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  1. L

    Ken Norton Jr. as DC after all?

    Pete is the mastermind of this defense and Norton will light a fire under them to bring Pete vision to life. Was sad to see Norton go because the players respected him and believed in him.....ex player with rings makes a strong impression.
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    Seattle Times & TNT take on the hirings

    Very happy to have him back and looks like Pete is molding the team back to a run first offense with these hirings.
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    Matt Patricia's thought process vs the Seahawks SB

    IMO Browner made the play by giving Butler enough room to jump the route. Agree with OP that its interesting hearing his thoughts.......still think Wilson threw it too high and lead him too much. Its a scab that will never quite heal!!
  4. L

    Mike Solari is back as Offensive Line Coach

    Feel the same way!! :ditto: :ditto: :ditto:
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    Pick #134, Mark Glowinski, G, W. Virginia

    I'm exited to see this guy comPETE after watching the vid. Looks like he has a mean streak as least pisses people off cause he keeps blocking until the whistle.
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    Lamb Stew = 1-0
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    Bruce Irvin takes Orlando 12's to lunch

    Nice job Bruce!! Gotta love this team!!
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    Who's your favorite "no name" Seahawk of all time?

    Fredd Young, Darryl Turner, Rufus Porter and Skansi....just to name a few.
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    319 row A seat 9 and 10
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    USA Today Top 10 Kap Shaming Photoshop :p

    Got a laugh at them all!! Thanks
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    14-2 Hawks 10-6 Cards 10-6 Niners 9-7 Rams
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    "The Immaculate Deflection" or "The Tip"

    I want nothing recycled from the Steelers!! The Tip or the Swat heard round the Sound!!!
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    SuperBowl Ticket Thread

    Did not win lottery, but looking to buy. Please hook up two die hard Hawk Fans. Thanks GO HAWKS!
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    I'm gonna just come out and say it

    I will drink that kool-aid as well!!!
  15. L

    Question for Hawk fans...

    Russel outplayed Flynn in the preseason and showed the potential to be special. In addition the coaches and players said his work ethic, film study and leadership qualities tipped the scales in his favor. During camp we heard the praise about how he's the first here, last to leave and is...