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  1. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    If seahawks play the way they should, there's nothing to fear from any of these two
  2. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

  3. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Now there's a review... Guess who will get the benefit !!!
  4. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Boldin is the most punchable player in the league
  5. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Refs clearly pro-whiners
  6. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Bold in is a total dick .... And no flag for the head but !
  7. Alex

    Golden Tate

    Totally agree
  8. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Don't give damn.... Whiners getting beat is always good
  9. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Harbaugh looks like someone just died ;)
  10. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    My my my :)
  11. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    Superb return
  12. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

  13. Alex

    Panthers and Whiners

    One yard left for newton.... Go panthers . ... On the basis that the enemy of my enemy is my friend
  14. Alex

    Golden Tate

    At this stage non-performers cost the game
  15. Alex

    Golden Tate

    Golden Tate was dreadful. He gifted the onside kick at the end and was invisible the whole game.