side.

    So, no evidence? How is the forward progress call a conspiracy theory? Seriously, go to sleep. You are drunk or stoned and making an ass out of yourself. Don't get me wrong, I will drink and smoke with anyone, but you are literally spewing garbage.
  9. 4

    Poll: Can they right the ship???

    Honestly, based on your other replies, I am immediately pulled into your opponents side. You talk in circles and have no facts or evidence to back your stance
  10. 4

    Poll: Can they right the ship???

    I'm not familiar enough with previous posts, but in general, I would say yes. If I am falling for a troll, 100% my bad. LOL
  11. 4

    Random Musings (Raiders)

    But Aros, I love you for your observations and dedication to make this site what it is. I haven't commented much before this game (with this name) but I can't take the continued BS calls. It just seems so obviously rigged.
  12. 4

    Random Musings (Raiders)

    While the team was obviously flawed, the NFL handed this game to the Raiders. We will get an apology for the crap calls, but that's the same garbage we got in SB XL. It does us no good
  13. 4

    Poll: Can they right the ship???

    Wow... You really shouldn't have commented. Seriously, read the post and your comment. LMAO
  14. 4

    Bright side.

    So, still no facts on why anything I have said is untrue? OK, but accept that your acceptance is part of the problem. Yes massa, can I have another?
  15. 4

    Bright side.

    So, no quality input, just acceptance of the call? Cool, enjoy your head in the sand. Tell me what has been untrue. Or, continue to accept being a loser
  16. 4

    Bright side.

    LOL, so you just accept everything that you are told, regardless of what you see? You are part of the problem, and you don't seem to have any actual facts to back anything up so GFY.
  17. 4

    Bright side.

    Are you serious? Justify the forward progress call. I can't even begin with this garbage.
  18. 4

    Fire Hurtt or Carroll

    And as all of your justification posts show, you are happy to take it from the NFL. GFY.
  19. 4

    Fire Hurtt or Carroll

    What a lame duck response. Wow, kinda surprised you are that dense/gullible. Address the obvious issues and we can talk Otherwise, feel free to continue to be a loser.
  20. 4

    Fire Hurtt or Carroll

    So, as long as they outplay the "expert" predictions, everything else is gravy? WTF kinda logic is that?