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  1. B

    Congratulations Seahawks Fans- Hard Hitting Defense you have

    :greetingsearthling: I dont know why our offense went so conservative. It became obvious early on the run game wasnt going to work this week Why Rudolph was not used more was disappointing and the Giants did not stretch the field but one or twice. They brouht in no help at WR .....I guess...
  2. B

    Which former jet better Sheldon Richardson or Damon Harrison

    Jets are amazing they still have a great defensive line
  3. B

    Hi Hawks Fans- Longtime Giants Fan here to chat about game

    Must say its a relief to play you guys at MetLife rather than your loud stadium. We havent had much luck against you out there. You are facing a desperate and talented team Sunday. I had warned Denver fans about Orleans Darkwa and our revised Oline last week and predictably was thoroughly...