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    Why I Love Doug Baldwin

    He reminds me of Brian Blades, who wore #89 for Seahawks in the late 80's.
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    Who are your top 10 Seahawks?

    Hope Clemens to have a big game against SF this weekend, and he will be back to my top 10 list. Also, I really hope Luke Willson can play receiver this week to create mismatch against SF corners.
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    Who are your top 10 Seahawks?

    11. Lane (Honorable mention for his special team effort)
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    Who are your top 10 Seahawks?

    1. Wilson 2. Sherman 3. Thomas 4. Lynch 5. Carroll 6. Bennett 7. Baldwin 8. Chancellor 9. Schneider 10. 12th Man
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    Luke Willson or Christine Michael as receiver ?

    In case Percy not playing this week, thinking if Luke or Christine can provide spark as receiver.