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  1. Palpitation

    Bills Have to Plan For???

    Adams back? Probably or maybe...hopefully! Snacks? Dunlap? + Bobby, KJ & Brooks (who had a great game today!!!) + Reed (from 9ers) ''''shaking magic 8 ball '''' "Outlook Good"
  2. Palpitation

    What's In A Name - SF Win & Pete's Philosophies

    So...I have what is known as an SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia. This post is not about that...mostly, but how Pete's coaching philosophy effect's it. I am not looking for sympathy, empathy or any other ...thy that exists. The hawks will not kill me! I have that right reserved for 3...
  3. Palpitation

    Remaining Out Of Division

    Still have 9ers, Rams & Cards x2/ea...all look to be our most difficult challenge sans bills. Bills look like the 1st legit challenge to the Pats as long as my aged memory remembers Fins & Vikes are beatable Jets and the rest of the NFC East are all dumpster fires Injuries & D need attending...