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  1. H

    My experience as a Seahawk fan for a weekend

    That made me crack up. I may have to try that if I venture to another crackmore ravens game. lol I hate to say it but I'm starting to catch myself watching more Seahawk football. Really enjoyed the comeback this past Sunday. Good fans, nice uni's...anyroom on the badwaggon? Ha ha. I...
  2. H

    My experience as a Seahawk fan for a weekend

    Fun was definitely had. One of the funny things from the pictures is that I didn't even notice the Seahawk shaved into Mr. Mohawks head until I looked at the pictures the next week. I was very thirsty that night. ha ha. Overall it was refreshing to go to a game with good fans and not have...
  3. H

    My experience as a Seahawk fan for a weekend

    Let me first start by saying that I was born and raised in Cincinnati and am a life long Bengals fan. Yes, its a life sentence. :cry: I live in Maryland and have a buddy who picked the Seahawks as his team when the Colts rightfully so packed up and got out of that god forsaken hole of a...
  4. H

    Seahawks @ Carolina... Who's Going?

    All the Seahawk fans are meeting at TILT Saturday night. They have specials for anyone wearing Seahawk gear. Hope to see you there.
  5. H

    Seahawks @ Carolina... Who's Going?

    Thanks for setting up the page. I requested to join and look forward to hanging out this weekend. Should be a blast!!
  6. H

    Seahawks @ Carolina... Who's Going?

    Hi, I'm going down to the Carolina game with a big seahawk fan. He is not inter web savy enough to come here and link up with other hawk fans so I would like to surprise h by linking up with that tailgate crew mentioned here in earlier posts. We are also game for hanging out sat if people are...