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    Raible highlights? ... a67557f0f4
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    Seahawk Guest Barista's at Starbucks Today 3-4pm

    Saw this on twitter feed just now. Apparently Pete and 8 seahawks are doing a charity drive by being guest baristas at local Starbucks from 3-4 pm today. Go say hi! Come visit the Seahawks October 23 from 3-4 p.m. at one of these local...
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    Pete Carroll: "Can you win the game in the first quarter????

    I've been a Seahawks fan since I was 5 an have to say that the resilience of this years team is what amazes me the most out of any season. They don't play to win one quarter, or even one half. They play to be on top when that final second counts down. I love seeing our team finally have the...