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  1. checkdanews

    Moore's 1st game.

    What did you guys think? Seemed like every time I heard his name he was doing something good, specially towards the end of the game. Looks like we might of found some good depth.
  2. checkdanews

    Wait...We are the early game?

    I expected the #1(Panthers) seed to get the prime time game. Plus our game seems much more exciting then Arizona/GB. I just don't get it...Is this just how it always works? Or is this as weird as it feels?
  3. checkdanews

    Compensation Draft Picks?

    How many do you guys think we will be getting this year? and were at in the draft? Last year we released Chris Clemons so Im not sure if he counts...but the free agents we lost are • CB Walter Thurmond (one year, $3.5 million with Giants) • WR Golden Tate (five years, $31 million with...
  4. checkdanews

    Clay Mathews after the Sack

    I can't tell but i swear he grabs his nuts and puts his other hand up to mock lynch after the sack were sweezy got the flag...I don't have a good view, wanted people to check so if they fine Lynch, shouldn't they have to fine him? after another look, it does look like he grabs his junk, but is...
  5. checkdanews

    John & Pete are Draft Jedi's

    Was watching the game, and right after Hill got his sack I stopped and thought..."geez these guys can draft" How many Stars, and above average roll players have these guys found? Bailey, Britt, Carp, Kam, Coyle, Hill, Irvin, Kearse, Lane, Maxwell, Michaels, Okung, Richardson, Sherm, Simon...
  6. checkdanews

    Request: 12th man Wallpaper

    I've never been able to find a 12th desktop wallpaper, but in this design. I always wonder why this isn't the standard 12th man flag now. I don't really like the quality of this one, and its nowhere near my resolution. I've tried scouring the internet to no luck. Any designers on the forum...
  7. checkdanews

    Does it bum you guys out to?

    We could of had another championship contender in Seattle if the Sonics never moved. Depressing watching them go far every season....Sorry move if off topic, that was just grinding my gears this morn
  8. checkdanews

    Please Chill

    With the panic! If you have been a fan of football, you should have known this was going to happen. We have plenty of cash, Plenty of picks, and plenty of talent. There is no reason to start freaking out. Pete and John know what there doing, that's why they run the team and we don't. So once...
  9. checkdanews

    We really are SO lucky!

    Was browsing and came across there free agent tracker: Thats when I saw this... Quarterbacks Derek Anderson, Carolina Panthers Matt Cassel, Minnesota Vikings Jimmy Clausen, Carolina Panthers Kellen...
  10. checkdanews

    Which team has the best fans? Vote and show the world! C'mon you guys! we are losing the vote right now for the empire state building. The question is "Who has the best fans" I refuse to let us lose this one!
  11. checkdanews

    You guys just hear the interview on 710?

    With the Denver reporter who wrote that article on Sherm, lmao guy just made himself sound like a complete joke on air, he hung up on 710, was talking in circles, it was hilarious
  12. checkdanews

    I think Marshawn Just doesn't like American Media.

    Because of how disrespectful they can be, and they try to trap players into saying things. The Japanese reporters are super respectful, you can tell he is a little uncomfy, and prob doesn't wanna eat all that candy...but he is cool about it.
  13. checkdanews

    I am about to flip out!

    All these people trying to ruin one of the best days EVER. Who keeps hearing "Michael Jordan didnt talk trash" LMAO do these people even watch sports....Jordan LOOOOVED to talk trash....and about 99% of the people talking trash about sherm, are White Conservatives...its getting dam near...
  14. checkdanews

    Its Official! Harvin's Playing.....*takes deep breathe*.....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :thirishdrinkers: :thirishdrinkers: :th2thumbs: :0190l: :0190l: :D Edit: Sorry if this was posted already, the sheer amount of excitement from...
  15. checkdanews

    Injury Report For Wednesday

    KJ Wright : DNP Kam Chancellor: DNP *Hip...Hope this isn't anything serious! Luke Willson: FP Annnnnnd Percy Harvin: FP WOOT! lol
  16. checkdanews

    The Macklemore Video That was played at the Clink on Sunday

    I remember a user looking for it, i searched for his post but couldn't find is the video tho
  17. checkdanews

    Ken Norton Sr Passes(Father of Seahawks LB coach) Ken Norton Jr's dad just passed(our LB coach), his dad Ken Norton Sr was a great fighter, and will be missed by the sporting/boxing community.... I sent some lover and prayers through the seahawks twitter...
  18. checkdanews

    The cutest little 12 you ever might see! Thats a dam good dad if you ask me, and my heart melted when she says "bweast mooowwwde" Bahh i can't get it to embed, someone help me out
  19. checkdanews

    ESPN's New Hawks Blogger

    I used to read the NFC West blog everyday, now the hawks have there own blog and I avoid it. I miss Sando, i get the sense when I read this new guys posts that he dislikes the hawks....Calling beast mode "least" mode, saying pete was wrong in freaking out about the fake whistle last night...I...
  20. checkdanews

    I love you sherm, but....

    Give the ish talking a break, my tongue, and fingers are tired from defending you. I love what your doing, I think you back it up, and I agree'd with everything you said about skip (he is a disgusting excuse for a human, who has stepped on the backs of good people to better his career, like...

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