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  1. R

    Poor Offensive Line Play

    Well they don't have Bulger as a qb (I think the Hawks qb is a little more mobile) My thoughts are that if you can get to where they are at 6-1, you have just built depth for when you do get your key guys back. And if you don't get them back this year, you know what you have and know how to...
  2. R

    Thinking of Doing Rams game, where to sit with other 12's?

    Nice, would have to pay you for it, in some form , liquid or other, it's my Canadian way. If my friend(s) do not come thru to fly in, I will message you back. But if you give it away before that, all good. Thanks rorygee #gohawkseh
  3. R

    Thinking of Doing Rams game, where to sit with other 12's?

    Thinking of flying in for the Rams game. Last minute thing so not sure my buds are going to tag along. Is there a section that is going to be 12 strong that I should be sitting in? #gohawkseh